Muv Luv codes going out soon. Are you ready Sup Forums?

Muv Luv codes going out soon. Are you ready Sup Forums?

Why would I buy digitally MuvLuv if I've already played it 10 years ago?

>not immediately emptying your bank account for a pointless kickstarter to try to give your sad pathetic life meaning

>not getting the $150 tier with physical Vita
It's probably going to be one of the rarest physical games ever released for the system. Plus new translation and updated art.

Also, email confirmed codes are going out tonight.

That assumes it will be released, something Vita kickstarter stretch goals for existing Japanese PC games are batting about 0 on.
>new translation
EOP's rewriting lines to fit their autistic view of the series is not new translation
>updated art
You mean cropped with arbitrarily different gradients sometimes?

>Extra is skippable
Blunder of the century.

Still waiting for my Grisaia Vita codes

>trusting Sekai Project
They've always been fucking awful, in every conceivable way.


>can skip extra

i can see the new players just drop extra once lacrosse hits and go straight for unlimited

That was because people got pissy over Katawa Shoujo. There were several 500 post Muv Luv threads here before.

Muv-Luv is just weeb The Walking Dead.

It's out, just started my download.

>Steam and Vita

So I assume there's mad censorship? This was a n adult VN right?

Is this for backers? Do they get the game first?

If I didn't back, I'll get this at 10AM PST, correct?

Assuming you do the least possible amount of routes, there's a grand total of four H-scenes in the entire trilogy, and they really aren't that important.

Meiya's sex scene in Unlimited becomes important in Alternative.

I have no idea how they're going to handle that in the worksafe releases.

Implications? There have been All ages/PS3/360 versions out in Japan for years.

I have no idea how they handled that, then,

Yeah, just backers only for now. You should unlock at the usual Steam time.

Even putting aside what a hilariously stupid thing you just said, you totally ignored the gore.