What is Sup Forums's opinion on Resident Evil 4?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Resident Evil 4?

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Decent game in its own right, but it was the end of RE as a horror series.

Not the godsend that everyone claims. It was the originator of the gameplay that people shit on 5 for having, which infuriates me.

RE4 is not Survival Horror by any stretch. It's Horror Action, which RE5 did better in all respects from gunplay to partner system to monster design.

>Save a cute blonde anime girl with white panties from being raped by Mexicans
>Constantly gets in your way and forces you to reset checkpoints when she walks into grenades
>Listen to her scream LEON, HELP, UHH AHH UHH LEON
>Finally save her and espace, she asks if your down to take all 3 virginities
>Your character is gay all along


RE co-op sucks

every thread

Pretty fun.

But incredibly overrated and a near death sentence for it's own series.

One of my favorite games. I'll never forget it.

Your opinion, and one I don't share. Cooperatively playing through RE5 with a friend of mine was awesome fun. Getting separated during the asymmetrical segments was really memorable too.

Overrated. Too many dumb parts, too many stupid ideas and it was the beginning of the end.

Whoever says RE4 is the best RE game just fell into one of the biggest video game memes. Either this or this person was born after 1995.

My wife, Ashley, is so cute when she screams.

RE4 is literally the ressurection of the RE series.

You see when a game gets popular you get retards who always cry about change. Your series can't evolve with these kinds of autists. RE4 came in and literally executed those kinds of people and brought in more fans. It was literally a godsend.


This is an American president's daughter.

It had a great ending


She still gets raped though

The president has equipped his daughter with ballistics too.


>not posting the sexiest outfit

He prefer Ada Wong's pussy and not some trashy Bush sister


He has yellow fever.

Ada is a dude so that makes sense

mon negro

>Ada Wong

Never played any RE before 4 but didn't she fuck a whole bunch of dudes at Umbrella corp. thats what the re wiki said

This will be an American president's daughter

>tfw you will never save Ivanka from zombies

ruined the series


am I glad I saved it before it got deleted, janitors working overtime.

This imo desu.

>Never played any RE before 4
Of course you didn't.

Like literally everyone else that overstates how "great" this game is.

It's good.

>implying I'd want to save anything with that genetic code swimming around in it

An absolute mess of a game that somehow still manages to be one of the best and most replayable games ever.

Shes trash. Just like her mother. Michelle was a prof at fucking Harvard. What has Ivanka done other than being a gold digging whore and getting nude for money via photoshoots. Fucking whore. I would rather die than having the Trump """"family""""" in the white house

don't upgrade your health or your attache case, voila, it is now a survival horror game.

Best game in the series.
Ruined the series.

what just got deleted?

what was it?

Probably something by the same artist as

didn't like it, and I played it when it came out
I just remember getting to a part where a statue of the midget napoleon chases you and dropping the game
too stupid even by RE standards
wasn't crazy about the button prompts, QTEs, magical teleporting jew and the escort mission either

Some thick chick who looks like Ashley rubbing her tits in the bathtub

how come none of the games that came after were any good? Doesn't sound like an evolution to me.

>you hate change
no I don't. RE4 was great. If they had made 5 and 6 to be just as good or better, things would be fine. They took the worst aspects of RE4 (linearity, qtes, terrible story) and focused on it, then added forced coop to the mix. Not to mention the coop is terribly implemented, instead of just having a normal campaign and then adding an extra player on coop (perhaps making thins harder to compensate) they make the entire game around coop, including level length, leading to short as fuck chapters and constant "you cannot go back" barriers.

A webm of a girl that vaguely looks like Ashley naked in a bath tub, rubbing her tits with water.

Holy shit someone triggered tumblr over here

Wait, let me get this straight, So something ridiculous and crazy happened in a videogame? Shit, I'd drop it too.

she is legit 2/10 an ugly whore my god

don't EVER compare her to my goddess, Ashley

well Sup Forums?

Post it

Look, just because she is more attractive than you doesnt automatically make her a "whore." Read a dictionary for once.

Was Blondbunny from MFC.
Who's the middle one?

Yellow eyes are very cute and should be in more things

I don't know. The first part of RE 4 in the Spanish village scared the shit out of me when the villagers were storming the house. The other part that scared me I think was during the tower or something valley but yeah its a cool action game not really much of a survival horror game. Still a good game though

Fuck off, you know that's not how this shit works.
Say what you will about 4, but it was far less serious than the games before it, and some people just didn't like that.

Marry left, kill middle, uh..let right go home? She looks battered and scared.

>So something ridiculous and crazy happened in a videogame?

nah, just something retarded

I look way too much like Heather so I'm gonnna go for the other two.

not everybody does have freinds to play re5 with

Kill Marry Fuck ez desu senpai

>never played any RE before 4
Like fucking poetry, if this post isn't spot on evidence to hide, report and doxx re4 babbies I don't know what is

just passed it for the 26th time

I don't know whats with this game but it seems to be the only one I ever replayed more than once

I see the President armed his daughter with ballistics.

No, you misunderstand. I too like only mature games for mature gamers like ourselves.

>uh..let right go home? She looks battered and scared.

Oh how naive.

I want to furiously impregnate Ashley's ballistics.

-Still the best third person shooting mechanics I've seen in a game.
-Best looking GC game
-Red9 is my favorite gun from a video game and I loved that I could use is for 90% of the game
-Good sense of freedom despite having 'zoned' areas
-Voice acting didn't make my ears bleed
-Boss fights actually had some variety

-Story is rather cheesy despite trying to be more serious than other RE games
-Horrible QTEs
-Lackluster ending

In all, I'd say its one of the top 3 GC games and would play it again just for the gameplay.

Can I suck your clit?

I'm a dude so no.

It was never scary.

well fuck you then

>Lackluster ending

What do you want? A fucking literal 30 min cinematic?

Kill Ashley
Fuck Sherry
Marry Heather

I like the difficulty. I think I read here that it's dynamic or something.

>Everyone hates Ashley
>She's just acting like how any young adult would in her situation

Never got all the hate desu. She's kinda hot and I'd definitely make her my GF for a bit.

>installing now for a first time playthrough

what am I in for?

>I think I read here that it's dynamic or something.

Sounds like bullshit.

You're gonna need mods.

Not really I would've grabbed a gun and helped leon.


It's gonna be $20 on PSN next month right? Never played it before but I'm going through REmake for the first time and loving it. How's it compare to the first?

PC version is the worst version.

You can't compare it. One is survival horror the other is action horror. Both have puzzles. Both great games.

RE4 isn't in my top 5 games but i'd put it in my top 5 best games in general quality wise.
>Consistent gameplay
>Quality core gameplay combining action with tankish controls that force the player to have good effective spacing
>Corny yet likable characters and settings although the Island was a big step down
>Fun as fuck weapons with incredibly fun final upgrades
>Alot of different feel to every gun
>Merc mode for those into that

Its a great game. The level design was also good and honestly i felt like the village areas until you get Ashley were survival horror enough but after that its just action. The only faults i have with it were my dislike of QTEs but hey atleast they didn't suck as bad as in other games.

Its also not too hard but because of movement forces decent effort on the player. It has lasting power because its not bad graphically and its graphics are a very polished basic format so they probably won't ever look notably bad.

Its a very classic game at this point.

more? where? who? sauce?

Was her dad the same president that's killed in RE6?

>only one good titfuck pic

Village had a great and scary ambiance. Castle and island were letdowns in that department.

Something besides a cheesy one liner and a ride into the sunset. I'm fine with an ambiguous ending. But that wasn't ambiguous. It was just them acting like they didn't care about everything they just went through. And for the player, that's a horrible impression to leave.

which one.

The amount of good r34 for Ashley is criminally low. It's gay.

Only if you play on normal, there's a scaling system that makes ennemies more resistant more reactive an hit harder if you play well and the opposite if you get hit, die or miss your shots, in professional it's always at max and that's it.

t. basement dwelling neckbeard

RE4 saved RE.

After playing the game at a friend's house years ago I bought the Wii port which uses the remote for lightgun aiming and takes out a significant amount of the challenge, but the game is still really fun that way.

RE5 gets a lot of hate for further stripping the survival elements but from an action standpoint I think it's about equal or greater than 4.

I hope they actually add something to the PS4 version of RE4 to get me to buy it again for the 3rd time. The ability to strafe or new costumes or some shit, anything that isn't a lazy PC port.


>Shat on 5 for
Wrong people shat on 5 for its poor level design and unlikable characters outside of Wesker being hilarious.
>Better monsters
Not really about the same but what RE5 introduced was just charmless and annoying.
>Partner system
Kill yourself the AI Sheva is shit in most aspects and the fact you can't not use her is just fucking annoying. The forced coop ruined most of RE5 for me and its probably the root of bad level design choices. It lacked any atmosphere.

RE5 is by no means a notably bad game. Its a lackless experience like a 6/10 but its only improvement over RE4 was the gunplay which isn't a big enough gap to put it anywhere near as good as RE4.

Resident Evil 2 did that all on it's own, to be honest. Nemesis delivered the final blow.

That Luis was a total bro and died too soon
RIP best character ;.;7

>Don't upgrade any Tier 1 weapons
>Buy all the inventory upgrades
>Buy First Aid Spray whenever available
>Buy the Vest whenever available
>Best loadout is Red 9 (Handgun) Riot Shotgun Semi Auto Rifle
>Save Rocket Launchers for bosses

I feel like it's only fair to point out RE4 for the wii was one of my favorite rereleases, because you can actually hook up your gamecube controller and play it faithfully to the original, with all the bonus shit too