>Pokemon Go made $14 million (only $1.4 million for Nintendo)
>Uncharted 4 made $56 million
What happened bros? I thought the stock value was supposed to save them... I thought they were making billions but they're not...

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Pokemon GO is a datamining program, of course google gets the biggest cut

>game with 300+ staff and a $50 million budget makes $56 million over 4 months

>game made in your mother's basement for $20 and change literally prints money after just a week

If Ninty can have this kind of successful with LITERALLY zero work, imagine what they can do with actual employees.

Nintendo barely has a hand in this game, why would they profit for more than the 10% off the brand co-ownership?

Their stock went way up you retarded cocksucker

Cool, that happens to literally every company that makes a hit app, and it always tanks afterwards.

You get the WiiU

The Sony shills are in full damage control mode, I see.

This is Moriarty's 'The Vita is set to succeed!' All over again.

They should just stick with making Mario games.

do you even know what stocks are? Explain what stocks are

>Pokemon GO not even officially released worldwide yet
>All those normies waiting for it

If anything it's gonna print more money

Is this b8 or are sonyggers so desperate that they're comparing a first party blockbuster game to a free mobile app?

damn, nintoddlers made as fuck

Nintenco co-owns the Pokemon Company

>Nintendo making the game free for everyone
>Laughs at them

You're a problem.

This is beyond bait, Nintendo owns a third of the Pokémon Company and they also invested on the project.

lets get this shit started

>news comes out that its making almost no money
>B-bait! It's not even in the same league even though we just spent the past week insisting mobile was the future!

thank god for casuals and normies for making the vidya industry worse every single time
how do they manage?

I think OP is actually only using 10% of his brain.

Nintendo made 14 million doing nothing
Sony made 56 million after spending 48 million in designing and advertising Uncharted 4

This is how literally every single app works.

Why do you think its magically different for Nintendo?

>It's another "i unironically play and defend a mobile game just because it's made by Nintendo" episode.

>he thinks pokemon go was free
You're missing the part where Nintendo sunk $30M into this turd, how will they EVER make it back?

>game isnt even made by nintendo


god sometimes I forget Sup Forums is full of retarded 7 year olds

Nintendo stock went up 23% than means they are making fucking bang from pokemongo

you simplistic fucking retard

>nintendo literally getting cucked

inb4 their stock tanks again after they release NX

>sonyggers still bitter

does sony even pay you pajeets?

Its been out for 4 fucking days. And its not even out in Europe yet.

They will make their investment back in a month.

And Nintendo own a giant chunk of the Pokémon company too which is getting a % of the profit you're seemingly glossing over.

This just in :

Pokemon is Game Freak just like it always has been




i love how buttblasted sonyggers are. :)

Reminder that the reason only the first Generation of Pokemon is appearing in Pokemon Go, is that the older generation are fundamentally uglier and more stupid and will drive casuals away from the product.

More and more drop off will occur as they add the later generations.

I mean, have you seen the fucking abortion they're calling Pokemon in Gen 7?

This helps nintendo literally 0, they already put their company on the stock market and all shares they sell are sold off.
Unless they start dishing out new stocks, which with their current size has no reason to happen and would only devalue their company, they make literally 0 from the stocks.

>NX selling worse than Wii U
>They ditch it and go full mobile
>Nintendrones on Sup Forums start deflecting and pretending mobile games the future.

>every all ever sold ever
>apple and google take a slice of the money

>Nintendo makes an app
>same rules apply
>"hahaha cucked get rekt"


W-who c-cares i-its n-not a-about m-m-m-money
g-go t-t-to b-biz!!!!

Nintendo didn't even make the game

They literally just let a few guys reskin Ingress and are still making millions off it for no effort

>buttblasted that one exclusive game is making more money than the tinder and Twitter killer

>B-but S-sony
First stage of the nintendo defence force.

>Made 14 mill
>Game just released this month, isn't even out worldwide

You do know how mobile games work right

Even when the fad is done it's going to be making millions a year from dedicated players

This happened because their stockholders have been asking for nintendo to go mobile since smartphones became a thing.

They think the "success" of pokemon GO means they'll finally go mobile.
They won't.

what twitter killer? snapchat?

>Nintendrones on Sup Forums start deflecting and pretending mobile games the future.
Cant wait.

Uncharted made all its money already, 90% of the people that wanted the game bought it already, like most AAA releases. Pokemon is just gettin started and hasn't even been released globally yet

>In fact, analysts estimate that out of $100 spent on Pokemon Go in-app purchases, the Silicon Valley giants take their respective 30%, then 30% go to the game developer Niantic, another 30% will go to the Pokemon franchise, and about 10% are left for Nintendo.

I think you should read the article first.

Maybe this is why Nintendo want to keep their games on their own hardware? Pure profit. No middlemen.

>b-b-but they should go full 3rd party

>take money away from the mainline games to cater to people who don't even like Pokémon above the 151 mark

Sold my wii u and keeping my 3ds for monster Hunter but that's it mang.

They already confirmed they're making more mobile games, including Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing

keep the fuck up

>> This helps Nintendo literally 0

Nintendo's value increased 13 billion dollars in two days. How is that not helpful? Are we just assuming stocks being valued more highly benefits a company in no way whatsoever? Why do companies care about their stocks then? If it tanks to zero, who gives a fuck? Oh wait, the value of the stock obviously has some sort of correlation with doing well. Retard.



>OP literally has to scour the anus of the internet to fish out links discrediting the game's success
>A link from Nintendo's rival, Playstation, comparing a full-blown game on a console to a handheld, freemium game

Holy fucking shit, you can't make this up, folks. There are people THIS assblasted about a fucking MOBILE GAME. Don't get me wrong, I hate the vast majority of mobile games, but this one is fun. For once, there's a cash shop that isn't in my face and it can be as fun as I am active. Honestly, the only people I've been so rectum rumpused from this game are either sonnyger fanboys or diehard Pokemon faggots in denial.

Also, this belongs on /vp/.

>They won't go mobile
>Have already gone mobile

>Nintendo made 14 million doing nothing
They just killed their consoles by declaring that they are willing to support other plattforms.

They don't even spend $30m on their actual games on console, where are you getting that number? It's literally just Ingress with Pokemon.

That's great, but can you explain what stocks are?

>OP literally uses Uncharted to shitpost

What's it like being a stupid person?



Go is making that money, Nintendo just isn't making all of it. But Nintendo has next to nothing to do with it anyways, so it's free money and marketing.

>making almost no money
It's the highest grossing game on the mobile market. Mobile games are not the same as AAA. Mobile makes steady amounts over time instead of trying to sell a bunch of something at launch. The most popular mobile games make over 1 million dollars every day and do so for a long stretch.

>Implying you would not have brought up Sony if OP used a different game.
Stay mad ndf.


Yeah look at all those people who still play Farmville, Angry Birds, Temple rush and all that other shit that was extremly popular.
Guess the reason all of the companies that made those are on the verge of bankrupcy because some other reason not because mobile games are shortlived.

And yet their stock went up 25%
Learn to business dweeb

>do nothing
>get nothing

crazy right?

>They won't.
Yeah.... Pokemon Go is on toasters.

try 50

I think Sup Forums has a certain misconception about this kinda shit.

>Literally EVERYONE has a smart phone
>not everyone owns a console
>free game on phone that's fun and familiar
>$60 game for a console they don't have


Go fucking figure

Mobiles will never have anything close to the mainline games.

Look at how shitty and barebones GO is mechanically.
It's popular on brand alone.

you still don't understand stocks

Can you even read, retard? Nintendo makes 10%, Pokemon Company makes 30%. Nintendo has complete control of Pokemon Company. As a whole, the entire blanket of "Nintendo" is getting 40%, but the specific company "Nintendo" is getting 10%, 30% going to subsidiary companies.

Do you think that Nintendo makes 100% of the money on normal Pokemon games? Of course they don't. They make a cut, Pokemon Company makes a cut, and depending on how they work, Gamefreak might even get a cut.

Also, this is like after less than a fucking week. The game has made Nintendo $5.6 million in less than a week.


Not even the same user, friend. I just like pointing out sony-shill retardation

That's great, but can you explain what stocks are?

Ironically their stock price increased massively even though they have hardly anything to do with this game.

its buying owner ship of a company in a way that shields the investor from liability. Generally with the promise of a dividend if the company makes significant profits. But if you dont make dividends you can always profit by buying low and waiting for the companies value to go up.

Did you actually think that was a difficult concept? Jesus christ you guys really are all ten years old

>sony-shill retardation
Might as well be the same person since nintendrones are a hivemind.

Gud1 m8

why do sonyggers give a fuck about nintendo again?

>doesn't refute

People still do play farmville, angry birds, and temple rush, they're just not as big as they used to be. Nintendo's whole company isn't dependent on this game, unlike mobile game developers.

I don't know if you missed it, but Angry Birds just had a rather successful movie.

The game will easily make Nintendo over 30 million, and more on merchandise and possibly increased interest in Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Those games were insanely popular for very long times. They just aren't any more.

God, you're retarded. I guess World War 2 was "short-lived" because nobody's fighting in it any more.

It is a share in the company. An increased price in the stock is dictated by the perception of buyers as to the value of the company. Nintendo is, as far as shareholders are concerned, a more valuable company today than it was a week ago.

I like how you conveniently left out the part about fucking GOOGLE pitching in some of that estimated "up to" $30m.


Nope, I'm PC. Once again, I just like pointing out Sony-shills and their stupidity. You all share the same ape like mentality.

You didnt give me anything to refute retard

Oh shit, I can hear them crawling!