>he uses a 360 controller to play FPS games on PC
He uses a 360 controller to play FPS games on PC
>he uses a 360 controller to play 2D Fighting games on PC
I use a dualshock 3
>my cropped pic is being used
b-but I don't wanna spend cash on a fighting stick when I barely ever play fighting games
Pretty much yes to all of this. Though I enjoy fighting games, I'm so busy I doubt I'll ever do more than just enjoy them casually. Back in middle school/highschool they were an addiction.
For single player I use controller on FPS. Its just so comfy.
Multiplayer on PC you KB+M cause otherwise there is no real way to compete.
>mfw so good I used a 360 controller to rekt PCfats on some FPS games
I recognize that artist.
Really now? You have good taste in doujins
Is this the one with the fat ass mom?
>mfw I'm butthurt that pc master race is superior to me so I make shit up.
Fixed that for you.
gimme sauce now
Herohero Tom
You better be into really fat chicks user
Also incest.
I don't even care anymore, because all fucking artists who draw big girls make these shitty incest stories.
>yfw he's started doing non-futa, straight fatties
>yfw this doujin just got translated
>not just playing on a keyboard
let me guess, sfv?
>mfw I like thick futas but hate fatties
Herohero Tom why did you foresake me?
Its not that hard just boost the sensitivity and use gamefreaks
I am sick and tired of this THICC meme. Since when has it become acceptable to like fat women? This site gets worse each day.
Calm down PC only redditor friend
This thick meme needs to end.
You've all started liking fatties.
>"hnng I'mma gonna nut!"
>baby no! not yet!
>thick what!?
I love fatties and dislike futa, so I'm on cloud nine
Why did healthy die out?
Forsake you stupid faggot.
anyone know any other artist that draws as juicy assholes as Herohero?
I've been here since 2009 and fat girls lovers have been around since then.
And they've been around since 2003 probably.
Fat fetish is the original fetish, it's far from a meme.
No, it's definite a meme, you fuckers stayed silent and were shunned since the inception of this board.
Footfags were the annoying ones but somehow you usurped them.
The original fetish is probably femdom (which I'm not a fan of), because a fetish is something out of the norm.
>trying to police sexuality on a site known for wanting to fuck everything
Is this a manga about Zoe Quinn?
>tfw herohero tom was signed by angel club instead of girls form
>this board
We're all over
you name it
in all fairness I'm waiting on my new mouse to come in
Mongolian style.
Better than play it on keyboard or touchscreen.
Mongolian style is best style, no contest
But they make things for that, user
>he plays video games
What fighting games would work on a keyboard? I'm not asking this sarcastically, I honestly can't think of any
Yeah, but FPS is not the only kind of game what exists.
Real talk I have an old shitty 360 pad from Gamestop from my NEET days.
I was thinking of getting a new controller to play Guilty Gear and Street Fighter with friends.
I also have a good deal of other controller supported games.
Is the Xbone controller the best one right now? Or should I go Dual Shock 4?
I like the dualshock 4, but the bone works out of the box and has better battery life
The touchpad on the ds4 is actually really convenient and I wonder why the ps4's menus don't use it
Seems dumb