I think we can all agree smartphones would be the best platform for the next Animal Crossing

I think we can all agree smartphones would be the best platform for the next Animal Crossing.

No, no it wouldn't. It belongs on the NX, especially if it really is a handheld/console hybrid.

I do agree. I've been saying its a smartphone game since it was on DS. And given how little content the game has and limiting what the player can do on a daily basis, it would be the best for a smartphone. People would be more inclined to play 30 minutes of AC a day on a device they're already using rather than turn on their 3DS just to have to turn it off again.

No one will want to buy a smartphone game for more than a few dollars
And because of that they are fraught with micro-transactions and/or ads

Don't tarnish animal crossing with that shit

Improving villager dialogue would go a long way in improving the game.

I'm not agreeing to that shit.

>pay $.50 to put furniture down
>pay $5 to expand your house
>pay $.10 to catch a fish or bug
>pay $1 for each KK Slider song
I think we can all agree that OP is a faggot.

And having more interaction with them besides just talking. Also, something to do on the side like farming or mining. It really wouldn't break the formula if you had your 'daily' events with NPCs, but then could spend the rest of the day farming crops.

It could work fine, I'm sure people just as yourself would eat it up as if it was the second coming of Jesus. But it would be a shitty butchered P2P version compared to anything it was or could be in handhelds and consoles.

So fuck off.

I want to play as one of the villagers, a newcomer
I want to be able to pick a species and customize it, perhaps even by drawing
I want social interaction on the scale where I can go on "friend dates" with other villagers

also this

One of my greatest vidya wishes is that one day we'll have animal crossing on PC or phone. I don't want to buy the shitty 3DS just to play new leaf.

>it's a portbeggar
m-muh mastterrace

what I love is that if Pokemon become a huge success, it could be the end of handheld games.

>No more different ports of each game
>being able to play Nintendo exclusives and Sony exclusives with your phone
>use an open source OS like Android

It's a win win situation

Nah, I like the handheld paywall. Keeps the faggots and poor niggers out.


If they play their cards right, this will follow Pokemon Go's success or else be released as it wanes a bit but while people are still high on augmented reality games (which I think they should be).

Animal Crossing lends itself SO fucking well to this sort of thing.

Would definitely be nice to not have to play it on a 240p screen.

The next mobile games are Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing, and no way in hell is Nintendo going to be stupid enough to cripple two of the things that drive platform sales(only recently in the case of FE) by putting it on mobile.

What you're getting is a promotional fascimile, much like how Pokemon Go simply has the broad concepts of capturing and gym battling.


I don't want to see Nintendo's version of Cortana.

>everyone shits themselves over Isabelle who became your secretary
>no love for Digby who was given the useless streetpass feature
You really should have been able to choose which one became your secretary.

No and please kill yourself.

Would he wear a secretary outfit as well?

Probably desu

>useless streetpass feature

>not ordering all the shit you don't have in your catalog from every house you find

>implying I live anywhere where I get streetpasses

If the NX bombs they won't have much choice.