Opinions? It's 15% off on Amazon and I'm about to pull the trigger

Opinions? It's 15% off on Amazon and I'm about to pull the trigger.

The game's meh, not bad but definitely not good.
The devs are cunts, though.

games fun, if you like SMT/Persona you won't regret it
unless you don't like censorship which honestly doesn't ruin the game

>there are still retards on this board that dont know wii u piracy is a thing

>The devs are cunts, though.

Atlus? Why?
I'm a bit of an Atlusfag I must admit.


The censorship is MASSIVELY overblown, if you didn't know about it you seriously wouldn't notice.

Other than that it's your typical JRPG with some slick menu/monster designs. Replace "school kids save the world" with "idols save the world"

The censorship is exaggerated
How AMAZING the game is is also exaggerated
It's a pretty mediocre game overall

>Playing anything besides Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2 and Dong Freeze on the Wii U

It actually isn't. The 'Piratefags' are just censorshitters butthurt about the game.

They've never actually played it.

Anyway, I've just finished it today. It took fifty hours. Great, great game.

>MFW 50 plus hours and haven't started the final dungeon yet for side missions

Am I just slow?

Are you really, really desperate for something Persona-esque and aren't willing to wait for P5? Do you enjoy idolshit? Have you bought every good Wii U game you could buy instead?

If you answered yes to all, go for it.

>Are you really, really desperate for something Persona-esque

Not desperate, but I could totally go for something like that right now. And I feel indifferent towards idolshit.

Well I made up my mind, going to order it.

>buying censored shit
Pirate it.

It's just another JRPG. The "idolshit" really isn't thrown in your face like idolmaster or some shit like that but it's like every other JRPG story where it's super hammed up and written for a 5 year old.

Mechanically it's a fusion of FEs triangle system and partly the magic/upgrade system of SMT. Don't expect any of the depth of either of those games in terms of builds or mechanics but it's also not super braindead simple like the majority of JRPGs.

ignoring censorship, meh game. wait for a larger discout
with censorship, dont buy it. many of the changes are just "why?"

the worst-written game i've ever seen
almost every plot twist can be called simply by thinking of the most trite thing possible, not to mention the fucking generic LN harem protag who the female cast exists to fawn over

Nah, that's about what it took me.

I didn't do a lot of the fetch quests in the overworld, but I did do all of the side stories.

>paying for a censored game
>even discounted
I seriously hope you don't let shills talk you into this

>playing a game for anime tits and not for gameplay

Are u people gay?

>turn a corner
>savage encounter
>fail to run away
>get wiped
>haven't saved in over an hour
seriously what's the fucking point of these savage encounters other than to ruin my fucking day?

Smoke bombs exist for a reason dude

Lunatic mode feels like a true smt game

goddammit I didn't even think of those

Barry Goodman is the hero that all weebs should strive to be.

He was a rock star; a position that most normalfags would kill to be in. Not just any rock star, either. He was the lead guitarist of one of the most popular bands in the world. He could've fucked all the 3DPD bitches he wanted, and nobody would've batted an eye.

But instead, he gave it all up to be with his 2D waifu.