What does Sup Forums think about Game Grumps?

What does Sup Forums think about Game Grumps?

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Arin is irredeemably shit.

jontron era was cool. videos were comfy.

The channel is too big now, and it doesn't have the same magic it used to have

anyone who watched it after jon left should be sent to jail

you mean feminist grumps?

Anyone who watched it at all and supported Arin becoming a lazy hack, and producing absolutely no content anymore should be sent to Alcatraz.

as little as possible.

I don't because I've already gone through puberty.

It's obviously just a formula they follow without giving a shit about anything they do, they star laighing about stuff they don't find funny etc.

Mostly because they keep adding me people. If Ross and Barry went and made their own channel I'd watch it. They're the two best guys on there 2bh.

kike drug addict and autistic high school dropout condition children into embracing degeneracy while poorly playing video games they don't even finish.

>keep adding me people
they keep adding NEW people. Stupid autocorrect.

lol, kind of accurate.

However I think Danny is funny, and I want to unironically rape Suzy, real bad.
Arin sucks. Can't stand Jontron either, he's too loud like Arin.

>It's been years since you looked forward to gamegrumps

I really like Danny. Especially when there's real talk. really dislike GameGramps doing voices and making poop jokes.

This episode was really good.




I find it kind of weird how devoted their fans are to them. Their fans draw endless concept art, send them games in the mail, create animations of their episodes. It seems like a lot of effort for two guys that sit around on a couch and play games.

...anyway, I really enjoyed the Sonic 06 episodes. Some of the most funniest moments that I have ever experienced on Youtube, maybe because I am a huge Sonic fanboy and I understand their pain. I stopped watching it after that though, not out of spite but I just got distracted with other things. Now I cant see myself going back because they have made so much more shit since then, with a totally different cast, and it would be weird to get back into "Game Grumps" without Jon. I dont see why they cant just go back and finish Sonic 06. It would be legendary.

>game grumps is 4 years old


Stopped watching the day that Jon left. The first 3 videos they uploaded with the new guys were forced and unfunny right out the gate.

Has anything significant transpired since then? I really have no idea how much has changed.


@ 9:30

they did a guest grumps with steve-o

I like Steve-o and all but considering his career recently, that's not too much of an achievement.

Arin doesn't seem like he's all that invested in the video games he plays anymore. He seems more interested in telling stories not related to the game. It doesn't help that Danny isn't really game savvy. That's why Jon was a better co host honestly. The back and forth banter and sometimes conflicting opinions made the show stand out from the myriad of let's play channels.

Delete this shit thread or else OP

JonTron era was good.
They had genuine chemistry, and Jon would actually call Arin on his constant bullshit, which lead to real and enjoyable humor.
Modern grumps is fucking cancer.
Arin has been milking the gravy train for everything he can ever since Jon left, because he's too lazy to work on his art and too much of a faggot to take criticism in any form, so he has wrapped himself in the bubble that is modern Game Grumps; a fuck awful channel that aspires to be Pewdiepie, coasting off of the legions of underage, brain-dead cunts what think excessive screaming at events of no consequence is the pinnacle of comedy.

Arin also made the horrendous mistake of letting Suzy do stuff on the channel. Literally every video she in is fucking garbage. She's utterly unfunny, knows jack shit about video games, actively ruins LP where she isn't winning by complaining that she isn't winning, and she's only there because she is literally the only girl that Arin has ever slept with, and he can't say no to her.
Arin is also a closet homosexual, to a ridiculous degree.

tl;dr: it's pretty fucking shit.

Jon was cool, Danny is cool, Arin is pretty annoying most of the time.
If the show was Jon and Danny I would watch that shit every single day
Also, the fact they add new people every week is stupid

It basically all went to shit when they brought on Barry as a player

>Arin is also a closet homosexual, to a ridiculous degree.

Ha, now that you mention it he does make a bunch of homoerotic jokes.

hate fuck, sure but rape is too much
i'd love to ram that fat ass
anyone got pics of it?

Suffered the same fate as this website. One single female got involved and destroyed years of group work in matter of days.
Isn't that wonderful?


>Gay jokes
>cross-dresses way to often for it to be a joke
>Always picks a girl character when he has the option to
>flamboyant taste in aesthetic
>flamboyant taste in video games
>The D club
>the cringey tryhard way he tries to fit in with Dan and Steve-o when they are talking about pussy

Nice try.

E-celeb cancer

She is slowly turning Amy from Kitchen nightmares.

It'd be great if Jon came back for one last episode to finish Sonic '06 ;_;