Final Fantasy games

So I've been wanting to try out some of the Final Fantasy games,I've only played a few of them but between mobile ports,Steam ports,handheld verions and the originals trying to figure out where to start is a bit overwhelming. Anybody have any opinions on which ones I should play and which to avoid?

IV SNES with the fan translation or the DS remake. Every other version is nerfed to the point where the game ends up boring instead of almost DQ-like.

You make this thread everyday. Just come clean and admit you want to see the fanbase fight.

From what I've seen IV seems to be a popular choice so I'll have to check it out.

Sorry but I rarely ever post on here.

Protip: Use a different image next time you make the same thread. Using the same image every day is the biggest tell.

Well it's one of the first few images when you Google Final Fantasy,so I imagine it would be pretty popular here....Any games you suggest playing?

You wanna start with VII then go to VIII then complain when you find out VIII sucks. Then you'll play FFIX and you'll never touch another video game ever after IX.

IX was actually one of the first ones I played and I got pretty far,somewhere into the third disc I think...I had VII too but I don't remember playing much of it.

VII was my first entry to the ff series...and i picked it up during steam sale..Best soundtrack in any game imo, okay story and characters combat is hit or miss personally i loved it. Cant believe how the game never got boring when its a 45hours long

IV, VI, VII, IX and X are all solid.

III and V are alright.

The others are either mediocre or a matter of preference.

Try FFT as well, it's amazing.

Stay away from 12. Fuckin sand nigger simulator.



I actually beat 12 a while back,that and 10 are the only games in the main series I've ever finished.

Yeah with 12 all the content is hidden in the side quests and marks - it dwarfs the story.

I specifically remember doing marks more than the story to that game.

VII - Steam
VIII - don't play it
IX - Steam
X - Steam or PS4
XI and XIV are MMOs so IDK
XIII - don't play it
XV - keep waiting

Also try some spinoffs.
Final Fantasy Tactics, Advance is the best one
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
And Threathrythm Final Fantasy

That's how it was - it was designed mor like an offline MMO.

It still remains one of my favourite games as I loved all the items and marks etc. - but I know I'm a minority and most hated it.

Thanks for the input. I've played Dissidia,put around fifty hours into the first game and I haven't played the sequel nearly as much,but I plan to get around to it at some point...I'd like to get Threathrythm at some point too,looks pretty fun.

Well its been years since I played it but I remember really enjoying it,

The only decent games are 5 and tactics.
But to fully appreciate these games you have to play through the others.

>IV SNES with the fan translation

Why in fuck's name would you recommend anyone use that piece of shit? That is the worse fan "translation" that I've yet seen.

OP, you'll only get everyone's favorite and least favorite games. Start with VII, go from there. It's a great babby's first FF. If you don't like that, try one of the older games, any of the SNES ones, or one of the newer ones.

I've played all the main series games except V. And I honestly only finished IV (DS), VI, VIII and X. All the others were either too boring or too annoying to finish.

I'd honestly suggest playing a different JRPG series.