Is this some bold faced lie or did they actually get this many new players?
>1million people hit "install"
51k peak players
nothing to see here
> F2P garbage is popular
Wew ladd
What exactly unlocks if I play before July 18th?
>download it
>game is incredibly boring
>the monster was way higher level than us and still got demolished without any real effort
I am one of those million players
Played it 2 hours and got bored
I think I'll uninstall it soon
1 million peoplee hit install since it went F2P
played a few hours and then uninstalled, not even worth playing for free
Nice to see nothing has changed since Beta
i wanna know too
the game is pretty fun
>meanwhile battleborn
Looks like a skin for Griffin, the Hunter pictured. Purely cosmetic.
oh wow
aww i wanted griffin not a skin for him he sounds like the best trapper with all that harpoon n shit
it's hell playing as monster and having to walk near one
>12 game winstreak as meteor goliath right now
>rush rock slam god damn your on fire have some flame breath
There have been some close games but monster is honestly the only thing that makes me want to play this. Hunter is just boring
I know how Sup Forums posters tend to exaggerate release times, but this has literally only been out for 2.5 months.
A multiplayer focused AAA game.
Total doesn't matter, it's the ones that come back that do.
how much does it weight?
is it worth a try? never played it
I want to see videos of gearbox crying about all those time they wasted on this piece of shit instead of making borderlands 3, then one guy started crying about how borderland could be the only hit game they are capable of and they might have to make borderlands for the rest of their life.
That tends to happen when a game goes F2P.
it's the same publisher
guess what will happen within a year
i played 26min does it count too ?
how the fuck are you guys viewing steam player count stats of individual games that arent the top 100?
I'm glad it went f2p because I'm enjoying it now
it's 19gb
i found pretty fun to play, if you have friends even better.
it's pretty hard in the start if you don't have people to play as it is f2p now and suffers the same problems as other games with matchmaking.
I find it fun but the monster seems a bit OP?
I base this purely on the fact that I get wins with him pretty much everytime and I suck ass at vidya.
Though to be fair twice I was hunter the first time we won and the second time we got him to three bars, only reason we lost was because our healer sucked the d
Its like people dont realize its possible to win or lose on both sides. It's like no ones ever played a multiplayer game before.
Congrats on your influx of Russians and BRs. Now the game is truly bad.
Installed it thinking if I do then I'll give it a go later. It's been 3 days.
Everything in this game is overpowered I played the game and lost please nerf everything. Whenever I'm a hunter, the monsters are overpowered and whenever I'm a monster the hunters are overpowered how is this fair? And if one more person tells me to strategize in a team based game please don't post. I shouldn't have to learn what works and what doesn't in a competitive multiplayer game. Maybe the monster can be trapped in a box? Hunters can toss peanuts at it?
Has it been infested with BRs yet?
It's free user.
BRs cant run it
damn this kid boutta make some gnarly gains
Jesus christ that's even worse than BF: Hardline
A free variant character of Griffin
Some of the monsters have it easy. I don't think hunters can even reach the Gorgon or Wraith until stage 3 unless they totally split up to cover as much ground as they can. They're just so fast that the second they leave the dome they're already on the polar opposite side of the map.
>that graph
Just like gearbox srtocks
>Playing at 1 time
>All the players
Are you thinking of Maggie? She's the one with the Harpoon trap.
Griffin is objectively better though.
So where do the monsters come from?
stop bully
It's a mystery, but some conversations with Maggie say Sheer wasn't the first time it happened.
It's an alt version of Griffin, like how there's a Maggie variant with flame thrower on her Daisy and a damage over time pistol
So it'll be similar, but not 1:1
What the hell is wrong with this game that it's so poisonous?
I haven't followed any of this shit.
If it's such a heavily marketed game, where are the players? Is it just bad?
I'm not trolling, I honestly want to know
No advertisement, it released the same time as Overwatch, and it's not Borderlands 3.
appealing to sjws
They rushed it out to compete with Overwatch
It's made by gearbox
The screen is so cluttered with shit (don't have the pic someone post it please)
Characters are uninspired
Smite is free
Blizzard set the open beta for Overwatch as same day of Battleborns release, and made it so if you preorder you got even more time in the beta
Instead of delaying it till late summer and extending their beta, Gearbox actively sought comparisons on social media and shot talked Overwatch in interviews when they should have been doing the opposite
>the peak is 20% of total players
That means people aren't playing it for very long, which means people generally don't like it
While launching near the same time as Overwatch probably hurt it, I think another contributing aspect is the game just isn't that fun to play. I haven't played it myself so I can't accurately say, but from what I've seen people say it's not really that well done of a moba or fps and you have shitty gearbox dialogue and an ugly aesthetic.
It's doing pretty well with all facts read in
Compared to 100 peak it is something.
b-but doesn't he have a harpoon gun and sound spikes? i think it's him right? (i might be wrong as i don't play with trapper that lot)
that's nice
my favorite roles as hunters are trapper and assault because i don't have to heal people never been good at that.
Somehow I doubt that's the major reason.
Yikes. Overwatch was a shit ton of fun in the beta. I don't envy trying to compete with it inside the genre right now.
They must have been really confident in their product to seek out debate between them.
That's a shame. It's always sad to see a project fail. You know a lot of people really wanted it to do well, and bad decisions somewhere along the line ham-stringed it.
It's a funny story about devs being a bit delusional.
First off it's Gearbox, and everyone loves to hate them because the scam of Duke Nukem Forever and Colonial Marines. Second, it tried to compete directly with Overwatch, released the same day as Overwatch beta, and obviously fell behind. And third, the aesthethics of the game are waht happens when you do not pay attention to your target audience and do things just because. It's an ugly mess. Characters are ugly and look like a chinese knockoff. It's not appealing to the eye and many people pointed that out right off the bat.
Thing is it cost a lot of money to make, and most clearly hasn't made it back. It's a MP only game with a shitty campaign tacked on that has no playerbase and went 60% discount in less than a month and a half. It's fucked.
Sweet. I just started playing as Griffin. Glad I get a new skin for free
you're a fucking retard if you think the average consumer gives a shit about sjws, or even knows about this stupid internet pissing match.
It's just a crap game that was released with no advertisement right alongside a game that's had months of huge exposure
Didn't 2k make the decision to make Evolve a vehicle for DLC? 2k may have also pushed Battleborn for a competitive release with Overwatch.
You can't fight Blizzard head on, they could've really used some time to dust off all the glitter and apply some polish.
It's too late now. I'm hoping Battleborn goes F2P soon.
This needs an 'Apologize' meme thread
It's just not very good and released the same time as a much more popular and polished shooter.
Even though you pay $50 it's set up like a free to play game. When you start you can play 6 characters and to unlock more you have to level up your account. Some of the characters unlock with story content but the story missions are atrocious, more on that later. To unlock the new water girl you had to pay a pretty huge chunk of game money that you could be spending to open/buy crates (for items/skins) or expand your tiny inventory. Also she's the first of the 4 free characters, after which they were going to charge actual cash money.
The multiplayer moba game is awful and boring. The middle of the lane is one big choke point and if the other team has a sniper you're basically stuck on your side of the fence. The other one is better, but still not great because so many of the characters can instantly kill any turrets or shield generators you build in a single attack. When a team is winning it's impossible to come back because you'll be low on money in the first place and you wouldn't want to waste it on pointless turrets anyway.
The UI is really offensively cluttered. Your gun takes up 1/3 of the screen and if you play as a melee character your giant hands take up 2/3 of the screen. That's without all the pop ups for dialogue, leveling up, picking talents, activating items, or the scoreboard.
The singleplayer game is the best way to get items and you need to play it if you want to unlock the lore for every character. They're so boring they'd put you to sleep. Waves and waves of bullet sponge enemies that never end mixed with shitty "step on the switch" puzzles that ultimately lead to several boss fights that are no fun at all. Their idea of a fun boss is one that spends 90% of the time invincible, usually until you take out more waves of dudes, and then plink at it forever since HP scales with difficulty and the number of people playing. And bad dialogue.
>they dropped Brothers In Arms: Bastogne for this garbage
burn in hell Randy, fucking faggot
They made a game no one wants to pay for.
Pretend Battleborn is in early access and people paid for the beta version of the game a year or so before the release of the free to play version and it all makes sense.
Brothers in Arms was the only decent original thing Gearbox had, and they completely fucked that up with Hell's Highway.
Doesn't Ubisoft own or co-own the IP anyway? No way they'd work with Gearbox after how they fucked over SEGA and stole all that Colonial Marines money.
but Hell's Highway is the best Brothers in Arms game.
>And bad dialogue.
God damn it I read that in a wacky and zany announcer voice too.