Is nintendo using cartoon graphics because the nx isn't going to be powerful enough?

Is nintendo using cartoon graphics because the nx isn't going to be powerful enough?

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Is it using the Stamina Meter because it thought any part of Skyward Sword was worth keeping?

sick trips dude

absolutely dont fukin care what you say

>Zero Trips wasted on a stupid question

Cartoonish artstyle lets the animation be more expressive and creative

also It doesnt age like shit

Wind Waker literally didnt need the HD upgrade

No, it's using cartoon graphics because Aonuma likes cartoon graphics.

The stamina meter is necessary for this game, especially with the climbing mechanics

Stamina Meter was good though, it made Link a lot more acrobatic

Also Skyward Sword had weapon leveling up

No because your mom wasn't available.

We;; that's because you're autistic and probably a person that calls people "newfags" or "normies". :) I don't care about an irrelevant number I got.

I agree it should be ultra realistic and grim

Like crysis

First this thread and now OP?

No, they're doing it because they know how to make a good aesthetic

tell me, in 20 years when we have holo smell-o-vision, which will look more dated: this, or all the games trying to be "realistic"?

He's not wrong

You should only ever use the same style if it's meant to be a continuation

But he's not keeping it into the midget artstyle

It's constantly redoing the mix of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess

Or shadow of the colossus. You know, a game with good graphics and an actual art style.

>new Zelda looks like a Ghibli movie
>soundtrack sounds like Joe Hisaishi

This is all I've wanted since Zelda 1 came out and I saw that art.

Console fags thinking their PS9's and Xbox 20 are going to even come close to PC graphics and power.

They're apologizing for apologizing for Wind Waker.

No you didn't. Don't lie.

Fogot to add that a PC & NX combo is >>>>>>>> babybox and outdatedstation 9

Zelda's always had cartoony artstyles. Why would this be any different?

Pc virging thinking they're getting zelda. (b-but I have a wiiu combo! Not alll consoles are bad)

Imagine if this was on pc and you could mod Link to look like that pic.

>an actual art style

You say this like BOTW doesn't have an actual artstyle

Tbh, by the time the Xbox 20 is out we'll have reached photo realism even on shitty hardware and the difference between PC and console won't matter graphically.

What was wrong with twilight princess' graphics? Let me guess, nintendo shit talked it and said that it wasn't child friendly enough.

But you have to remember, my life doesn't revolve around video games because i'm not a manchild. That stuff isn't important to me.

>>soundtrack sounds like Joe Hisaishi

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. It's not him doing the music obviously, but it definitely sounds like they're trying to emulate his style somewhat

Have they said anything about who the composer of BotW is?

Keep thinking that Consoles are outdated the day they are released.
When the new Playstation and Xbox get released their graphics cards/processors will be about 2 generations behind PC.

protip: Im not a poorfag

>Keep thinking that. Consoles are outdated the day they are released.

forgot to add period. :/

>sine Zelda 1 came out

You weren't alive when Zelda 1 came out

I never said they weren't outdated by the time they're released. But several decades in the future, we'll have reached photo realism OR the point where graphical fidelity is not limited by hardware, but by the budgets of the developers.

This makes even more sense when you realize Nintendo's 'evergreen' strategy they want their games to look good in five, ten, or even twenty years.

Games that try to look 'real' usually look like shit pretty rapidly.

>born in 1980
>zelda came out in 86

>Calling something Japanese cartoon

You should probably kys.

Is Japan still producing anime because the nx isn't going to be powerful enough?

Yes the Wii U is weak. And yes BotW is sadly suffering from the weak hardware.
But the hardware got nothing to do with "cartoon graphics". I sure hope that even when we have hardware twice or many times more powerful than current gen hardware, we'll still have videogames made with stylized art.

I've got the real world for photorealism. And I like stylization to get away from, or to tint and romanticize reality.

Yeah, the stamina meter was really the most interesting idea SS had. It's a meaningful resource that this game seems to be making much better use of.

>video games must have muh photo-realistic graphics like UNCHARTED




user, the NX will be a smartphone with less features and it'll sell really, really well because normies love this shit

Stamina meter is superior to rolling or side hopping constantly.

>being a Miyazaki fan in 1986
>when this was all you had for his movies
>at age 6

Artstyle always holds up better than photo-realism. Remember, there was a time when people thought Goldeneye looked amazing. However there's a lot of sprite based games that still look good.

>>this was all you had for his movies in 86

Not if you grew up in Japan, friend.

People acting as if realistic graphics in this day and age wont hold up. We've gotten to the point they look pretty much close to real life. I promise you all the last guardian will hold up.


I'm going to get attacked for this, but am I the only one who prefers the ones on the left? I like realistic. Just not a fan of cartoonish.

>movies vs games.jpg


watch a movie if you want better graphics

games are supposed to be about gameplay, it's not important how a game looks, what matters is if it helps the gameplay or not.
That people increasingly only focus on looks is how we got to the point where trailers don't even show gameplay and shit sells as long as is looks decent.

There's nothing wrong with preferring realistic art styles to cartoony ones, as long as you realize that a realistic art style doesn't automatically make a game better.

It's almost like people back in 1997 were buying games with cutting edge amazing graphics in 1997 and not caring how they'd look twenty years in the future because they'd be buying NEW games then.

Yes! I will agree, 100%. Wow, there's people on this site that let each other have opinions. Thanks user

Yes OP, you figured it out.

What's with the dull faded look? Even if cartoony, wouldn't it look nicer if it were a little bit more vibrant?

You know, having more colors actually puts pressure on the graphics card.

Also it kinda hides polygons by making it all colorful so it's a trade-off, but polygons have a harsher effect, so yeah

Cartoon game with no gameplay. I'm guessing that's some shitty jrpg.

Well look at bioshock infinite. The game uses realistic graphics yet has tons of color and a vibrant art style.

Looks like they might have used the wrong color range when capturing.

I like the cartoon art styles. Not shitty JRPG garbage that uses that lifeless anime style, but like I love mario sunshine, overwatch, zelda, donkey kong, conker's bad fur day, etc.

> Is nintendo using cartoon graphics because the nx isn't going to be powerful enough?

Botw is fundamentally a wii u game at it's core so an assumption like that is improper to make.

Why, I do believe you're correct!

It's almost like people still enjoy games that are pleasing to the eye despite their age instead of whatever was cutting edge 20 years ago

How come so few devs can pull off the "cartoony but still good-looking" look?
Seems like only Nintendo can do it.

What soundtrack? they said they aren't putting actual music in the game, just atmospheric soft tones. It's retarded.

No, people enjoy good games despite their age. That's why Atari games still hold up.

not a single atari game holds up tho

This fucking guy.

Artstyle >>>>> Graphical Fidelity.
This is always fucking ture, no matter the system.

No, it's only the overworld that won't have music. Dungeons, boss fights, towns, everything else will.

They're using it because the Wii U isn't powerful enough, and realistic graphics would stand out as a sore thumb when you can see better realistic games on the other consoles.

>Is nintendo using cartoon graphics because the nx isn't going to be powerful enough?
This is almost pissing me of as much as when game reviewers were saying way back that Mad world was in black in white because the Wii wasn't powerful enough to render it in color even after platinum devs said numerous times that it was to mimic Sin City.

>That's why Atari games still hold up.
Whoa whoa whoa.
NES games sure, MAYBE some C64 games, but Atari games?
Fucking no, they look awful, and very few of them are pleasing on the eyes.

It's a shame the artstyle is also garbage.

How the fuck did they manage to make a game that looks worse than Skyward Sword?

How is it garabge?
The pop-in is pretty fucking bad, I'll admit, (Seriously, why do half the rock on the terrain pop-in with the other objects?) but what's wrong with the artstyle itself?

>being a graphicsfag

Don't talk shit about cel shading

Its pretty impressive how every game on the left has worse gameplay than every game on the right.

They use cartoon graphics because their games are casual kiddy trash. Simple as that

Comeon you can fit more buzzwords into this

Let me try

They use cartoon graphics as they are soulless, bland, boring, and also are kids thrash.

Limitations lead to creativity. Nintendo aren't known for having powerful hardware so they need to make up for it in other areas, that being artstyle.

>Wind Waker literally didnt need the HD upgrade
This. The cartoony artstyle looked better without the pointless bloom and realistic shadows