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It's shit?


Is pretty boring. I only came back recently because I got pandaland and draenor for free. I subbed for a total of 2 months and me and my friends all quit.

*my friends and I

Warlords is pretty fucking boring but I hope it improves in Legion. I'll try it out at least.

Someone post that webm.
You know, that webm.


please move all panda threads to /mlp/


At least people aren't deluding themselves this time.

my little panda?

Thank god. This game can finally die.

>improves in Legion

user.... The game has been going downhill since the second patch of BC. There's no coming back, those feelings will never return. WoW is nothing but a soulless husk that relies on people like you to keep playing.

The game will never be good again.

Tales of Maj'Eyal is LITERALLY one of the top 5 WORST games ever made

I'm considering resubscribing to start leveling a new character. Likely a fire mage.


That's not the point.

what IS the point then TOUGH GUY

Unless you care about achievements, transmogs or mounts, there really is no reason to play WoW.

That WoW is the most casual game available and the people who play it are braindead morons.


lol pls no

Wait for the pre-patch, level a new character, realize it's the same shit it has always been now with less buttons, move on with your life

ok, champ. Post pic of penis


Despite the casualization, I found windwalker monk to be challenging. Lots of managing

It's bigger than WoW's sub numbers.

That's because it's the one that they haven't touched it at all yet.

You can't really gut a class that hasn't been around for that long.

Stop being so dramatic, just show me your pee pee

Pandaland has been out for a good while though?

i want to destroy a female red pandaren ass

>Windwalker monk to be challenging


I though it was, always keeping 2 orbs up at all times, and managing all your CDs, and having proper positioning during boss fights. If you fuck up the order on your skills your DPS drops heavily.

this is the modern wow audience

Well, you did it user, you are better than me at a videogame!

>this is the modern wow audience
Nah I haven't played since Lich King. I always sucked.

>not wanting it to sit on your face

The prepatch is near, PTR's a release build now.

>That WoW is the most casual game available and the people who play it are braindead morons.
can say the same about ffXIV

that's not the point, spouting shit like "it's challenging, lot's of managing" is plain misleading. It might be to you but you're retarded, you don't represent the average player

Could it be next week?

>You don't represent the average player because I say so!
Okay. I'm pretty sure everyone on this board knows what an opinion is. If not, then who's really retarded here?

you literally said yourself

>I always sucked.

If I make a thread saying how hardcore pokemon is people will call me a retard, rightfully so. Doesn't matter if I try to comeback with "b-but it is to me! Hurr what are opinions"

>People are still actually upset about Pandaren
>Say that pandas "ruin the game"
>In a game that had snake men, dog men, rat men, cow men (playable)

>it's an I cleared the raid in LFR which is equal to clearing it on Mythic episode

Yeah I see your point

That feeling when the satisfaction of beating Archimonde for the first time increased with each difficulty bump I did up to Heroic

>tfw I bought an heroic archimonde run for 10K gold


I pugged with the group finder.

i killed mythic for it

But it totally is.

Working with 19 other individuals takes more dedication and pure autism than beating a bullet hell game on the hardest difficulty, beating F-Zero GX's story mode on its hardest setting, or learning how to do long combos in an anime fighting game.

now I feel bad for being so hostile

sorry user


Wow what is with this thread?


I want to make halflings with a Pandaren!

What race would you make a halfling with?



Nigga the game was going downhill late WotLK. They don't know what the fuck they're doing anymore. JUST fuck my shit up WoW edituon by making Sylvanas the Warchief.


That's fucking it I'm just going to go to e621 and knock one out.

Do Halflings exist in Warcraft? Other than the Mok'Nathal I mean.

By halflings you mean balf-race breeds? If yes Orcs can basically breed with anything. There's half orc human, dranaei and elves. They got some golden jesus jizz.

Every race can interbreed

I think you're missing the point.
People don't hate Pandaren because they're animal people like you seem to think, they hate them because they're a goofy joke race that had no lore significance prior to Blizzard pulling a bunch of shit out of their ass during MoP. We could've got something actually story relevant but lorewise MoP was just pointless filler.

MoP was probably the best expansion ever lore-wise

WoW needs more filler stuff then, because MoP was refreshing as fuck.

It's better than Orcs In My Ass: Electric Boogaloo.

Yeah, refreshing as in "this chink shit is fucking boring"

The Draenei and Blood Elfs required so many retcons that it made my head spin, fuck off, retard.

"Draenei" were more bullshit than any panda related content we got so I don't understand the sentiment.

go to bed Metzen

No, refreshing as in "new races that let me express my degeneracy in new ways"

>can't refute it

MoP was god tier when it came to lore, raiding (except the length of SoO), PvP, questing

too bad there was 300 million dailies to do every day and that those were the only endgame content besides raiding/PvP and that dungeons were shot


In it for the waifus

Metzen only writes about corruption and Orcs

Only casuals think this.

In it for the bantz

>MoP was god tier when it came to lore
Except for the part where they butchered Garrosh's character even more than Cata did and turned him into a saturday morning cartoon villain.
