Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem

Late start edition
>In order to get the drop on the magnian troops, Kelik turned to pirates in order to get a ship
>not just any pirates, however
>he turned to roronoa zoro and took one of his swords!

game over/mandatory reset counter: 8
currently dead: Eduardo, Tekun

>what's going on?
I'm playing (partially blindly) through one of the most famous hacks of Fire Emblem 7--The Last Promise.

While I do, I'll be taking inputs from you on various things, and sharing notable differences and things added to the hack(for all the shit it has, there's a LOT of good in it too)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hurry up and finish so you can quit being a plague upon Sup Forums with your awful threads.

>what's this hack called?
"The Last Promise"
>where can I download it?
/feg/ has a pastebin of ROMhacks in their OP.
>is this the one with the hilariously edgy MC?
>I'm new to Fire Emblem. What's a good game to start with?
Fire emblem: The Blazing sword(aka Fire Emblem in the USA) is a fantastic starting point, featuring a comprehensive tutorial. Alternatively, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones also has a briefer tutorial and is all around easier.
>I heard this series is just shitty waifu pandering
that's Awakening and Fates.
>what does each stat do?
HP-health. lose it all and your unit dies(permanently)
STR/MAG- how much damage you do with attacks. this is augmented by your enemy's defenses and your own weapon's MT
SKL- your chance to hit and dodge attacks
SPD- if your SPD is high enough, you'll be able to double-attack enemies.
LUK-affects accuracy and avoidability
DEF-affects defense against physical attacks
RES-affects defense against magical attacks
CON- unit's weight. this affects who they can rescue or be rescued by, and if your CON is too low, you will suffer SPD penalties while using heavier weapons.
>Why are you so shitty?
I'm impatient

scene theme:
yes, it's inuyasha music.

yes, god forbid I post vidya on the Sup Forums thread instead of shitflinging about the latest AAA title or E-celeb.

It begins.

alright, any changes need to be made?

Is this the one where the Self Insert of the creator gets cucked?

Drop the traitor Ben and bring Siggy.

no, that's MK404

>this fucking map size

That's MK404.
A sequel is under works.

Remember that Anakin needs to go to both castles. I forgot and it cost me some time ferrying him back and forth.

I thought you weren't playing today?

Are we playing SRW J?

ended up feeling like shit so I didn't go to locals.

I need to get him to 20 in this chapter too, yeah?

If he was there needs to three waves of Reinforcements AND on the ass end of the map.

we need a trump edit

Yes. He auto-promotes at the start of next chapter.


>that map

c'mon nigger


God damn was she this HUGE last time

>Still one-shotting enemies with fire tomes
That's our big girl.

She got +5 hp on promotion.

>more def
the fuck?

Really jealous of your Shon btw. I think I posted mine in the first thread. 7 str at level 15. It's getting difficult to train him.

these levels are all from one turn, btw.

He's getting there.

Keep blazing it, OP.




>Just a little before the other FE thread dies
Thanks OP, i didnt want to do anything tonight anyway

lol darner

Where were you when the FE4 threads were up, they needed some OC

Those didn't deserve to die the way they did


I didn't make that.


there's one boss down.

welp, kevin isn't capping def.



shes a fast girl XD

The best defense is a good offence.




>52 hp



now you're going to PAY



for as stupid as his growths are, kelik might not actually cap anything!

finally in time for one of these threads wew

because we need more "pokemon go is ruining gaming :((((((((" threads fuck off retard


thank you

How long until we get enough Dragonshields for NO DAMAGE


She wants to be a big girl too.

I think at this point, this question should go in the FAQ
>inb4 but no one reads that shit

yeah, I'mma put it in the next thread.

she might actually get to double digits in MAG!

Newfag here, what was MK404's hack/playthrough thread like?

She'll fuck up and level something else up instead.

>this fucking pirate's growths
jesus christ.


I did heres my next masterpiece thanks to nigger and some other user from last thread

Dreamin', don't give it up Siggy
Dreamin, don't give it up Anakin
Dreamin', don't give it up Cia
Don't give it give it give it up NO!

Here's how the story goes we find out
About Anakin being really fucking high
Theres no doubt, the 15 year old that writes this
He'll sing I'll be King of the Edgelords
With my original OC!

Ya-yo, ya-yo, ya-yo, ho-ho

His name is Anakin
That's 420 Blazakin
Gonna be high off of ganja!
He's rolled a blunt! (how did this happen?)
Yo-ho-ho he has to deal with cunts!

Ya-yo, ya-yo

His name's Zolo, from One Piece, why?
And there's C-I-A she's a big guy
The wrecking crew coming through, doin' their thing
We'll just reset again, oh god just kill me!

Ya-yo, ya-yo, ya-yo, hoo-hoo

Set sail for FE on Sup Forums, it's the game that we're playing close to Midnight!

Ya-yo, ya-yo

Set sail for FE!


Make sure Anakin is level 20 or damn close to it by the end of this map.

Doing God's work user, thank you for the contribution.

He didn't fly so good, who wants to try next?

>that LV
>that magic

If Cia is CIA, that makes Tamiko Dr. Pavel or Mosquitto?

>speed and luck
oh hey no crits

Probably Maimen or Smee.


[drops spaghetti]




And for engaging howard with shon, I get secret #2!

for those who aren't aware, I need to get all 7 secrets to access the postgame.

Lance vs axe. Rip Shon.

>dropping spaghetti against a boss
Shon pls

neato, I can talk to howard in order to recruit him!

Is there a guide for finding all of the secrets or would I have to read/watch somebody's walkthrough?

theres a website with a guide about all the sidequests and what not, including nabbing the secrets and emblem weapons


I really hope I can A-support these two.

Is there anything she can't do?


>"Howard, do you see how BIG I am? Join up or die, pussy."

Dr Pavel?



this is the first damage I've taken this entire map.

Why does he wear the helmet?

Cia: "does this look like the face of mercy?"

