What the fuck is wrong with millennials? None of them have any respect

What the fuck is wrong with millennials? None of them have any respect.

if locations wanna ban cell phone use at their properties that's fine. But how can they justify banning a particular app?

Doesnt matter, most of those palces are private property and pokemon go players can be evicted wether theyt like it or not.

>only 11% have good taste

Still though,what kind of cunt do you have to be to go into a graveyard searching for digital monsters?

Fuck yo church nigga

no battling of Pokemon on holy ground

Fuck your graveyard little nigglet

>banned in chuches
>when the majority of pokestops in Europe are chuches

>for a fucking church

They are going to allow companies to buy pokestop rights so it wont matter.

How often do you need to be inside the building? What if being in the parking lot or whatever was enough?

I'm sorry you can't play your little retarded fucking pokémon game in a fucking church. There's a billion other places on this planet that you can play your stupid mobile game.

Is that why they bring groups of screaming 10 year olds to them? I mean, the Holocaust Museum is the only one that is really "sensitive".

where the fuck else are you gonna find ghost types?

You can stand outside. Your player circle range is fucking huge, you could stand across the road if you wanted to.

I'm laughing my ass off just imagining a group of people around an open grave seeing off their deceased family member while two autistic manchildren are wandering around in the background with their phones out trying to foxhunt a gengar before it disappears

Ahh,a gentleman after my own heart. We need to enlighten these religious barbarians. It's you and I versus the world ;)

Ghost tours and the like regularly go through graveyards

They're not that special


>The only Pokemon in mosques are Voltorbs.

Easy to tell you're a manchilld, its not about agreeing with it, its about having respect in general. Someone should kick you right in the dick.

>Sup Forums is now ironically christian

I almost ruined my car bumper catching a Voltorb while driving today. Those things are fucking dangerous.

Average autistic Pokemon GO user.

This. Either ban phones on property or don't.

Shouldn't be able to ban a certain app.

You're a dick.

>while driving

Fuck am I glad I dont leave the house.

Most of the time you don't even need to go into them to collect the things given by the Pokéstops.

Catching actual Pokémon inside is a whole other thing, though.

>unironically athiest

NEETs and sonyggers are just furious because it's an insanely succesful game which requires you to go outside

All the religious types I know would welcome the chance to convert some heathens who wander in looking for Satan's minions

What ever happened to old people? They claim young people are stupid yet their retarded enough to believe the bible and everything that comes out of Donald Trumps. Aren't they supposed to be wise, not as susceptible to bullshit, and experienced?

Lol and whats this about museums, who fucking cares? At best it will bring them business, at worst some dumbass will walk into something.

>banned in churches
>most churches are Pokestops
Yeah, not happening
Iirc it's because they'd auto-approve church submissions for Ingress

Church is literally useless.

At leats people have an actual reason to go there now.

>cities are dumb enough to submit churches as fucking landmarks to google
>people get pissed when people go to these "landmarks"
the churches can eat my shit, they can't have their cake and eat it too.

>tfw my local gym is church
Pls no

It's about respect. I'm an atheist but I hate dipshits fedora tippers like him.

Ingress players submitted them. Not cities.

4. It should be banned everywhere because it's FUCKING CANCER

you're not gonna be able to ban/enforce the ban of a single app. also i think there are certain places that people probably shouldn't be playing pokemon go but 'respect' wouldn't be the reason

This is the sort of shit I'm talking about. Zero fucking respect. No wonder the whole world is fucked when these materialistic children are the ones inheriting it.

Did you mean INSIDE churches or churches in general?

The former I understand, but the latter, not so much.

t. Every old person in history.

i've seen a few churches embrace pokemon go. i think churches these days are desperate to get anyone they can in the doors, especially kids

To the idiot who took this screenshot, you're the one on your phone in a Holocaust museum. Even if the game is mega fucking retarded, I wouldn't expect the devs to have to block off certain areas

Yeah,but this time it's fucking real. This generation are the worst of the worst.

Church is just like any other place unless you believe in fairy tales.

but he probably can though

>You think that old people are wise, and should be listened to
>Old people disagree with you
>Therefore old people are just stupid
I'm not even disagreeing with you, but you aren't even following your own logic that you made for yourself.

Yes! More like-minded gentlemen! We need to truly have a revolution,perhaps you'd like to partake in atheist related discussions on my subreddit? :-)

I don't get it, they're just standing around touching their phone. Why is this problematic?

Yeah, man, this rock and roll music is so disrespectful. Kids these days with their lyrics about sex and drugs and alcohol. Boy, I sure do hate those Led Zeppelin hooligans.

>sensitive locations
>m-muh safespace

>we want respect
>refuses to respect peoples freedom to enjoy themselves

unless they're destroying property, quit your bitchass crying

Fucking dumbass.

Muh feelings

The same way they can justify telling you to not take photos of exhibits or use flash photography with your phone in museums and such.
You can have your phone, but you can't use the camera app.

Not even reddit, but why would conservatives populate a board made for chinese cartoons, lolis and videogames, Do you know old people feels those are all degeneracy?

Hey! I agree that religion is crazy fucking illogical and that a church truly isn't a sacred place. But Pokemon go is fucking worse and at least I have some inkling of respect for churchgoers in comparison to pokefags

>take phone out in a church, cemetery, or museum

>take a picture, text, or google something
>completely fine

>open my pokemon go app and catch a pokemon real quick
>disrespectful as fuck

i stopped playing this dumb game and thank god because it's clear the user base is going to be infested with SJW normies

It's disrespectful. Same reason you would be looked down upon for being on your phone during a speech or something

>texting in church
>not disrespectful

Why are their Christians on Sup Forums anyway?
By all means you shouldn't be on a website known for its racist, misogynistic, pornographic content.
What would Jesus say if he saw you posting here?

Why are you replying for me? you sounds like a fuckin faggot, don't do it again, ever.

So... Church is a privately owned place now?

*tips fedora*

I'm not replying for you, I'm replying to you. You also 'sounds' like a fucking idiot

I can understand not texting during a service or mass, but when you're at church just socializing and hanging out you can do whatever the fuck you want

that's how my church was anyways

do you go to some super serious autistic church where you have to praise god while taking a piss?


depends, during a service? definitely not. elsewhere sure why not.
probably never

there are very few genuine conservatives on Sup Forums i'd wager. it's mostly kneejerk/reactionary contrarianism in an attempt to get back at sjw+liberal boogeymen now that the pendulum has swung the other way

Another user made that reply to me, which i already replied to, your faggotry is not required, nor wanted.

Fuck off and get lost.

It should work both ways. The game itself should avoid bringing people to dangerous or inappropriate areas, and the users should have enough self-respect and decency to not play in blatantly unacceptable locations.

*tips fedora*

There's a difference between begin an atheist and a mouthbreathing autist, kill yourself kid.

You can go to their website and request that your location be taken off their shitty game and it's done.

Yeah...? Most churches are actually owned by the church. I mean, they're mostly just open to the public but if the people in charge of the church want to they can kick people out and forbid entry.

>Donald Trump is wrong

You're the one that's retarded here, mainly for bringing politics into Sup Forums.


welcome newfriend.

*reaches for crucifix*
*unfolds bibble*

xddd le ebin, best reddit meme amirite user?

I'm a Deist. Besides, Porn and masturbation are not evil, and Jesus did not teach anything about chastity. One of his 12 disciples (which one I can't remember) taught this post crucifixion. Since the disciple is human, it is logical to say that he may have been confused. As for racism and misogynistic ideas, well those have been practiced by many religious sects.



>Ghost tours and the like regularly go through graveyards

A tour with a guide showing you specific locations is not the same as some shit head running through and stamping on everyone's grave

I never knew being a contemptuous reactionary shit head was the antithesis to being a Christian.

Tell me more.

Why not being Christian would made me a redditor? I can't even bare their shitty interface, Fuck off.

I think the implication is less people catching pokemon there while on business and more every millennial poke nerd running through the property because they saw a pidgy or whatever

>vee hates SJWs, people who throw a fit and demand bans when their feelings get hurt
>vee proceeds to throw a fit and demand bans when their feelings get hurt
I don't get it.

>being a contemptuous reactionary shit head
Thanks for describing Christians in a nutshell.


Disrespectful to whom?

>the church is a symbol for anti-materialism
Fuck off you autistic cunt

Would you go to church if it looked like a mud hut?

>all the Gofags getting defensive for being kicked out of a Church
why the fuck are you even in a church when you believe in evolution

Oh no, not someone's grave. They'll be so upset

Not that user you replying to, but you are being literally what materialistic means.

Disrespectful to God you fucking vermin.

Im just waiting for that some retard kid to get onto the wrong guys lawn one night and then BAMMO!

I'm not keen on people telling me what to think so I wouldn't go to any church