Final boss is a god with omnipotent power

>final boss is a god with omnipotent power
>you're just a guy with 9mm and a knife

>persona 1

>final boss dies
>you win

how about you put these tools to good use and kill yourself ?

Deadly Premonition is fucking great

>boss is just as strong as you
>you fight it out in a 3d environment at supersonic speeds with missiles and lasers flying everywhere and crossing a kilometer in about a second

>japanese game with a god as the final boss
>it's an over designed piece of shit with wings

Final boss has knowledge of all your past adventures and this makes him mad

>final boss is invincible
>he still dies

>Final boss is a god-like being who was defeated but not killed in the past by powerful heroes
>A plucky group of kids manage to kill him

what game

>you still win

>Final boss is your teacher and the first of his kind.
>You fight on top of the graves of other students before you

ace combat

>final boss is a mirror group



keeping it a secret but it's like a mix of AC: for answer and Z.O.E
and really really fast

>final boss name has the word dark in it

>Final fight with Viola in ZOE1
>It's over in like 30 seconds
>But it's still one of the most intense boss fights I've ever played
Shame she fucking sucked to fight in ZOE2, at least most of the other bosses were great.

that sounds fun

The boss fight i'm talking about lasts longer, it's probably faster from what i've seen from Z.O.E and you're constantly on the run with supersonic boosters because you have missiles that don't get thrown off by flares (just your shield which is unique to the mech) and the enemy also regenerates and throws out tons of funnels that laser spam you in the ass unless you are constantly in a turn.
It's a big dogfight.
sadly it's early access but I like it thus far, it's kind of slow on updates.

>final boss is a big guy with 9mm and a knife

Sounds like metal wolf chaos

Oh I wasn't making a guess, I just felt like talking about ZOE

>final boss is crashing this plane

I haven't played MWC but the game i'm talking about literally puts you in supersonic mechs that fly around in dogfights whenever they have any kind of equal to fight against.

During the fight i'm talking about you are basically turning a large amount of airspace (2km+ i'm guessing due to the amount of boosting you do, mechs are like 15m tall at a low end) into a gigantic firestorm.

In normal stages you usually end up evading and targeting tons of weaker mechs either with missiles or other shit. Missiles don't always work though due to flares.

>you're just a man
>the boss is a god/satan himself/ancient evil
>you can punch the final boss to death

>you kill the final boss
>you lose the game

>Kill final boss after intense battle
>Credits roll
>Take a breather
>Suddenly credits stop scrolling
>Think game has glitched a bit
>Suddenly FINAL FINAL boss burst through credits
>You have to fight him again but with new super weapons

>implying that scenario isn't hype as hell
The best stories are regular humans overcoming supernatural shit through the power of technology.

just fucking tell us

>you are the final boss
>losing is the good end


Bayonetta 2 fits the bill despite the fight being really disappointing

Hack and Slash doesn't fit the description at all senpai

Any Metal Gear Solid game, but with a .45 not 9mm.

>because you became just like him

name 1/3 games that do this

Most Castlevanias are guilty of this, now that I think about it.

Game is Project Nimbus but it's far from finished.


Strange Journey...kind of.

>boss is a normal enemy because the engine can't support boss battles

i guess it wasn't much of a god if it could be killed by a human being

>Final Boss wins

>Boss can't one shot you

Every time.

>Final Boss is killed in one shot
>Final Boss can be convinced to give up with one line of dialogue
Fallout 3 is great...

>You're given the option to surrender and join the final boss
>You get a game over for choosing that option

>Western game with Satan
>You can see his dick
what the fuck EA.


>The entire game is you killing bosses to uncorrupt the land
>You have to choose between death or continue living and take over the world.

>final boss uses your moves.

Seriously, other then Blood Omen, what game has done this?

Hah, I know this one! It's Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door!

>The evil ending is canon
>Protagonist becomes the antagonist Who did nothing wrong

gotta replay Godhand sometime soon

How many games have Final Bosses that you actually cannot defeat just by attacking them?

>final boss has the coolest fucking weapon in the entire series

Tales of symphonia?

>the final boss is the real chosen one
>you're the real antagonist sent to stop him


>You think you are the good guy
>but if you play new game+ you aren't

In a roundabout way, although in that game the real antagonists force you to do it and you no real choice.

None, my post was insanely specific, if there is another game i'd be surprised.

>Final boss is a giant baby

>implying Kain isn't still the protag

secret boss fight after credits if you lvl up everything

You could argue he's a deuteragonist, but the events are told from Raziel's perspective so I consider him to be the Protagonist.

was Nier the only game that did this? the only other game i can think of is Live a Live

>final boss is a different genre from rest of the game

>Project Nimbus
it looks like panzer dragoon orta with AC4A had sex. fucking love it

>Game has evil route unlockable in ng+
>It's a really hardcore evil route
>Eventually humanity manages to unite against you in a big final stand
>Villains in the main storyline even turn good and try to put a stop your madness
>Title theme remix is playing
>Everyone is rallying together, giving the kind of speeches you see before you typically fight the final boss
>There are two endings whether you win or lose

Soul Nomad has the single greatest evil route ever, everybody needs to play it.

Shadow of the colossus

>Series literally called Legacy of Kain
>Kain fights the final battle
>Kain is the biggest player on the ''good'' side
>Most of the story is from Kain's perspective or about Kain
You skipped Blood Omen, didn't you? Kain is THE guy.

Yeah but in SotC you aren't given a choice, you are straight up killed and even though you die the world is still fucked up in ICO.

Final boss is the game files and you must uninstall the game to win and also to Escape your cycles of guilt

>lose the boss fight
>you still win

I love Bethesda games

Don't you have to sacrifice yourself in dark souls to relink the flame

>when you win you just explode everything into oblivion
>even the gods that govern the worlds, the sealed evil which granted you power to begin with, everything really
>spent eternity floating in the dark void that was reality

writer must have had a shit weekend

I looked up bayonetta credits fights and got nothing.

However, Erghiez did this.


>final boss is the character who taught the tutorial

Something must of been wrong with the writer's head to come up with that route, it's probably the single most darkest and most insane route I've ever seen.

Dark Souls 1 and 3 (skipped 2).

>Guy who taught the tutorial is an optional battle later in
>Harder than the actual final boss

What game?

Paper Mario

>Final Boss gives you a tutorial on how to beat him
>his tutorial is wrong and will get you killed

Fuck you I didn't rip and tear my way through ten thousand wen, women, and giant fucking demon babies to play a rhythm game

>Final boss needs to be sealed off and put to slumber
>Kill the person that has to put the seal and ally with the boss

Legend of Legaia.

>by the time you reach the final boss neither of you has anything to gain from killing the other

>Dialogue tree
>You and the Final Boss both agree there's no reason to fight
>The game just ends

You did.

Thanks. I played the first one and I don't remember that, oh well.

He was easy though? Good memories with that game too. THREE overworlds!

>Final Boss can die in one hit.

>it's a QTE boss
>he gets fucking QTE too
>he starts to fail them as you kick his ass

>final boss turns into huge winged flying monstrosity
>you turn into one too
>you duke it out while flying in the skies to badass guitar riffs