Filename thread

Filename thread.

what does water taste like

Like a really flat, flavorless 7up.

salty milk and flat, warm pepsi.


bags of sand


sweaty fish


Sparkling water > Flat water

very slightly of dirt

I like that water aesthetic

>that guy who mistook dihydrogen monoxide for water and died

the question is what does W A T E R taste like?

dihydrogen monoxide



Woah it's real

I think the better question is: What does water feel like?


What anime is this?
>inb4 malcolm in the middle

Oh shit. I think I've been drinking that this whole time. How do I know which is which?

Tastes mostly of hydrogen oxide with a little oxygen mixed in.




wet air
captcha: Bodies of water



Marukomu in za midoru

like lemonade without lemons and sugar


I really hope you have cancer, you deserve it.


It's sticky.




you forgot

here's a (you) for the fake spoilers
Okuyasu shouldve stayed dead though even though he's the 2nd best character in Part 4

probly like H2O







What does Estus taste like?



Someone needs to shop the first one to say BADASS Water, otherwise this filename is useless.


Sunny D?


female cum

I've read the manga but I still dont get it


One of those is only a half spoiler senpai, won't say which one to maintain the mystery. Don't let these spoiling faggots try to get you down dude, part 4 is still fucking great spoilers or none

coke cherry

>the year 2532
>the first alien descends into a post apocalyptic earth
>he finds a dusty machine beneath the rubble
>it seems to work
>the machine flashes a screen with a picture of a girl with wide eyes and skimpy clothing
>the alien witnesses how a blank rectangle appears in the screen
>the letters Sup Forums flash the screen
>the alien, surprisingly manages to use the machine
>"what does water taste like"
>the whole purpose of his journey in a single sentence
>seven seconds later a blue space with black characters appears at the bottom of the screen
>"salty coins and milk faggot"

I don't get it


>you will never be as butthurt as the people that REE about "anime onlyfags" when it comes to jojo

feels good to know


>what if we combine a MOBA with an FPS

No. It tastes more like Hydroxylic Acid.

I would do this.

Brine is tasty af.


>friday night threads

>being an anime-only pleb


What does Ashen Estus taste like?

>Fallout 2 canon ending.

I recognise that street
My biggest surprise is that there's practically no one on it

Did they ded?

she's going to break those glasses if she sits down

Did Sup Forums seriously just change "senpai" to "Senpai"?? What the fuck??



Shaniqua noooooooooo!!
Does anyone got the dub version?




Spoiling the people who're only watching the anilme

>no Mr. Pibb
shit collection


f a m



I believe it's called Nazca.

Respect the force kick.

>Spoiler for a manga this old
It is kinda like showing Krillin dying on Namek.

its a reference to the first pokemon game (or the remake)

theres a casino controlled by team rocket and thats a stop in pokemon go of a place that shares the same name

What is this artist's name? I remember seeing their shit before, but I can't recall.




Truly the hero we need.

