>wants me to have six party members
Why hasn't this ancient meme been put down like a dog?
Play Tokyo Mirage Sessions. You only have 3
Dungeon crawler thread?
this game is honestly so shit but i feel like i have to beat it after dropping 30 bucks on it
Didn't pick it up because I have too much shit to beat before moving onto new games.
>if we don't win this fight, the world will end!
>let's only take 3-6 members of the team of super soldiers we have
I know it's an ancient trope, but it still bugs me every time.
If you haven't yet PLAY LEGEND OF GRIMROCK 1 and 2
Fuck you
RPG party size should be 4-5, maximum of 6 if the game is designed to accomodate it
Not video games.
>you can eat from a stranger's plate
>your teeth go grey
>1000 taverns and inns across the land
>3 bathrooms
>he doesn't tip his bartender to find out about secrets in dungeons
>Can use 10 units.
>1 mage unit can solo all the maps.
Fucking mages I swear to god.
ill never get it why this picture gets that many replies.
FF6 solved this, you had to split your part members into 3 groups for the final dungeon, then the final boss had 3 parts, each part you used a different team
I'm replaying FFX on PS4 after all these years since I never beat it when I was young and stupid.
The ability to swap in battle works really well with the amount of party members you get.
Really gives you the option for multiple strategies.
I actually realized how good Kimahri is.
Tidus being the main character does almost feel useless since he doesn't have a real role like the others.
they did something similar in suikoden 2, where you had 3 parties of 6 trying to kill one dude
if you only trained one main team of 6 at that point you were pretty boned
i think 5 also had it during the final part of the game
Is that Christian Bale?
too much videogames will make your theeth go gray
>God tier
5 or 6 - Allows maximum versatility without getting overwhelmed.
>Ok tier
7+ - Gettin' a little big here. Becomes a pain to manage such a large posse.
>Mid tier
4 - Limiting, but allows some flexibility. Unless the game requires a lockpick and trap disarm drone, then you know who number 4 is going to be.
>Shit tier
3 - Horrible. These games are always boring because you always need the 3 core roles.
watch the videos
Developer actively tries to punish you for idling with faction they disagree with
What the fuck is a TRPG? Tranny Role Playing Game?
Tactical you inbred cumguzzling faggot.
5 or 6 is terrible specifically because of the versatility. You shouldn't be able to cover all your bases.
4 Works out pretty well with the Tales games, you notice in Star Ocean 5 it became a clusterfuck with so many characters.
So a regular turn based RPG?
>Hmm, we don't want tip our hats in saying any one side is the "right choice"
>I know, lets make all factions totally irredeemable and unappealing
2 dps of different flavors, tank, cleric, wizard, archer (or 2nd wizard)
games with fewer party members usually just consolidate the roles so it ends up covering the same amount of bases anyway
Grid based combat, you retard. Usually called SRPG. Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem, Disgaea etc.
suikoden 2 sucked for this.
the worst part was that every pair only has a single dual skill.
No. Have you ever heard of Final Fantasy Tictacs? If not, why are you such an underage faggot and why do you refuse to play one of the best TRPGs out there? A normal turn-based RPG is something like Dragon Quest, a TRPG is grid-based with unit movement.
And what sets this genre apart from games like Pool of Radiance, Fallout, and Ultima?
>fallout is not grid based
what does that have to do with the thread?
>Magic class
>Can only wear light armor and use wands/staffs
I like 7+ myself, especially if every character is unique and has a specific use.
Tried it on a game where you would recruit characters and it is... not good.
is there a point to grid based srpgs anymore?
>have access to like 20+ party members
>can only use 4 at a time
the manual art is better
>the witcher 3
>sign builds are based around medium armour
>Pool of Radiance
I didn't say they were different, I was clearing up your confusion about Tranny Role Playing Games.
That's because magic would be even more OP than it already is if you could wear the most powerful defensive gear.
>These games are always boring because you always need the 3 core roles.
you don't even need a healer.
>they all gain exp even if theyre not in your party so you can actually swap characters out when you need to without excessive grinding
too bad no game ever does this
>108 potential party members
>The main focus becomes recruiting all of them
>they spend their last days held up in a castle at the behest of a teenage zealot.
rogue galaxy for the ps2 does it
the issue with anything over 4 is that you typically don't have anything that's actually demanding. you fight a rabbit turd monster and just completely wreck it with 6+ party members.
also, anything over that amount and it might as well just be a srpg. there's not enough balance.
go play wizardry
But if everyone is OP then no one is.