Is anyone else bothered by how mainstream pokemon go is...

Is anyone else bothered by how mainstream pokemon go is? Pretty much every celebrity online is jumping on the bandwagon and tweeting pokemon go shit for attention. With all this mainstream publicity, I feel like this is a gateway game for normies, and that's not good. If more normies start getting involved in video games, all the real games that actually involve brain power and competitiveness will cease to be made, and instead we will only get "fake" games catering to braindead casuals, with no depth of gameplay mechanics, and many pay to win features. Just a thought.

Seeing as how it's a video game and being upset about society liking a video game seems pretty silly. Maybe you need some growing up to do pal

But, but, MY SECRET CLUB, and... and NORMIES! Fuckin' NORMIES, playing OUR games! Videogames are gonna die out because of them, I tell you!

Retard, I explained very clearly why it bothers me that it's so popular, but apparently the point flew over your head.

Grow a set of testicles and take your mouth off your mom's tit you little bitch.

>my favorite franchise is popular, its not supposed to be popular now I hate it REEEEEEEEEEE

Where have you been for the last 10 years?

Pokemon has been popular for decades. Kill yourself OP.


Ok, very funny meme, but again, you're entirely ignoring the point I'm making. The point is, if more normies are getting into videogames, game devs are going to start focusing their development on catering to normies, and the people who enjoy real games will suffer because of it.

Man, I feel like Sup Forums has gotten more redditish lately.

Ppl got fed up with shitty ((((((AAA)))))) titles and started making indie games. Now the indies are better than anything else.

Isn't it possible that this could happen with our current situation?

pokemon has been shit for decades.

also newsflash - people love to bandwagon popular shit

>waaah my super secret club is now popular reeeeeee
video gaming was always mainstream asshole

are you 14?

Guys, this isn't making anyone think you're cool. Sorry, guys.

All that already happened, it's too late to complain broski.

>are gonna
they already are

You're noticing this now?

Where were you few years ago?

great thread

just stating our point faggot

What a lot of you on Sup Forums don't seem to get is that normies are more and more aware of these digital hobbies. Ever notice how a lot of young adults are socially awkward and such nowadays? The younger generations spend a lot of time on their phone, the internet, video games, etc. when they could have been socializing instead.

What I'm basically trying to say is normies and nerds are merging, but there will always be a slight difference of course. Whether this is good or bad, I cannot say.

There was a "secret club" in the past, but that is just that - the past. Digital hobbies aren't just used by nerds anymore.

They said this 10 years ago. It didn't happen then, it's not going to happen now.

Please see

Been that way for a while now

Pokemon go isn't like an actual pokemon game. It's designed to draw in an entirely different audience. It's designed with the average non-gamer in mind, meaning the gameplay is very simplistic, and largely pay to win. The majority of people playing pokemon go have never played a real pokemon game in their lives.

Sup Forums is mainstream you stupid fuck this aint 2008 you can get back to 9gag now

There was a fucking superbowl commercial. Stop your belly aching about people joining your sekret club.

You're overthinking it too much. This is just the latest normie fad and it will be over as soon the next normie fad comes out. People are only playing it because everyone else is, once people start to get bored and stop so will most other people.

your point it idiotic and quite frankly retarded, you fucking autist.

Have you never noticed that as time progress, as something gets larger, it changes often for the worse?

That's because it becomes casualized in order to appeal to a larger audience, it becomes (more so) about the money, it becomes just a product as opposed to a work of love.

The larger a community is, the more idiots there are in it to shout or do stupid things to ruin it.

what the fuck is wrong with you people? pokemon was popular back in the day even with 'le normies XD'

Please stop whining here and go back to playing your precious cowadoty while posting about how you are such a real gamer on reddit child.

It doesn't much more whiny than this. Keep being an uppity complainer, Mr Cool Guy, sir.

Except Pokemon has always been casual.

I don't know dudes, I've never seen a game so insanely mainstream as pokemon go. Every newspaper is writing about it. Every youtube vlogger is vlogging about it. Even Casey Neistat, a guy who never ever talks about videogames, made an entire vlog today dedicated to it. I've never seen a game get so much mainstream publicity ever before.

>if more normies start getting into games

They are already the main demographic and have been for years.

you are a delusional kid, games are product made to generate money, welcome to real life

The media is being endorsed by the FBI to push Pokemon GO as a big hit so more normies download it.

The only purpose of this app made by (((Google))) is to gather information about the inside of your house and testing how easy it is to quickly gather large crowds in certain spots.

>going to start

They've been doing that since yearly releases in triple AAA series, day 1 DLC, mountain dew/doritos and dumbing down of games with each sequel became a thing, basically for at least the 6 years. Why are you acting like this is something that hasn't happened yet?

you must be 16 years old people have been saying the exact same thing for years and years.

I think it is charming that people have fun walking around in real life and finding pokemons.

Pokemkn has always been beloved by casuals, Go has taken it to new heights, but things haven't changed, they've just gotten more extreme. Don't concern yourself with it, as soon as it's unpopular they'll move on to the next fad, and if it doesn't get unpopular, it won't matter too much because it's not too different from how things have always been.

auto terminate you homosexual

It's because you were a fetus back when the first Pokemon craze started. The only difference now is that adults are playing the game too.

Pokémon has always been popular and mainstream you fucking idiot

>game devs are going to start focusing their development on catering to normies

This has always been their goal tho, at no point have video games ever been something people made for enjoyment, it was always for the money and the always targeted the largest demographic they could.

You are being far more stupid in this thread than any 'normie' has with Pokemon Go. Just dumb statements in an attempt to feel good about your opinion and it's falling flat on its dumb face It's getting cringey now, pal.

>Before Pokemon Go
>Why are you playing Pokemon you retarded manchildren fag
>After Pokoemon Go
>Why aren't you playing Pokemon Go you shut in you retarded manchildren fag

Normies are already heavily marketed to in games, this isn't new or special. Most of them just play sports games or fotm shooters anyhow.


it's already happened, gaming is already mainstream and being casualized and catered to normies. they had celbrities play battlefield 1 at e3 for christ's sake.

sure it is user. all the times devs have said how they ant a broader audience or have made games more "friendly to new players" are just fiction.

Nintendo has always been for normalfags.

Now post more ass please, preferably on stripper poles

Instead of complaining, why don't you create your company and direct games that you like?

Also it's more of a social/fitness app than a regular game.


who are you quoting?

>back in school
>girls all laugh at me for playing kiddy games like pokemon

>same girls all laugh at me for "not joining the fun! Pokemon is so my childhood xD"

I hate everything about this development.

You do realise that classic pokemon games still sells 15 millions per gen ( and as such are extremely popular) AND there's one releasing in less than 6 months?

Maybe you should calm down

I don't understand the sonic one since that looks like regular gameplay.

kill yourself dumb frogposting redditor.

Pokemon has been a mainstream thing for a decade you stupid bandwagoning fuck

welcome to the ps3 generation famalai

You're a fucking moron if you think the dudebros would waste their time with girls who play videogames or watch comic book movies.

That's the entire level.

Spotted the manchild.

So... this is the pokemon go fanbase


Stopped reading your post once I saw that


? ??

Videogames have been mainstream since the late 90's you waste of human flesh. You're a little late to bitch about this shit.

>Casual games for kids 12 and under

I bet you people actually use the word "normie" in spoken conversation and don't realise how much of a sperg you are.

Thanks F@m I really needed cancer desu desu


>The point is, if more normies are getting into videogames, game devs are going to start focusing their development on catering to normies
I still can't believe you think this is a somewhat recent thing. Have you somehow missed every E3 or every single Sup Forums thread bitching about casualization?
Plus it makes sense to me Pokemon Go is popular. It's mobileshit + Pokemon + GENERATION 1 OF POKEMON + appeals to people who go outside (normalfags) and autists

Okay so every since this is the 100th go thread I'm going to ask my question here. I'm looking for a certain game about some detective guy (I think?)
The art style is kind of black and white ish, like it was drawn in pencil and the lines of the character moves. 2d of course
One of the main characters is always on husbando threads

Pokemon has been like this for years. Its one of the most popular video game franchises around. I'm not sure how it took the release of a mobile game to figure this out.

either way, pokemon is a massively dumbed down RPG for kids and normies who would find a classic RPG too complicated.

I think it's also a ds game or something

Every single person who uses normie over normalfag on Sup Forums is some kind of an /r9k/ epic frogposting expat

Sounds like Hotel Dusk

hotel dusk

cool. Why do you care that much, anyway?

Hotel Dusk.
In return you're doing me the favor of reporting every single "What did he mean by this?" thread you see.

care about what? video games that get dumbed down? I'd rather play non-dumbed down vidya.

You really going to make this argument for Pokemon? Its popularity level didn't exactly start on the same level of a typical /tg/ game

Cool, do that

Pokemon was as dumbed down and mass appealing as it gets you fucking dolt. Why do you fucking think there was a craze about it a decade ago?

first post best post

The only game this works with is Undertale.

glad to answer your question

A dudebro would fuck anything that's hot though, the thing is he won't stay behind afterwards

uh... that's exactly my point?

then do so, to place yourself in a group of people who have an interest of any sort in a game that you do not enjoy sounds bretty autistic

>guy sitting in the bus, playing pokemon on the DS

LOL, look at this loser!

>guy sitting in the bus with their smartphone, looking around with it, playing pokemon go

So fun! So cool!

muchas gracias based anons
Will do sir

Is no one gonna talk about those massive heels? what the fuck?

I'm worried about this for a couple of reasons. More normies = change, not always for the better, but that itself doesn't bother me too much. I do love Pokemon though, always have and GO is something I've been looking forward to for a really long time. I've met lots of people playing this shit already, and most of them are pretty cool but there's a lot of idiots out there. People walking into places they really shouldn't, being obnoxious about it, playing while driving, robbing people at pokestops, tagging signs with their team names and other stupid shit like that. Those are the people that will ruin it for everyone. That being said, people will get tired of it and the normies will flock to the next trend, so not super worried about it.

Video games are already done, there's nothing more normalfags can take away.


I already do and have always done, thanks for the advice anyway I guess?

Pokemon was always normie as fuck, are you shitting me? I remember when it was first a thing, and it was so normie that fucking everyone had the cards, everyone went to see the movie, and if you didn't go to the poke-league every weekend at Books-A-Million to earn badges you were a faggot.

If you're going to pretend to be some 'hardcore gaymer', pick a franchise that wasn't literally designed and marketed towards children 12 and under. It was never difficult. It was never complex. It never had 'depth'. It was literally the most grindy JRPG with the most shallow possible 'party members' because children are really into repetitive actions if you make it colorful and obnoxious enough.

If you never got a mew card and abused the fuck out of dragonite's broken as shit abilities and stats, then shut your dumb newfag mouth. This shit is quite possibly the most mainstream franchise in gaming. If you're that afraid, buy DCS or Graviteam Tactics and never worry about normies again.

And every anime poster on Sup Forums needs to fucking leave.

>handheld game console
Something that can't communicate as a phone, plays games/internet
>Smart Cellphone
has major purpose and ability of communication, something most people are going to want or use.

I wonder why people don't mind cellphone users, can't be because tons of people have cellphones compared to handheld consoles. idk