imma buy this shit tomorrow
what are some games worth buying?
i'm getting it mostly to play split screen with someone
Imma buy this shit tomorrow
Hyrule Warriors is a great coop game.
where did you buy? theyre all expensive here, 300 euro and shit
>tfw bough fatal frame/project zero LE
>hoping NX will be able to run Wii U discs
i'm gonna buy a used one in one of those game shop, it's about 129€ it seems a decent deal
looks cool
i'm probably gonna buy mario kart 8 and smash aswell
dont do it
buy a 3ds instead
i already have it and i'm selling it because it's shit
Super Mario Maker is pretty good if you're into that
Don't waste yr time, specially since NX is coming early next year.
Buy a big SD card and just pirate all the games you could ever want. Online has gone to shit in every single Wii U game and is no longer worth playing.
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is the only thing you need.
It even has co-op so you can play it with your buddy.
>buying wiiu games
out of the few games I've got for it, I would recommend
Bayonetta 1&2
Pikmin 3
Mario Kart 8
Mario 3DW
The newest 2D one is the best in the New series
The yoshi and kirby game have good artstyles and are easygoing
Nintendoland for Dat multiplayer
SF0 if you are good at multitasking
WWHD if you want to see the gamepad used as it should be
DKFreeze is awesome
Pikmin 3, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and Mario Kart 8 are my top 3 wiiu games. Also smash 4 if you're into that sorta thing
Buy bayonetta, splatoon and mario kart if you want to. Ignore the other games.
This guy is a nintendrone, he reccomended bad games.
nah, they're pretty good m8
XDDDD epic meme bro!
yeah i'd buy smash and mario kart for sure
i just really care about games i can play in split-screen
I know that bayo and w101 have multiplayer modes with split screen.
nintendoland has multiplayer games that really make good use of the 2nd screen.
multiplayer makes 3dw fun as hell, regardless of whether you think the game itself is weak or good.
A thing they tried to push with this system was having the gamepad be a second screen for multiplayer, so you'll run into that.
I think DK has multiplayer too but i'm forgetting since I never used it
>mostly to play split screen with someone
I'll assume you meant local multiplayer/co-op.
First get Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8, they are GOAT tier.
Pokkén Tournament is also surprisingly a fucking blast to play, and it's the only "real" fighting game I've truly enjoyed ever. So I'd recommend that too.
While I'm not a huge fan of DKC Tropical Freeze and Mario 3D World myself (I think they're some of the worst games in the respective franchise), they are still objectively good video games and it's fun to play through them in multiplayer.
That should cover the essentials, I think.
Piggy backing OP to ask if installing 3ds cfw is hard/worth it on a 10.3
nigga, it's at the VERY least better than DKCReturns in every way
Do you want any more games?
No? Don't do it
Want to support devs without temptation? Don't do it
Yes? Do it
what's the odds of bricking it?
When they stop supporting it for good I'll probably try to hack mine to play all the games I missed
Better than the Wii version, sure, because of the shitty forced motion controls. But I enjoyed the 3DS version of Returns more than TF.
I'm weird though, I'm one of those guys who prefer DKC1 to DKC2.
Yes, you are weird.
I still like you and respect your opinion even though I disagree
Mario Bros. U, Splatoon (if you like that stuff), Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, and although techinically it is multiplayer it's better single player get Super Mario Galaxy (you have to have a wiimote to play though)
Here's a list of the games I own on it which I enjoyed to some degree:
Wonderful 101 (has a multiplayer-specific mode, main story is single player)
Bayonetta 2 (same as W101)
Xenoblade Chronicles X (online multiplayer only, which is kinda barebone)
Mario Kart 8 (up to 4 players splitscreen at 30 fps, 2 players splitscreen retains 60 fps)
Sm4sh (up to 8 players couch gaming)
Splatoon (be warned: the split screen in this game is barebone as fuck, and the single player is more like a short tutorial for online play than anything, only the online multiplayer is worth anything so only get it if your Wii U's connected to the internet)
Hyrule Warriors (I think it has multiplayer options but I've never used them)
DKC Tropical Freeze (has 2 player co-op)
Super Mario 3D World (has up to 4 player co-op)
If you didn't have a Wii, make sure to pick up Xenoblade Chronicles, Metroid Prime Trilogy and Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 from the VC, easily the best games that console had to offer.
thanks lads, i'll check em all out
anyway, fucking console game cost shitloads of money what the fuck, even second hand ones
the wii u has no games though
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Hyrule Warriors, Smash Bros and Splatoon are must haves.
Pikmin 3 and Bayonetta 2 are also good options.
welcome to nintendo prices, I hope you aren't brazilian.
also listen to this guy
don't do it op
don't fall for nintendo's tricks
How did you decide to buy a console without knowing what games you want for it?
I thought that Bayo 2 only had online play.
I tried to play multiplayer locally, but I never found the option.
This is also my fear. I have a hacked psp but thats only because by the time I did it they had everything so well figured out it was idiot proof.