Puppet Dance Performance

>he doesn't know there's a translation for puppets expansion now

Other urls found in this thread:


i want to fuck touhou

I thought it got put into limbo because of internet drama involving pussy.

Which one?

All of them, even ZUN

Is this just basic menu stuff or the game script?

Seriously, make a thread on vp if you haven't already. I haven't seen one in weeks

We'd just get pushed out existence by Go.

Call me when the story is translated

>i believe everything i read in Sup Forums
ok kid.png

why would I play PPD when touhoumon purple is better?

I only have the base game, where is this extention you speak of?

go to the /vp/ archive and just search TPDP, possibly /tpdp/, sure there's a download link in one/most/all of the threads.

New to 2hou what is this

Pokemon but with 2hu.

I've been waiting for this, is it fully translated yet?

No. Only the menus, attacks, abilities etc.

If you don't care about the plot though it's perfectly playable.

>caring about the story in a Pokemon clone
>caring about the story in a Touhou fangame
>caring about the story in a Touhou-Pokemon game

I think there wasn't a Puppet thread in /vp/ since weeks, or months
First puppet best puppet

Cool, didn't really need the story anyway.

Can I can transfer my puppets over though? I don't want to lose my Flandre or my collection.

is it fun?

It's better designed in some aspects than the actual Pokemon games.

But be warned, the dungeon layouts are kudzu as shit.

This is great news, but where is Raikoanon?

That's a really funny thing about the expansion, actually. TECHNICALLY you can, but you won't be able to use them until after you beat the story mode, which you'll have to do again.

In /vp/, I assume.

Last one was nuked and everyone gave up.

>you won't be able to use them until after you beat the story mode, which you'll have to do again.
Like the whole thing again? All the regular game's story battles? Please no, all of my effort wasted.

Also Is there a way to tell if you've actually linked the two games? I've tried before, but there was only a new game option in the expansion and nothing that indicated if it worked or not.

If it's successful Doremy will steal your shit.

Yup, all over again. To be fair though, the dungeons are all mixed up and the story is changed a bit so that you get to fight more people. And Remilia is no longer a newbie bully.

>Also Is there a way to tell if you've actually linked the two games?
If there is, I don't know about it. Sorry, user.

>If it's successful Doremy will steal your shit.
? Like in the first cutscene?

Oh yeah, that's right they were adding stuff like actually being able to fight Flandre this time.
And wedding dresses.

>best anything


Speaking of 2hu fan games, wasn't there some Youmu beat 'em up game? I've been playing Marisa and Alice's Trap Tower currently, and it's quite fun.

You mean Dat 3D Youmu game? I didn't play it, but if it's similar to the Remilia/Sakuya game then I'm sure it's damn good.

>creator is crazy for hecatia
>Her puppet is broken as fuck
>But she is not a super bonus boss
Hemo pls.

Hemo still likes juicy fish tits right?

Possibly that one. I still don't know the names of any of these damn things (including the one you listed) besides Trap Tower, Not-Castlevania, and a few others.

>Her puppet is broken as fuck
It is?

Youmu is GAY

This doesn't come with the update does it? Anywhere I can get that?

Nope, he has gone full crazy for hecatia, he made a lewd doujin of her already

>yfw they finish the translation completely
>dev releases another expansion

As long ZUN doesn't make a new game, there won't be another expansion for touhoumon.

If they take so long that there another two Touhou games released then that's their fault, really.

Of what? ZUN hasn't done anything since LoLK.

I mean I suppose Hemo could dig the real bottom of the barrel and give us shit like Rin Satsuki and girl from the cover jacket of Dolls in Pseudo Paradise.

She is basically aegislash but more broken, Raikoanon could explain it in detail.

You don't have to dig too deep to find characters worth adding.

Anyone know what this is? Happens whenever I try to run the expansion.

>Windows XP

No bully please.

Please don't tell me the expansion doesn't work on XP, the main game worked perfectly fine

>windows XP
But why?!

>Rin Satsuki
I'd totally be for having a "glitch" Pokemon.

I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't.

Sweet, time to play online and actually understand what's going on.

I'm poor, okay? You can't upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 10, so I'm left with no choice here.
This is why I never post anything about my computer here.

I don't see why it wouldn't work if the non-expansion one works without any issues at all.

Why not use 7?


At least it's best dork, one good thing still counts

Because I don't really care how shit my computer is as long as it plays stuff like this and has internet.
It can't be he helped, I don't exactly plan to ever use it for that much anyway.

But really though, does anyone have any idea how to fix it? Or at least an idea what it says?

Cutest girl that doesn't even exist in 2D.

Haven't played PDP but this is a pretty clever remix

I wouldn't be even slightly surprised. I used to know a girl who was borderline-obsessed with touhou and was basically a massive whore with no self respect, and she definitely wasn't the only one in the community.

It's basically saying it can't find necessary files and for you to reinstall.
Reinstalling probably won't fix your problem though.
The expansion can run if you play it unpatched from a fresh install, as in v1.0. Any updates past that break the game on XP.

Proper Touhou thread without pokecancer when?

Make one thread yourself

>Any updates past that break the game on XP
Well it was a nice idea, but I guess that's that.
I'll never get my Flandre and Remilia a wedding dress now.

Honestly that's most semi-attractive girls involved in weebshit.


Do that and also link it here so I can easily browse both threads.

Nigga, this is the first touhoumon thread in Sup Forums in months, fuck off.

Shit thread.

>muh pokeymahns
You have a WHOLE board for this shit

You really should update, man. Not even to 10 but at least 7 or fucking Vista or something, you can't be using XP still.

It's out? Kickass.

isn't it just an interface translation?
i mean the gameplay is solid but i like knowing where to go and who to talk to and stuff

PDP's music is all great.


ah damn, it's just a functional patch. Well, it's better than nothing

i dont know a single goddamn thing about touhou

you can press ctrl+c with dialog windows like that active and text from it will be copied to buffer
then you can stick it into google translate

No dialogue yet, though.

Isn't that from Windows Vista onwards?

Perfect, you'll feel right at home with this fangame.

>Reminder that in game, this cutie literally sleep with you.

Oh fuck, not you.

it all seems so complicated

No idea. Here's more methods:
Winscraper looks promising, I think I used it back in windows 95 days. You should start with it if ctrl+c doesn't work.

Don't reply to him.

Yes me

Don't worry, just keep posting like that and you'll fit like the rest

Too late for that
I don't need your replies though

so how much has changed from the original?
i never got past the scarlet devil mansion. got close to beating the final bossman there a few times but never got through.

i'm seeing stuff about changed caves and routes or something?
so how's the fights with those tiny dudes in the first town now? like cirno, wriggle, rumia and stuff.

>so how much has changed from the original?
More puppets, the dungeons are all different, more boss fights, much longer postgame.

>those tiny dudes
>tiny dudes

everyone's a dude regardless of like stuff and things

>want to get this to walk with the puppets and stuff

>can't, for the life of me, figure out how to install the expansion

Fucking hell.

>2016 - the year of the 2nd american civil war
>still caring about a dogfuckers pokemon clone

He's not wrong. Look at this manly stud.

Hell no, quick, someone post space jim's wriggle to shut up this user.

>being a burger

>summoning Raikoanon


>Space Jim
Why an artist so good has to be obsessed with so fucked up fetish?

There's also a Battle Tower sorta thing.