Let's talk about Dead Space

Let's talk about Dead Space.

Really lads?

Favorite game? No thoughts? no nostalgia?


2 was my introduction to to the series and 3 is my favorite. Yes I've played all 3. Fight me.

I love this game. It took two playthroughs but the second go around I came to appreciate it much more. It's not as scary as 1 I'll, but it's way more tense and I love the PTSD aspect of it.

Let's not talk about 3 tho, ever.

i greatly enjoyed the first and second, third one was pretty shit imo but i still played it and enjoyed some of it

that fucking regenerating dude

>3 is my favorite

you need to be put down

I remember back then, I was so excited about the third game. Holy shit I was wrong.

I played all 3 Dead Space games but never finished the first.

2 was the best I think, 3 wasn't THAT bad in my opinion but it was a piss weak Dead Space game since it completely did away with any semblance of horror.

More games need a dedicated curb stomp button.

My favorite franchise, I even liked 3. Only thing that pissed me off was the ending. If Issac and Carter died after the moon I would have been satisfied. The ending dlc was an insult and it'll never be repaired.

>resident evil 6 having more support
>finally see more dead space 3 support too

Go back and finish the first, DS2 is probably my favorite, but it's constantly neck and neck with the first.

3 doesn't exist and I refuse to believe it does.

It was fucking retarded when Carter passed the moon thingy to Elton John at the end out of some dumb sense of morality though. What does it matter if Ellie dies? If you give him what he needs you're all dead anyway along with billions of others.

Honestly can barely remember what actually goes on in the dlc except the actual end of it when they get back to earth. Like fuck that was beyond dumb.

I really liked the crafting system in DS3, I wish more games let you assemble weaponry to your personal liking. But overall third one was not nearly as immersive as the first or second game, which the first one being my favourite.

I was actually talking about the ending of the original game.

But yeah, the DLC was really stupid too.

DS1 is the best one and the most loyal to the survival-horror genre
DS2 is a great action-horror game
DS3 is a mediocre action-horror game

Don't even bother to reply if you disagree, because your shitty opinion is wrong.

I liked it but not as an ending to a series, the vanilla ending would be better for that. I'm sure we'll get a fourth one though.

How would you guys fix DS3 to at least make it acceptable? What would you remove? Add?

I would remove:
-the love triangle drama
-the universal ammo
-the whole alien language doors

-some more cool melee weapons
-better armors
-more big bosses
-more creepy spots like the underground armory on the planet

2 > 1
There's no such game as Dead Space 3.
1 may be the scariest but gameplay-wise it feels really clunky and primitive after a second one.

Necromorph outta fucking nowhere

Best gun comin thru


Fun one, but seeker rifle is my personal favorite.

>not completing all games with plasma cutter only
I can't even bring myself to use the other weapons.

I would like to enjoy 3 a lot more but I have no one to play co op with.

Missed half a game's worth of content because of that.

Of course I have, doesn't mean I haven't played through multiple times to use them all.

Every game I go plasma only for my first play through. After I experiment and play around.

Seeker rifle is my favourite after the plasma of course.

Played the first one and it was basically System Shock 2 remake and I liked that
I heard the third one is shit how about the second one?

Second one is refined, plays super well. Takes more action stance over horror, but it keeps a tense feeling about.

Some say it's better, some say DS1 is better. Either way it's extremely good.

If you look at the first game in isolation from all the others, you can pretend that Isaac is actually mentally handicapped. He never speaks, only screams and grunts. He is permanently hunched. He has retard strength. The repair and maintenance operations he performs are so insanely hazardous that no sane person would agree to do them.

Anyone know how well it can run with Hd 530?

1 and 2 were great. Solid blend of action and horror, even if 2 leaned a bit more on the former. Multiplayer in 2 was just a distraction. I was hype for 3, but it disappointed me and I never finished it.

I would love to see EA let Visceral make Dead Space 4 or a similar but new IP, and refocus on what made Dead Space 1 and 2 so good over. 3 actually wasn't that awful. I was just fresh off the disappointment train when some of my other liked franchises tanked in quality, (Halo 4, Gears Judgement news, Mass Effect, etc.) so I just decided to peace out early.

It actually wouldn't be that hard to get the series back on track. I don't think it ever went past the point of no return.

Dead space 3 was fun, I liked the crafting system. Shame it wasn't spooky at all.

DS2 is a masterpiece though

Fun action games, but you're underage and/or a pleb if you think they're horror games.

>you're either this or that if your think x
how to spot a vermin

3 gets way too much flak.

It's an amazing space game, and has some of the best space environments in any game out there.

Sure, it isnt scary, but guess what?

None of the games are.

Once you figure out each necros weak spots, the game loses all semblance of horror, because you know Isaac can just murder the fuck out of anything that gets in his way.

I don't know why people complain that Isaac isnt afraid of monsters he's killed THOUSANDS of. Dead Space 2 is still the best the quintessential Dead Space game, but 3 is also very good in its own rights.

This is coming from someone who has consumed every piece of media in the franchise, including books and movies.

Is Isaac the most life-fucked video game character?

I feel like he's space guts.

Where do you think you are? Sup Forums may as well be renamed hyper-argumentative.net

Also, please, convince me that Dead Space is horror? They're action games with monster closets that STARTLE you, rather than genuinely make you afraid or vulnerable (it does manage that on very rare occasions though, such as the very very end of 2).

>None of the games are
You need to be put down, so every mouthbreather who says this.
1 is a survival horror


What's been so bad about Isaac's life?

His girlfriend commits suicide, and he has to survive a bunch of zombies? Then he finds a new brown QT, gets very momentarily cucked, but still wins her in the end.

Guts was getting raped as a small child.

there's really no comparison.

You are completely right.

>1 is survival horror.

No, that's just what it's marketed as.

In a survival horror, you need to conserve ammo and health items, forcing you to bypass certain encounters.

You can go through the entirety of the first game on impossible, using nothing but the plasma cutter, killing EVERYTHING along the way, and still have tons of ammo to spare.

The enemies are fucking LOOT PINATAS. That is not a survival horror. It's a spooky shooter.

As a child Isaac's mom was brainwashed by Unitology, I think it's mentioned that his mom sold nearly everything to support the church, and he got religious tattoos on him at that time as well

Not that user but I think dead space is horror because of the settings and other shit (basically 1 and 2, not 3)
>1 is on a signaldead ship with everything broken down and torn apart
>you know something big and nasty ripped that shit apart but you have to go in and tangle with it to fix it
>jumpscares that instantly stop being frightening only for you to get fucked over once you're comfortable by the hunter
>auditory and visual spooks

Not to mention it's listed as survival horror, even if you don't agree.

Bought 1 and 2 during this years steam sale. Installed 1, then got stuck at that first door right after you pick up the plasma cutter. I think it has something to do with vsync, but I cant be assed to troubleshoot it

I'll play it for sure in October. I was too much of a chicken shit to play it back when it came out

>he hasnt done a forcegun only run
just wait till you max it out, the mining shotgun is GOAT.

Dead Space would be a great series on PC if the developers weren't so fucking inept at handling frame rates and vertical synchronization.

>Dead Space 1
>fantastic game
>high frame rate breaks the mouse sensitivity with Vsync off
>insane input lag makes the game unplayable with Vsync on

>Dead Space 2
>another fantastic game
>game is inexplicably locked to 30 frames per second with Vsync on

I haven't played the third one, even though I got it from a $1 tier Humble bundle a while ago, because I don't want to install Origin.

But, at this rate, if I had to guess...

>Dead Space 3
>it's pretty fun
>turning on Vsync makes mustard gas

one had great atmosphere but showering you with ammo and health even on high difficulties means it is anything but survival
basically it was a great game that suffered from an identity crisis,it wanted to be a survival horror without much survival and limited horror elements
DS2 was the highlight of the series simply because it did not suffer from that identity crisis
yes the horror elements were dumped down but not THAT much
yes the action was more intense but not THAT much
basically the gameplay and atmosphere of DS2 fitted the pacing and resource administration of the game's premise better than 1
DS2 was a thriller action and it was perfect since that was the core of the game
and then 3 took a fuck huge shit on what both games had build upon
that said the first quarter of the game with the flotilla exploration was actually the shit
the other 3/4ths of the game buried it

should run pretty good

>-the whole alien language doors

>be playing with subtitles
>they just fucking tell you the password

forcing v-sync/triple buffering through your driver settings cause no issues/input lag or whatsoever

time to post Dead Space 2 armors

I understand where you're coming from but Isaac's ability to blow shit away is just far, far too good (especially when you're playing on PC) for it to be scary for me. For that reason I play them as action games.

>one had great atmosphere but showering you with ammo and health even on high difficulties means it is anything but survival

What you're saying is that it's too easy, but difficulty doesn't define the genre. It's valid to describe the game as an easy survival horror.

>basically it was a great game that suffered from an identity crisis,it wanted to be a survival horror without much survival and limited horror elements

I don't know how you could say the horror elements were limited. Not enough jump scares for you?

Have the entire game set in the flotilla, and tweak the weapon balance, and the game would be amazing.

I don't care about ancient aliens or any of that shit, I just want to scavenge around an abandoned space station while fighting zombies and building weapons out of scrap.

I liked the weapon crafting system, but it's terribly balanced with most weapons being useless, and semi auto military engines (the most boring configuration) being the strongest weapons

Any 3rd person shooters with horror elements Sup Forums ? Like Evil Within and Resident Evil 4-5-6

DS3 was fine on PC. But the gameplay was worse and it wasn't scary. The only part I liked was
>intro/tutorial section
>come to a road of high-speed driverless transport vehicles
>"Press X to Stasis" prompt, typical learn the mechanic or be stuck/die situation
>Wait, how does freezing one car stop the entire roadway? Shitty game logic I guess.
>Fire stasis at the cars
>They freeze
>Massive car crash ensues because the rest of the cars aren't frozen
That was the only time they did anything neat, interesting or subversive.

Ive only played the first one and it was very fluid and enjoyable to me

The crafting was cool but having only 2 weapons instead of 4 made it pointless.

I watched 2001 and Event Horizon in the span of a few days and it made me realize how much those movies influenced Dead Space.

I'll play dead space 3 with you

This guy gets it

>Not enough jump scares for you?
the contrary
the game was too heavily focused on jump scares
literally the only point it could be described as a horror game were the hunter bits were it forced you into heart pounding situations
but at no point was it survival easy or not
it was a spooky shooting gallery

>forcing v-sync/triple buffering through your driver settings cause no issues/input lag or whatsoever

This might work with an Nvidia GPU; I don't know because I don't own one.

What I do know is that AMD's Catalyst Control Center does not enable Vsync in Dead Space. It can force Vsync only in a small number of games (specifically, those using OpenGL, if I remember correctly). So, for Dead Space, I used D3DOverrider. There was still some input lag, as there always is with Vsync, but it wasn't nearly as bad as with the game's built-in Vsync option.

I wouldn't even say DS3 is action-horror, it's just action. Do you remember the boss fight that was just a big drill?

I guess it's down to opinion, I really wasn't scared in terms of "horror" but more of suspense and thriller after the first few necromorphs.

The thing with horrors definition is that it means great shock/disgust/fear from sources like primal fears, which dead space does do (fear of death, fear of bodily harm, loud noises etc) plus the disgust factor with reanimated corpses or giant air conditioning anuses.

Best gun coming through.

I got it with EA Access and have enjoyed it so far. But fuck that asteroid defense segment, took me four attempts. Hope 2/3 are back compat soon.

>You can go through the entirety of the first game on impossible, using nothing but the plasma cutter.
This is true.
>killing EVERYTHING along the way
That's easier said than done.
>and still have tons of ammo to spare
Not entirely true, while the game will drop more ammo for a single gun than when you have two, it's still a small amount compared to lower difficulties. That said, you will have to manage your resources well for survive, like, every survival horror.
>The enemies are fucking LOOT PINATAS.
Nope, sorry.
>That is not a survival horror. It's a spooky shooter.
Whether you find it spooky or not, that's your problem. Dead Space 1 is still a Survival Horror.
Well, mate, I can't even.

Fair enough.

But just for the sake of argument, what specifically is your definition of "horror"?

Something which scares you personally?

yeah i'm using GTX760.

Coming in for strong second

True. It can kill the final boss in under 10 seconds.

Dead Space 3 is a buddy cop game.

Ditch all pretenses of horror, and look at it as "Clarke and Carvers spooky space adventure" and the game is a million times more enjoyable

I really love the dead space series, though i never completed DS1, i did complete DS2, and almost finished DS3. Did read up on the wikia and watch the movies though. I should get around to finishing DS3. I sort of wish that the return to Ishimura in DS2 didn't have any creatures in it. Would've been more scarier that way.

Step aside, best suit is coming

It's so satisfying watching Isaac's helmet pop on.

Na Javvy definitely takes first. It has the best special alt fire. Kills most things with just that too.

here's a bonus suit


This. That kind of shit gets my dick sapphire. Same as Iron Man.

And a bonus webm

Dead Space was a great Horror-to-Action game.
Dead Space 2 shit the bed a little but was still a solid action game.

I beat the game on hard my first go and he's right game turns into RE4 by the second chapter with everything dropping tons of ammo and being far too easy. I used the plasma the whole game and had so much ammo for it and all the other guns I started selling it.

horror is something that makes you dread every step you take with clever use of both physical and psychological elements that the human psyche is inherently afraid of
it is not easily defined that is for sure
but basically all the horror of DS1 was jump scares and creepy sound
you get over that after the first 2 levels and then the game becomes a shooter light horror with inconsistent pacing
simply put it,it shocks you for a bit at the beginning but quickly fails to keep its horror looming over you

I hate that 3 ruined the regen enemies most of all. 1's was "I'm not in here with you, you're in here with m-OH JESUS" and 2 was "OH, GOOD, IT'S BACK"

3 threw so many of them at you I swear there was a part with 3 in the same room.

i wouldn't use because because theres too many skin exposed, i wouldn't feel safe on that

>Guts was getting raped as a small child.
i thought this was Griffith

guts got sold off to big black men a few times when he was training with the guy he eventually runs through

The asteroids in DS1? Turn your brightness up really high to see them coming sooner.

Use one cannon for smaller targets and use both for bigger ones that split into smaller pieces.

How do you get this suit on the PC? Is it even possible?


Goddamn, why did they have to make it so actiony with DS2 and DS3? They could have just discovered another Derelict ship.

I honestly liked that.

In the first game, you were being chased by an unstoppable terminator

In the Second game, it's scary, but you know you can kill it.

In the third game Isaac is casually amputating three sets of limbs while leaving them a quivering lump of flesh stuck in stasis on the floor.

Really shows some good character development.

I'm pretty sure at this point, Isaac's PTSD is so severe, he's essentially unshakeable.

Those threads were great before it came out.

>beat Dead Space 3
>unlock "Dead Space Legendary Suit Set"
>expect the Elite Advanced Suit shown in early trailers
>hope for DS1 Tier 3 Engineering Rig
>just the shitty DS2 Engineering Suit and Security Suit for Carver

Hey user i found this. I'm about to jump to AMD but can you check v-sync with RadeonPro instead of catalyst control center

Fuck, if you think Dead Space 1 was fluid, you're going to think that Dead Space 2 and 3 are quicksilver.

The first game is clunky as fuck compared to its sequels.

3's ending with the moon boss might have been retarded but I'm convinced isaac was riding on a "FUCK IT, I CAN'T DIE" high