There is a specific board dedicated to nothing but MLP

>there is a specific board dedicated to nothing but MLP
>if you so much as allude to MLP on any other board, you're banned without question

>there is a specific board dedicated to nothing but Pokémon
>"lol who cares, post Pokemon literally wherever you want"

Thanks, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


/trash/ ios for shitposting user. You should go there

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

Thanks Sup Forums.

Thanks Obama.

>Sup Forums mocks "dumb phone posters"
>then immediately grab their smartphones to go look for Pokemon

gg no re

>There is a specific board dedicated to nothing but anime
>Animeposters shit up every thread in every other board

>there is a specific board for being a faggot
>faggots are faggots shitting up every thread with their inane faggotry

>there is a board dedicated for trash called /trash/
>people still post trash everywhere

Stop complaining and post in threads you like and ignore ones you don't like. If there isn't any you like make one

Didn't even think about that one, but good point.

Imagine a Sup Forums where you never have to deal with weebs, bronies, and Pokechildren unless you specifically want to.

What a wonderful world this would be.

Good advice, I'll make a pony thread on Sup Forums.

>epic joke posts because there is literally no counter argument to OP

You go girl!

Yhis is the only pony I have. Are you happy?

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

>there is a specific board dedicated to anime
someone post the picture

Barneyfag how much do I need to pay you to shit up pokemon threads as well?
It's basically the same thing, c'mon.

Die you degenerate Macfag

>There are 2 separate boards dedicated to drawing
>"Lol who cares endless draw generalls

Unfortunately, /vp/ was only made to decrease the number of Pokemon threads on Sup Forums, not eliminate them entirely.

sounds like you want to do it anyway
I mean let's be honest, it's not like you're following the rules in the first place

Only Goodrafag can save us


Sup Forums is a containment board to hold weebs. You have to go back.

>plays pokemon go

>go to anime website
>expects to not encounter anime

B-but Pokemon is a game :^)

There's no global rule against it! :^)

Let me fill up the catalog with a million Go threads lmao :^)

Does /mlp/ actually have traffic? Are grown-ups still watching ponies?

I didn't know this was an equal opportunities board.

Yes and yes

Also /trash/ is pony porn central


Pokemon is a game overall, and a decent one
MLP is absolute trash, and anyone who watch it and isn't an 8 years old girl or under is a massive faggot, if you disagree with this statement then you are a faggot aswell.

/mlp/ is purely a containment board while /vp/ is to cut down on pokespam. They're two sides of the same coin but /mlp/ is far far far more cancerous.

>anyone who watch it and isn't an 8 years old girl or under is a massive faggot
the same can be said of pokemon

Yes. I frequent MLP and usually have a great time. Unironically a million times higher quality board than Sup Forums.

I'm totally fine keeping my ponyshit on /mlp/ where it belongs, but only if the Pokebabies are held to the same standard.

Regardless of how you feel about these two franchises, you literally can't refute OP.

This. Barneyfags should all be executed.

>"if you watch MLP and you're not a little kid, you're a fag"
>"now I will call in sick to work at the age of 26 so I can walk around staring at my phone and giggling when I catch a fake cartoon creature"


I have a feeling it's the same 5 or 6 NEET autists samefagging the fuck outta that board. Most manchildren don't even watch that flavor of the month shit anymore.

>Watching pokemon

>Not understanding context
Not my fault you don't understand the differences.

replace watch with play


>Something you can play for a while when you are bored
>Ponies, colored ponies that leave rainbows
How can you compare pokemon with mlp?

Remarkably easily.

MLP has at least two games from the FiM canon.

Granted, one of them is just a shitty phone game where you collect ponies and buy coins/gems with microtransactions and...wait...

This is starting to sound awfully familiar.

I hadn't seen this picture in years

Are grown-ups still playing vidya or watching anime? There's you answer.

Pokemon spergs refuse to accept that /vp/ is a containment board.