Total War: Warhammer - Call of the Beastmen

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I did not expect Beastmen to be the first added race.

Thats a dope ass trailer though.

I'll play this when it's cracked

So I'll only have to wait 2 years or so

>Beastmen as the first DLC faction

What the fuck is with the nickel and diming


Are these the furfags of the warhammer or is it skaven?

Hey, whatever puts the Warhammer world in Total War form the fastest. Atleast it's something substantial and not micro-transactions or portrait packs.

Bit of both, mostly Skaven.

Beastmen are for the people that get off on being raped by furries


beastmen are part furry part /r9k/ when they go full POOPOO PEEPEE except replace Chads with everything that's not Beastmen.


>Tomb Kings
>High Elves
>choose Beastmen for the first DLC

It will cost $15

>Beastmen are next
>not Bretonnia


Lizardmen, WE WAS KANGZ, and elfs are all basically on different continents.

Beastmen are a constant threat to the Empire & Bretonnia, so i'm not totally surprised it was them. I expect Wood Elves to be next.

WHERE the fuck are the wood elves? Who wouldn't want wood elves? we were god damn PROMISED wood elves as first DLC implicitly

Bretonnia are most likely the free race coming out at the end of the year.

any other factions confirmed/ rumored?

I heard something about lizard men...

how about skaven? I don't even know what time period the game takes place in... is it post end times? otherwise no cute skavies :(

They're coming, read the description for Campaign Packs:

Doesn't that scream Athel Loren and Wood Elfs?

Probably only $8 like Chaos Warriors

>List of Free DLC
>New Faction

Could be Chaos. They make paid DLC free, so it's a new faction that's for free. I would support this.

My dad works at Sega and he said $15

Pretty much every race/major faction is suppose to be in the game eventually.

Bretonnia is half finished so I expect them to be done some time before the end of the year. This game takes place before the end times.

It's almost definitely going to be Bretonnia, they're already half finished.

All 16 major tabletop armies are confirmed to eventually make it ingame.

Chaos Warriors is already in, and CA have said that the Daemons will appear later on in the trilogy.

Bretonnia is already in the game, just not very fleshed out.

>3 of those aren't even on the map
>Skaven have already been stated to be game 2 in an interview

Stay mad

having trouble with finding the article but it was from a paper piece probably pcgamer that at the end with the dev being interviewed letting slip that ogres were in production for game two and that he was sad skaven wouldn't make it

I work customer support and have it on good authority it's $8.

>July 28th
oh dang

>Skaven won't come out until a year or two

Shh, it's okay. My boys will probably be one of the last factions. We'll make it, bruh.

on another note, how is Vermintide doing?

Played it a bunch (like 40h) on release, and wanted to wait a bit until they balanced out some of the kinks and maybe added more maps. what's happened since then? worth picking up again?

>Alongside the Call of the Beastmen Campaign Pack, another free content update will introduce a brand new Lore of Magic and an accompanying Hero unit for The Empire. Perhaps the most rarely seen of all Wizards, the solitary Amber Wizards are no less powerful than their more prevalent counterparts. Wielding the deadly Lore of Beasts they are able to perform unique feats of magical power, from enchanting their allies with impenetrable pelts to summoning a manticore from the bowels of the earth.

Lore of beasts is gonna be baller

>enemy tries to assassinate wizard with flyers/targetted spells/ cavalry
>wizard is now a manticore with full health

>An Eye for an Eye.

Oh fug.

Boris Todbringer confirmed.

How much will it cost?

$8 dollarydoos most likely


CA is truly insidious

They give you a bit of free dlc to garnish interest then you pine for more content and theres beastmen waiting with open arms

$17.99 if you pre-order now, $19.99 normal price ;)

>not Lizardbros

I hate that I'm going to buy every single one.

How much total do you guys think the whole game will cost with all dlc and expansions?

They don't even have all the main old world factions in yet ya dingus


I actually forgot that Beastmen even had rules for their own army. Who the fuck even plays them? Anyone? Might as well add fucking Ogres, at least they have cool units, adding Beastmen is like adding nothing at all.

well if we assume each expansion is $60 and include 3 races, that's probably 2 more campaign packs at $8 and 1 race pack at let's say $5 for the remaining races, that's $201 for everything if you already had Chaos and not counting Lord Packs

>implying it'll only be that much

3 full price games
campaign packs
race packs
unit packs (like the squig dlc that'll inevitably come)

This shit is gonna be like $500 at the end

More like $40 on sale three years from now, which is exactly when I'll feel like putting up with this bullshit.

Rome II 3 years later is still $60 and has $86 of DLC.

This game will likely break $200 off sale


Brets are free
new maps

now wait a goddamn minute

we're getting the new Lore of Magic and hero on the 28th

where's the new unit?

Vampire counts got their blood knights.

Amber wizard

oh snap didn't even notice
Amber Wizards are the hero

>4 factions in game
>1 free
>11 paid ones
>8 bucks each
>You will have to pay two times more for dlc than for basic game

Pisses me off

well no, most races will probably be in the expansions

and race packs will probably be cheaper than campaign packs

Is it worth grabbing yet? Did they fix the bugs?

I think most races are gonna be campaign packs.

It's not like they're just copying/pasting shit together to make new factions. They're actually creating new playstyles, models, quests, etc.

What bugs?

Total warhammer was honestly relatively shit free unlike Rome 2. What bugs are you referring to and i'll let you know about them.

>not Skaven

well there's two expansions with probably 3 races each so that only leaves 6 races, and one of those is free

I never buy total war games during launch so I usually wait. Remember Rome 2? That's why.


No memery but Total warhammer was relatively bug free and that surprised me. It even runs decently on my shit rig at high settings. Way better than I thought it would.

That's good to hear. Will think of grabbing when they announce Tomb kings.

That will probably be one of the major/trilogy releases since they are basically in africa as opposed to Europe. Either way I hope thye come out soon too.

Tomb Kings will definitely need a new area for the campaign map.

Wood Elves could be another paid DLC race, you can already see where they will start on the current map.

More then that

People already datamined kislev faction dlc so all the minor factions are probably gonna be in
Main races
Arkhan might get his own Tomb King Variant
Gold Coast vampires
Gold Coast humans
Bad Moon Goblins

I was just thinking about the 16 major races

most minor factions will probably just be race packs at a lower price point than campaign packs

It's on sale via Humble, Steam, or another site almost every other week.

This will most likely be $15 since it's a campaign pack and not just a race pack

Chaos Warriors is a campaign pack, though

To be fair Kislev is semi-relevant and has a fair bit of fans.

Minor races will be palette swapped and maybe have a unique lord, like Bear Mount Legendary Lord for Kislev for that one crazy bastard.

I just want the option for those unique starting positions.

chaos was first dlc faction since it's day 1 dlc

>a full race being added with a mini campaign is nickel and diming

You're a fucking idiot. Nickel and diming is the blood dlc or charging for some small cosmetic bullshit like new shields.

CA are calling it the "first campaign pack" and they say that it will introduce a story campaign, which will probably be focused on Kharak one eye vs Todbringer

oh right

I doubt every race not in an expansion will get a full unique story campaign, though

What the fuck is this shit?

Why are Games Workshop suddenly ripping off Tauren? Blizzard did it first.

Blizzard should sue.

Probably not, but Wood elves might get one too and I doubt they're going to do any more DLC races before the expansions

>implying Kislev won't get it's own unique magic lore usable only by Ice Queen

Seriously though I hope they eventually give some of the super speshul mage characters their own unique spell sets or bound spell abilities to match some of the crap they pull off in lore

Like Arkhan should get proper by the book necromancy on top of his death magic

wew lad

you didn't get responses in the /vg/ general and this will or at least should be the only (you) you get.

user those aren't even cow horns

Blizzard always ripped off GamesWorkshop.
I think they tried to get the license from GW but they were rejected so they made their own fantasy games. They even ripped off 40k with starcraft.

Have you SEEN the other races in the game? Straight fucking rip off of Warcraft 3. One to fucking one! Don't know why there isn't a big twitter campaign to bring this to Blizzard's attention.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Lore of Magic updates coincide with campaign or race packs

graphics look terrible, like it was made 15 years ago

The 'Games Workshop ripping off Blizzard' shtick has got to be the most amateurish of baiting attempts.

Who would win in a brawl.

A beastman or an orc?

user I don't think you know what games made 15 years ago looked like

Wasn't Warcraft game originally going to be 40k involving the Imperium, Eldar and Tyranids but GW became faggots and revoked the license last second? Then Blizzard split both apart, re-worked it and made fucking Warcraft and Starcraft. What a fucking travesty because a 40k early MMO made by Blizzard would have been fucking legend.

Do Beastmen have ranged unit or are they like the VC?

FLC coinciding with DLC appears to be the way that they're doing it
Also, Bretonnia also needs both the lore and beasts and lore of life before it is ready for the grand campaign anyway

Only real ranged they have are the Cygors.

Both were made for fightin' but I gotta give it to the Orc. They're much stronger than the average beast man.

does that mean Wood Elves before Bretonnia

Not really.

>Horde type like Chaos, very little ranged capabilities
I don't know how fun they will be to PLAY but I like them visually.

They basically have marauder horsemen who are centaurs instead of horsemen
That giant from the trailer was carrying a rock he's their artillery
Their low tier infantry can also use bows

Tabletop all of that except the cygor is trash but if being beastmen gives bonus movespeed Ungor Skirmishers are gonna be bullshit