
>fuck up TF2 trying to add competitive mode trying to compete with Overwatch
>TF2 is finally dead

>have to pretend you didn't know about CS:GO gambling
>say you're going to sue people, etc
>people stop playing CG:GO becasue their addiction is cut-off

>nobody gives a shit about your other games
>HL3 has reached meme-heaven, you can never actually release the game without it being shit

>DOTA2 is just a polished clone of a another Blizzard game
>Still can't beat LOL, and even LOL is dying to Overwatch

will they finally admit they're nothing more than an online store now?

Other urls found in this thread:

Isn't L4D3 coming?

>TF2 is finally dead
TF2 relies on a community of autists, it will last another 10 years just like cs 1.6

>people stop playing CG:GO becasue their addiction is cut-off
Big e-sport scene, colorful skins and competition will keep it alive no matter what

>HL3 has reached meme-heaven

>DOTA2 is just a polished clone of a another Blizzard game, still can't beat LOL
Same shit, relies on dedication of old fanbase and new kids autism

I feel like L4D3 has been "coming" for two years now.

Source 2 and we'll make our own games now

I miss valve in eye man
that valve in head nigger looks shit

>DOTA2 is just a polished clone of a another Blizzard game
as if dota 1 was a blizzard game

>fuck up TF2 trying to add competitive mode trying to compete with Overwatch
>this whole sentence
nothing bad happend in tf2 because of competitive and valve wanting competitive tf2 has nothing to do with overwatch.

>nobody gives a shit about your other games
Just do research.

>HL3 has reached meme-heaven, you can never actually release the game without it being shit
>overhyped means it will suck XDXD

>DOTA2 is just a polished clone of a another Blizzard game
>Still can't beat LOL, and even LOL is dying to Overwatch
>if the games sells less it means it's worst

Worst of all you just like all other autists act as if valve has the obligation of releasing hl3 or any other game for that matter.

None of that really matters when your online publishing platform and all your microtransaction-littered games is printing you money 24/7.

It was never a secret that Valve has shifted it's focus from game development to publishing and r&d a long fucking time ago. Valve makes enough money to do whatever the fuck they want, and if those games die, they'll simply replace them with other games using the same business models.

>TF2 is finally dead
>a game that has LITERALLY kept its playerbase for 10 steady years

>>say you're going to sue people, etc
never happened
>>people stop playing CG:GO becasue their addiction is cut-off
won't happen as long as they can get rare skins to show off and there are pros/twitch streamers playing

>Overwatch released
>suddenly TF2 gets a poorly made competitive mode after years of having nothing of the sort

>overhyped means it will suck XDXD
>HL2 was barely passable compared to HL1, consisting of tech demos of physics puzzles and gimmicks like the gravity gun

DotA 1 was a Warcraft mod, was it not?

>>Still can't beat LOL, and even LOL is dying to Overwatch
Sup Forums-tier business sense, everyone

>>suddenly TF2 gets a poorly made competitive mode after years of having nothing of the sort
TF2 competitive mode was in plans before Overwatch was even close to release, fag.

>>HL2 was barely passable compared to HL1, consisting of tech demos of physics puzzles and gimmicks like the gravity gun
okay your underage is showing at this point
>The Righteous Bison
>Fixed a bug causing players to be hit by the same projectile multiple times, causing the damage dealt to vary wildly

>expecting anything better from a literally mentally-ill tranny MLP-fanboy developer like Jill

>Overwatch released
>suddenly TF2 gets a poorly made competitive mode after years of having nothing of the sort

Except they were planning competitive since long ago.

>HL2 was barely passable compared to HL1, consisting of tech demos of physics puzzles and gimmicks like the gravity gun
>gravity gun
this word gets thrown around every time there is some kind of innovation in gaming. It must suck to have the same hiveminded opinions as the rest of Sup Forums.

its called game development, they arent made instantly

>Except they were planning competitive since long ago.
yea, just like HL3 I'm sure

thank god they did Steam machines, the Steam controller, and a bunch of other pointless shit in between












>DOTA2 is just a polished clone of a another Blizzard game
>Still can't beat LOL, and even LOL is dying to Overwatch
Blizzdrone logic

>>fuck up TF2 trying to add competitive mode trying to compete with Overwatch
>>TF2 is finally dead

literally 50,000 people on right now, just like before overwatch and every single second after

stop with this meme you asshurt little shit


>TF2 is dead
>3rd most played game on Steam

How severe is your brain damage

You're the only one here with a bare red ass. Look at how mad you are

There a youtube channel called valve news network that has a video proving that competitive was being made a little before dota 2, but im too lazy to find.

>the Steam controller
>pointless shit
>better than any controller
>being able to play fps's without autoaim sucks

>HL2 was barely passable compared to HL1

been playing since 2007. TF2 is zombified by it's F2P nature, creating a system where there is a constant introduction of new players, but ultimately the game does not grow in consistent players; in fact it is declining over the years.

Valve has done many things that have hurt the game:

>addition of gimmicky, poorly thought out weapons that grab interest, but ultimately make the game unfun and annoying. e.g. pomsom burning uber charge and cloak
>hats destroy the timeless, amazing art style in favor of lime green banana hats and trade servers
>quickplay introduction hurt many community servers, where more veteran players viewed those as their homes now empty and dead
>the introduction of many particle affects, hats, and new maps have caused the game to become unoptimized; a computer that could play tf2 in 2007 on high cannot play tf2 on low in 2016, DESPITE THE GAME REMAINING THE SAME IN TERMS OF GRAPHICAL FIDELITY.
>if good content is added into the game, it is extremely rare. Mann versus machine, arguably the last 'full' update, was 2012.

oh yeah that reminds me, i should re-launch TF2 so i can idle for items to sell on the marketplace since i restarted my PC yesterday


Yes but, there are game development, and then there are VALVE game development

>time to ride this shit boat
>time to stop
>time to go
>time to stop
>now the boat has a gun
>now here's the gravity gun
>now here's a section where you basically are stuck using it
>now here's antlion sand, don't step on the sand
>now here's the antlion pod
>use the antlion pod a lot
>stop using the antlion pod now
>use the gavity gun
>more gravity gun shit
>drive a shitty car
>here's a bit where you have to use the flash light a bunch
>isn't Alyx great, sh'e like a real person or something
>lets talk more plot about how you obvously must give a shit about these boring NPCs
HL2 is just a serious of boring set-pieces where you park&ride shitty vehicles, use gimmicks for specific sections of the game, and generally don't get a choice of how you want to do shit

>>hats destroy the timeless, amazing art style in favor of lime green banana hats and trade servers
no hats mod, faggot.
>>quickplay introduction hurt many community servers, where more veteran players viewed those as their homes now empty and dead
community servers still exist
everything else is correct

Well yea for sure, can't disagree with that. I'd probably keep playing the game if it wasn't for the fact that 90% of its content are hats.

Are you you really this retarded?

Why are people trying so hard to shit on Valve?


>but lmao no hat-mods

because they deserve it

>Linux boxes
>Virtualboy 2
>unsanctioned gambling
>user mods cash grab
>morbidly obese owner's health is failing
>no gaems

they're a punch line now.

>no hats at

that's always a possibility, but the average player is going to play tf2, see the lime green Dr. Zeus hat that's on fire (which is colored purple) and get annoyed. It's annoying to have to download something from a third party website, unzip it and try to get it to install, just to remove hats.

The problem is, TF2 hasn't had any competitors for years now, allowing them to just let the game rot and stagnate without consequence. And now, here comes Overwatch, a AAA title made by Blizzard, so it's a serious contender for 'cartoon shooter'. People are going to view TF2 as the old 'classic' game, but not the 'new modern' one. So now valve is paniching because its cash cow (TF2 made 133 million in profit in 2013) is legitimately threatened. So they made this comp matchmaking update.

too fucking slow valve.

Considering I quit the game shortly after the mannconomy update I agree with you completely

I don't think that tf2 is hated by valve, they just care more about Dota because that genre is fucking massive

I actually came back recently, because I wanted a casual shooty thing to play in the evenings after work

Then the competitive patch hit, and I'm only just about sticking around to see if they manage to fix it up.

first release was those shitty 30min queues to casual. Now, most fights ends up as an unbalanced 12v5 match with multiple rounds still to go.

More money than god and they give you hats.

Fuck Valve. That company is pure garbage. All it does now is shit out indie games that cost $2.50 and add hats to dota/csgo/tf2
TF2 had so much potential to be the next revolutionary multiplayer video game, but they threw it away

>It had the good visual artstyle, so even if you had a crappy computer, the game would still look good visually
>It would play on low end computers very well, so good for competitive players and good for people who don't have a $2000 PC
>the gameplay was fundmamentally near perfect

"Hey, if you don't know what game to get, install TF2 for FREE! It has an incredibly fair paymodel that isn't P2W, it can run really well on crappy laptops and it still has a great artstyle, so it will always look good even if on low graphics! It's gameplay is also fantastic! Get TF2 today!"

This is the future we could of had. instead we get $4000 golden pans

what said.

Everything about the company is just so scummy now. They don't make games. They just sell hats for games that existed over a decade ago.

>>the introduction of many particle affects, hats, and new maps have caused the game to become unoptimized; a computer that could play tf2 in 2007 on high cannot play tf2 on low in 2016, DESPITE THE GAME REMAINING THE SAME IN TERMS OF GRAPHICAL FIDELITY.

>tfw forced to play at dx8 because of this

Blizcuck detected

and it's not like some slow, gradual, investor-driven decay like we're seeing from nintendo or capcom. it's like gabe got out of bed sometime around 2009 and decided "you know what, fuck video games and the people that play them"

>you do different things at different points in the game
This is why the Greeks taught rhetoric.

>Where were you when Gabe Newell smashed the lottery-jew cabal?

HL2 is more rigid about it.

HL1, you have set pieces, but they're more organic in terms of the options a player has.

Like HL1 has fights where you can fuck about with the rocket launcher, but there are some that are made a lot easier with it.

HL1 has a handful of rail-sections, but a lot of the time you can hop off the rail and run ahead to fight. The underground electrified rail area allows you to run about "in the region", so you're always close to the tram when you need to continue.

HL2 has sections where you have to use the rocket launcher (striders, gunships, etc), and then there's always a stack of rockets to refill your ammo with if you fuck up your shots (because there's no other way to win those fights)...

HL2 has vehicle sections, but you always have to come back to the vehicle to continue. Generally, you have to park up before you reach the "fight" so you're not driving into the middle of an ambush, but then have to walk back up to road/waterway to get back into your vehicle and carry on.

you valve drones will go any lengths to delude yourselves. The only reason they started getting mad at betting sites was because of class action lawsuits being filed against valve

Use your brain. If people can bet skins, those skins become inherently more valuable. Thus, there is more incentive for a CSGO player to buy skins. These betting sites, while directly did not give valve profit, most likely boosted sales of crates

You people will go to any length and jump through as many mental loops to reach your "conclusion".

>We’d like to clarify that we have no business relationships with any of these sites. We have never received any revenue from them.


Valve is going to use HL3 to try to sell VR units. it'll probably be exclusive to VR.

They don't have to directly receive profit from the betting sites to benefit from the existence of those sites.

If the sites exist, the skins have more value. You can use them to get other skins, and so the skins are more useful, and are more useful to other users as well.

If it's more VALUABLE, then people WILL BUY MORE OF IT. How do you not understand this retardedly simple concept? Even if valve doesn't directly get a paycheck from, they still remain a benefactor because it BOOSTS SALES.

I know this is Sup Forums, so you're most likely a NEET who dropped out of highschool, but at least try to do some research before you put out objectively wrong opinions on the internet.

Great joke buddo. SDK will never get updated in our lifetimes.

They didn't need to directly be in cahoots with any of those betting websites to profit, you patronizing cunt.

Valve makes money through key sales, which are necessary to acquire the skins the betting scene operates off of. The guy is arguing that the betting scene indirectly boosted player desire to unbox crates (and subsequently give more money to valve) since people needed their own skins to actually participate in the game's gambling scene.

You can chose to believe that Valve had absolutely no relationship with these websites, but to convince yourself that Valve wasn't tolerating these blatantly unethical websites because they helped their bottom line is a complete rejection of reality.

I really don't believe valve has any idea what they're doing with the game after they added the abortion that is competitive play

Valve had talent, but that talent is gone or occupied right now

Valve has some high tier writers on staff, what the fuck do they do all day?

They must have been working on Episode 3 for years straight
They've probably written a Half Life Simarilion by now

what the fuck was hl1 to you, then? present your beautifully poetic greentext version of game critique, too.

Make funny comics. That's it.

What's the point if it's not the TF2 Comics

I don't know, ask Valve. What's the point in anything they fucking do.


explain to me why getting free money to spend on video games is bad without using the letter E

you cant idle anymore breh

really because i just did it like three weeks ago

but isn't there a limit of about 7 items per week? And don't you have to confirm that you accept the item before you can get another? I actually haven't played tf2 in a while so I'm not sure.

I really fucking love the Dota 2 hammer tools


>but isn't there a limit of about 7 items per week?
yes. all the more reason to idle every week. also i think you can roll over up to one week's worth of items
>And don't you have to confirm that you accept the item before you can get another?
i've heard that, but if i leave it overnight i'll have more than one item, so

They've said Half-life 3 will not be VR required.

Has anyone tried HL2 with a VR?
Does it in any way add immersion?

So how much do you make on the market per week? 30 cent? Seems pretty pointless

I think the worst part is, even if the TF2's Casual matchmaking was 100% functional, it would still be worse than what Quickplay was

It's not even been out 8, you mong.

> You compared the sequel to the first game which was released several years ago? Fucking underage

Nice ad hominem there boyo

>that huge player dip after comp was added

they are leaving Valve, looking for work in other companies
Valve have become into a online store
only releasing sequels every 5 years or so (Portal, Left 4 Dead and nothing else, not even trying new IPs)

Valve will always have Steam OP. They gave up on actual game development long ago.

Don't remind me. A mod that I wish wasn't dead.

>Fantastic critically acclaimed flagship series
>Last game ends on a cliffhanger
>Never another game released, despite having the resources to do so
Has another company ever done this? HL3 isn't even in development hell from what I've heard, they just never started on it

Does anyone even want this?

I want Pit Lord.

The game is fucking ruined

do any of you guys think tf2 will enter a golden age now that it has to compete with overwatch?

F2P killed tf2


The quality of the game has dropped to new lows. Every server has people who have never used a mouse before, and now there are always people sitting in spawn rooms showing off their fucking hats wtf happened to trying to win

It doesn't have to compete. Just like Dota 2 doesn't have to compete with HotS.

This to be quite honest.

> Go to find non shit server.
> Surprise, it's either ad-ridden garbage with some bullshit mechanics mod or fast respawns.
> Oh wait, even better*, allchat is on for some unholy reason.
> Go to valve servers.
> Half the time horrendous lag.
> Other half the time it's got more problems, like prevalent cheaters.

Competitive just brought all that bullshit up to the surface.

There are leaks that something went wrong in 2011-2013 and it seems they gave up during that time.

>a computer that could play tf2 in 2007 on high cannot play tf2 on low in 2016, DESPITE THE GAME REMAINING THE SAME IN TERMS OF GRAPHICAL FIDELITY.
Is this true? I remember my virus ridden Windows 7 laptop ran it better than my Windows 8 one.

yea, it's true. they added all kinds of cpu stressing bullshit that makes the game unplayable on older computers.

>half life 3 will be a huge fucking let down if it's even being made at this point
>previous half life games are kind of so-so anyway, good for their time but mediocre now