Video games ruined my life

Video games ruined my life

video games are my life

wtf i hate videogames now

>police officer = developers
>dog = publishers
>revolver = kickstarter

In what way?

they do, yes they do.

Is this from the ATF class photo album?

muh waco


It's a prop gun and a prop dog, settle down.

There is a revolver in this picture?

Allow me to explain anonymous. The poster you quoted is making a variation on a popular meme, whereby an object or creature is misrepresented (for example, calling a goat a dog).

In this instance, the meme is more subtle. But you already know this because you're "baiting."

Quit talking like a pseud. You're not impressing anybody.

>Security guard = me
>Shotgun = video games
>Tarantula = my future

Go back to /lit/ until you learn our memes bitch baby

Are you OP?
Because you are a faggot.

At least the dude quoting could have used to correct name for that firearm.

Are poodles really the best dog breed?

No, they can be very nervous and eventually die from very fucked up illnesses.

Video games ruined my wife

Haha, I was only pretending to be retarded!!! xD

It was just a meme, ya dip :P

no waifu no laifu.

shit thread


You're in good company then friend.

So being an insufferable retard trying to sound smart is a meme here on Sup Forums?

I think that's giving idiots like yourself too much credit.


videogames aren't ruining my life yet, but they slow down my prospects
I should have been done with this reformatted ttrpg ruleset a week ago but nope
Fuck me, fuck this board, and fuck videogames


video games didnt make me a shut in but they certainly didnt help. I wish I could have been normal but this is my life now.


Fuck you leather man!

Poodles are so cute.

Gimme something good

Give me dat 2

No, you ruined your life.
The choices were always yours, there's nobody to blame but yourself.

Ichigeki Hissatsu


police = publishers
cat = developers
gun = annual release schedule

>tfw a 69 get gives me nothing of value

gib dumpy again

is there porn of the dumpy one yet
pls for science


Galko please

reroll for dumpy

that's some good **** right there


please hiroshimoot give me the dumpy girl

i cri everytim

>the tomboy
>"incredibly manly"
>only slightly different


rolling anything but the sluts, fatty and the smelly ones

dumpy please.

anyoen but fatty

I got your dumpy girl right here



only the dumpy one will let me eat her butt clean. i like poop


you win this round...

god is good

I'm pretty sure that was Jamal.

Gimme da thicc



that ain't nice user

You ruined your life.