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To the funyarinpa?
Why is blogging allowed in the newspaper
I-I'm sorry...
What the hell is a funyarinpa?
ugh i can't even
Please leave
Is this the Guardian?
if this is in an australian news paper i will kill myself
lol nerds and mababies BTFO
Transwoman here. I've been approached by multiple guys trying to chat me up. I stay friendly and make small talk but excuse myself for the weird guys. It's nice when an attractive guy chats me up although I have a boyfriend.
if your intent was to trigger me then you fucking succeeded because its making me REEEEEEEE
>showboats his patrician tastes by negging the very game he was trying to get a girlfriend with
>couldn't read her social cues, or just plain refused to accept defeat
>jumped immediately to asking for her number after she said nary two words and was getting away
Its called an editorial broski
all men are rapists tho
>awkward losers are attracted to other awkward losers
This is news now. Wow.
That's not an editorial though. It's a blog post.
When will people learn
And people wonder why they didnt want women writing news articles in the early 90s, this is why women bring their inane bullshit into news articles no one gives a crap about this woman's romantic life.
Looks like 24, the shitty Toronto area free newspaper, don't pay any attention to it, literally cancer. When that horrible Pixels movie came out they did a giant 2 page spread about it and then gave the movie a 5 star review on the next page (It was filmed in Toronto and the review suggested people go see it so they could notice landmarks) literally shills
A girl NEET at heart and she doesn't know it yet
>tells me to leave
>doesn't realize I'm quoting the source of the reference
Man user, you let me down
>I'm a gamer gurl, don't hit on me silly boys
This, just accidentally raped my sister last night again.
Dude wtf your a guy wheres your rational reasoning.
>WHole point of the game is to get people off their ass and to interact with other people
>lol why don't these dumb nerds stay indoors and stop telling me where pokemon are
Makes you think
why is this in a newspaper.
Confirmed for London. I'm afraid you'll need to find another excuse.
>ME ME ME: the post
Its canada
>that ugly ex cutter
"Waaaah will you silly boys stop trying to chat me up all the time?"
Editorials/Letters to the Editor have always been a thing in newspapers.
>even trying when you're not a chad
He'll learn eventually
>tranny fag
Okay, I can get behind thi-
>plays Pokemon Go
I literally only tolerate your kind if I can bang you. You are worthless, user.
They shouldn't be.
>told I can't talk to girls at a Pokestop or Gym since they only want to play the game
>told I shouldn't try to talk to girls at a theater, they're there to watch a movie
>can't interact with them at the gym, they are there to work out.
>can't interact with them online, they just want to play the game
>can't interact with them at a coffee shop, they're only there to read/study/get coffee
>can't interact with them at work either
>can't walk up and chat with them at a bar, they're hanging with friends and just want to dance with them
So how are you supposed to actually chat with a girl and try to get a gf?
Her LinkedIn says she lives in the UK and says nothing about Canada.
Wew. Anyway I'm not anymore.
>Pokemon GO is not a chat up invitation unless I find you attractive
That's what you get when you lure neckbeards outside
>weird colored hair
Every time.
Yeah, she would of probably sucked him off there because her opressive boyfriend doesn't let her fuck other men like all the hip young couples do.
Become rich so they will talk to you first
You give up on females. It's the easiest way
> 2016
> Not finding a trap instead
you're ugly as fuck in both pictures
You ignore the rules.
>coloured hair
>internet feminist
>helped found twitter.com
All we need is a picture of her "Boys are dumb, throw rocks at them" poster to complete the package
Make yourself pretty and available and hope one chooses you.
why would you want to talk to girls you fag?
Actual advice. Get in to shape, get a hairstyle that matches the shape of your skull and get a good job.
Then all of these things don't apply to you because women are massive hypocrits.
Jesus, makeup really is magic
>put off by me having a boyfriend
Most guys get laid and get girlfriends by taking another guy's woman. So grow some balls. I probably still have more testosterone than you.
american 'media'
A bar is open season, user. If they act like a bitch because you approach them in a BAR, then viola, they're a fucking bitch. Otherwise, everyone is dating online now.
> drop lure module at popular pokestop
> Now they are obligated to spend 30 minutes around you
> When they find out that you're the one dropping lures they get wet instantly
>You look good enough to be able to get away with ignoring the rules
You're not. Men are sexist rapist pigs and they should all be segregated into their own community where they can no longer wreak their havoc on the poor innocent women of the world, and finally their patriarchal reign of terror will end.
Unless you're attractive. In which case, please hit on me you silly boys.
You're used goods.
You mispelled mentally ill degenerate.
>Waah why are ugly betas talking to me when I look like a neanderthal woman wahhh
Just another self imporant cunt
>implying a man ever approached it
>grow some balls
>a tranny
kek, you know how to grow balls because you'll always be male no matter how much you play dress up.
>The Guardian
They seem to be copying Gawker now. Not even good for bogroll.
How the fuck is the first interaction she described in any way bad? That's how regular human beings meet and go on dates.
online dating
Cry about to your girlfriend, oh wait...no
>Unless you're attractive. In which case, please hit on me you silly boys.
But what if I think Im attractive enough to hit on you?
>tranny male
>excuses himself when weird guy talks to him
>not just a boy with a mutilated cock
Wew lad you're in too deep, best kill yourself
I'd fug you
Gussy up, go to a bar, let the women come to you. Unless your beyond saving in the looks and personality department then you go 2D.
If these guys that approached her were Chads then she wouldve sucked their dicks the first moment she had, but because they were most likely ugly to average, she writes an entire article bitching about them.
Girls dont like when someone interact with them like this only if they dont like the person (or how he looks if they never met).
Its exactly like you will much likely speak to some pretty girl who asks you something on the street (for example whe looks for exact plave). It will be more uncomfortable to you to speak to big swaety guy in the same exact situation.
Thats just how it is.
>obsessed with anime
Because the guy wasn't attractive.
I don't get your reference, MAN.
>It's a "white people (women) act like annoying anti-social cunts because they're miserable and full of self-hatred" episode
stupid retarded fucking cunt. i hope she gets raped. men have been trying to pick up women on streets using shitty lines since forever. maybe next time just tell them you aren't interested and move on instead of whining about it on a newspaper no one fucking reads. 120% mad