So, has Squaresoft stated when their new RPG is coming out on PC?
So, has Squaresoft stated when their new RPG is coming out on PC?
Not anymore.
What do you mean? Did they change the name?
Anyone? I'd really like to know.
>it's an "user thought the world was ending in 2000 and just came out of his bunker" level
That doesn't sound as nice.
I am setsuna on 19th july.
Any word on Final Fantasy? 4 is my favorite.
Squaresoft was only ever the name of the American branch and a marketing term they sometimes used in the West, you goobers.
It was fucking Square. When will the "Squaresoft/I miss Squaresoft" meme die?
All they made was Secret of Evermore.
I liked that game too. I want to go back to Podunk
>tfw re-playing FFVI right now on Steam
XII is getting remastered for PS4. Will eventually hit Steam like Type-0 and X and X-2. XV is being rumored for a PC release after its out for consoles..
Probably FF7 Remake or FF12 Remake on Steam.
user please.
We know that 7 and 15 are coming to PC. I assume 12 will also but that for some reason seems strange but I guess X/X-2 did come so that will too.
I'm hoping for the new Dissidia game because I think the game could get a pretty decent audience on PC. Would be nice to see that series get some sales even if it's very boring.
>We know that 7 and 15 are coming to PC
No they aren't.
They're being developed for the PS4.
Playing FFVI turns you into a Jew?
And Xbox one. And PC.
FF7 sold gangbusters on PC, more than PS3 and PS4 combined. I doubt it will even be a timed exclusive.
Brave fencer musashi was a good game man. And it incorporated the logo into the game. You know where the red comes from in the a right?
I am currently replaying FFIV on Steam.
I'm not sure what you mean. A bit of nostalgia never hurt anyone.
Man, fuck you.
>you will never play Parasite Eve for the first time again.
why wont these 90's feels go away. the booze just makes them worse Sup Forums.
IV looks great but V and VI got the iOS port on Steam.
>said increasingly nervous PCuck for the eighth time
they literally said they're making a high-end pc version
I'll lick the beaded sweat from your taint if you can provide a source. Otherwise...
Is anybody excited for I am Setsuna? It looks pretty good, but I haven't heard anything about it other than it's steam page.
>There are people who think developing games for a console means plugging a keyboard into a dev-console to build programs directly on it
The constant lines of retards saying IT'S LIKE CHRONO TRIGGER except only in the battle system, and that it's apparantly kind of short and no one can seem to state anything about the story other than it's probably not a happy ending.
>being this delusional
The sooner you accept that PC as a gaming platform is on its death throes the better.
He's a PCuck. Don't expect any degree of intelligence from people like him.
>consolecucks grasping hard at their last remaining worthwhile exclusive
>they actually think modern final fantasy is worth while
It's okay I'll pirate it and make golden face threads just for you.
>I can't get it so it's shit
PC gamers are so pathetic.
Oh but I can. Problem is, I'm not gay.
-LITERALLY- next week
Why won't they make another Tactics games? Or an HD port.
They mentioned they would do PC for it only after the console version is done and out.
I'm not that interesting in a standard JRPG at the moment, and outside the whole OMG TRIPLE TECH ITS CHRONO TRIGGER, I haven't seen anything about the game that makes it interesting.
>No they aren't.
7 remake was confirmed for PC when it was announced.
>XV is released
>runs like shit, full of technical problems and feels unfinished content-wise
>PC version delayed until 'the console version is satisfactory'
Actually according to digital foundry the console version they played and tested at E3 runs 30fps with improved res, visuals and performance from the previous console demos.
>Xenogears was able to get away with a T rating
Man,I wonder if that shit would happen today
I'll think they'll probably waiting for the PS4k and Scorpio to come out. Then they can release the updated version with better graphics for the new consoles and PC. The interview mentioned they had some ideas for technology but couldn't put it in because the game already runs like garbage on current 8th gen.
What's the speculations about FF7 remake, I mean, since it's gonna be episodic, do Sup Forums think we could still have some hope in getting whole remake done right and after all episodes which cover full game got in one package and sell as some newschool uberclassic?
Probably the International Version. I wouldn't bother until then either.
>MFW all these butthurt sonyponies getting upset that XIV and VII are coming to PC and they wasted their money on a dead console
Can you prove that FFVII and XV will get PC versions? Like, an actual quote from the developer?
It would still be a T rating because the worst it goes into is violence, like why the hell do you think it would get a diffrent rating? It's not like this is crazy christian america 90's where we were still reeling from the throws of the D&D IS SATANIC BS.
But the game was downgraded so no.
Xenogears would still get a Teen rating. There's no outwardly sexual content or intense violence. Off the top of my head, the only somewhat recent RPGs I can remember with an M rating are games like Nier and HDN Mk.2.
It will be a DX12 version of the game. The 'new' consoles are still fucking shitboxes.
It wasn't actually.
well I was kinda assuming if it came out today with updated graphics,iirc it had some cannibalism and gore in there, although I could be getting this mixed up with Xenosaga
Yes it was.
If you're asking whether it'll be good then nobody can give you that answer right now.
So Sakaguchi was a hack after all?
I mean what happened to Mistwalker?
And I don't give a fuck if Lost Oddisey made you cry like a bitch, it was all text and sad music
All text and sad music
Lost Odyssey got an MA rating (which is like M for you guys) over here. I think mainly for the opening and the short stories; don't really think it's worth it, otherwise.
It was better than XIII. What else matters?
>I shat on FFXV for it's boyband party but now that they're paying me I have to say it's good
What did he mean by this?
Well gee then user, what are we allowed to get sad about?
>Being a director, supervisor, and producer for a tremendous majority of SquareSoft's golden age
>"So Sakaguchi was a hack after all?"
I'm going to say no.
You know Mistwalker always consisted of 4 people right?
All of "their" games were outsourced. Except for Terra Battle.
Mistwalker is making a game with the Bravely Default devs.
So what's Mistwalker's job, precisely, the design document and overall supervision or just handling outsourcing?
Mistwalker was never a developer, they are a contractor. Much like how Comcept is.
Mistwalker actually has had a hand in plenty of good games though.
No it wasn't Pes. Grass was improved, lighting was improved, skybox were improved, clouds were improved, weather was added, afternoon actually looks like afternoon now, more rocks, towers and buildings were added, SSS added, performance was improved, res was improved, etc.
Stop with your lies and blatant cherrypicked low bitrate quality youtube screencaps already.
hey xv-kun
He never did tho. Even 2 years ago when asked off hand about it he said he was genuinely hyped for it because it gives him a good sense of adventure.
Why does that image you're replying to look like shit, Mr. Shill? It is literally the most recent screenshot of the game.
None of that stuff you mention has to do with the downgrade.
You're right but he's just going to ignore you and shitpost with bait images more like he always does.
Sakaguchi writes and designs games, then hires dev teams to make them. Uematsu composes the music.
Oh boy the nigger is here again.
Except that screenshot you posted is from an old prerecorded video they did in March when they announced that preorder bonuses back then, they only just showed it recently. The image you replied to shows the actual latest footage of the game.
Keep shilling shitposts I guess.
Oh boy this faggot samefagging again.
When is mega drive coming out again?
[citation needed]
The game was still downgraded regardless, March is years newer than actual old footage.
You just posted different areas running on PC.
>running on PC.
so you admit its confirmed for PC then
Are you stupid? Your images are from a PC too. They had a batch of prerecorded videos for the uncovered event which included the images you posted which are from March, only shown recently.
The image I posted is literally stuff from E3 made for E3 and is the actual newest we've seen it.
user please tell me you're trolling because if you've been in a coma for 15 years or some shit then dang you've got a sad story to look into.
No it's not.
Obviously not since they look so different.
That stuff was literally running on PC, the game coming out is still downgraded.
So you are lying, ignoring facts and constantly making shit up just to shitpost.
I already showed you here that it wasn't. The image you posted are older than the wait mode and E3 trailer because you can clearly tell just from the combat it's not doing the things they added which was shown at E3, while that images you are posting were only shown in the ATR recently because they didn't show it in March when they announced all those preorder bonuses. And your pictures are taken from a PC too you utter moron.
Hate to break it to ya champ, but they disbanded nearly 15 years ago. And all the talent bailed and now work at other studios.
>No it's not.
>That stuff was literally running on PC,
Sonyponies confirmed cuckolds
Thats not true considering people who worked on as far back as FF1 on NES are still at Square, same with people from chrono trigger and the SNES/PS1 era.
The image I posted is 2 weeks old bro, you're just making stuff up and posting bullshots to trick people into thinking the game wasn't downgraded.
>square was once so successful that it could make multiple interesting games in a variety of genres with huge production values
what crawled out of your ass this morning?
Most recent content at its highest quality:
No I already fucking explained to you it was prerecorded video they recorded in March because they were going to show it at Uncovered where they announced the preorder bonuses, but they didn't get round to it until the ATR from a few weeks ago because it wasn't high priority and they wanted to show actual latest build stuff at E3 which they did, and your caps are still taken from PC footage. The E3 footage is the actual latest build you moron. There was no downgrade.
You didn't prove it when I asked you to, because you are lying. And you're just making stuff up.
It's literally in the fucking ATR you stupid fuck. And see The preorder bonus video were never uploaded direct feed or at anything higher than heavily compressed lowbitrate youtube vid. The E3 footage is the actual latest build and was all uploaded direct feed.
The image is yes, your excuse isn't though.
>The page cannot be found
And the new E3 stuff was PC footage they even said it was.
I haven't heard of a game from them in a while actually. What happened?
I wouldn't use this video as a defense of the game's visuals, downgrade or not. It still has serious aliasing issues, not to mention that LOD across the river. It looks okay in motion, but a step below even FFXIII.
I can't post the fucking image I wanted because it's too big by .1MB and external sites are apparently spam, but you can watch the video yourself.