Today (July 13) is the 29th anniversary of the original Metal Gear's release on the MSX2. Let's share our best Metal Gear memories in this thread.
Episode 51 never ever.
Today (July 13) is the 29th anniversary of the original Metal Gear's release on the MSX2. Let's share our best Metal Gear memories in this thread.
Episode 51 never ever.
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Best memory: the ending of MGS4, notably the final boss fight and the reunion with you know who.
Worst memory: remembering how hyped I got for MGSV only to be utterly disappointed.
>that first time you play ground zeroes
>tfw can these controls be so good?
Best memory: Mgs 3 when I learned how to interrogate people and get codec numbers that could get me out of shit situations. "Patrol, this is CP, you're all clear. Call off the alert" Blew my mind when I was younger.
Worst memory: Slowly realizing MGSV was not good. It wasn't some big turning point. I was just waiting for the game to get good and it never did. Yo fuck the open world, Phantom pain should have been a bunch of ground zeros sized maps you had to sneak through.
Currently playing Portable Ops, then PW so I can properly go into V, also maybe GZ will someday be on sale for a more reasonable price.
Man PO is a chore, those tiny ass simplistic levels, the game is generally easy as fuck, and there's a lot of padding.
Also MGS1 > MGS3 > MGS2
Best Memory: Pic related
Worst Memory: Probably playing the first Portable Ops. I know HK didn't sign off on it and I loved Peace Walker but it was a long road getting there.
Serious question, why are so many people saying MGSV is not good? I've played all of them and it's tied for favorite alongside MGS3.
MGS2 is my favourite game ever, it's just a wonderful experience with fun gameplay and an amazing story.
I'm hesitant to call MGSV the worst experience or whatever because I did have a lot of fun with it, but it was a huge disappointment and I don't think I'll ever forgive Konami for being such shits.
So perflat.
I'm not fucking kidding, that's a man.
Story is shit and castrated at several levels, which for a metal gear solid game is horrific. It'd be like a DOOM game having super shit shooting abd movement mechanics.
For me it was the repetitiveness of the missions. The missions lacked meaning as well "Snake go blow up tanks for the 4th time" "why?" "it will get us closer to revenge. I promise" and then revenge wasn't even the main theme of the game ffs like they honestly forgot about it. Finally act 2 being repeat missions was unacceptable. I skipped them because I had the option to, but honestly that made act 2 consist of like 5 new missions max. Finally, SO few of the missions actually affected the story that 60% of them felt like filler bs missions.
I bought the HD collection for the 360 and I've never played MGS 3.
The lack of pressure sensitive face buttons make the controls awkward though.
Also, not being able to crouch walk sucks. Even if I walk slowly enemies can hear my footsteps. You have to use the shitty d-pad to sneak-walk.
Still a fun game though. I'm stuck on The Fear boss fight. Fucking faggot keeps eating mangos and I can't stop him.
Best: MGSV pre-hype
Worst: What we got
Best memory : Probably finishing MGS1 for the first time, I was a faggot who started with MGS3 because I had no clue with the series and just booted up a random game my brother had.
I fell in love and played them all, loved them all but one but MGS1 is probably my favorite, it was just a perfect game and has aged well.
Worst Memory: About two hours into MGSV act two I realized I did not love this game.
It did not feel like a MGS game it felt too serious and depressing, other mgs games were serious and depressing too but had some goofy happy moments.
MGS V was nothing but depressing, it whole atmosphere was that the perfect happy place MSF was dead and everyone would be depressed for eternity.
The fact act 2 was just a repeat of act 1 was a huge bummer because act 1 was fucking perfect.
Lack of cut scenes and pushing the majority of the story into cassette tapes sucked, PW had the best combo of cut scenes and tapes.
A long answer but it was a just a slit second of a moment when it all came crashing down that three years of hype and waiting for this game which was like the second coming of Christ was not gong to happen.
It made me switch off the game and not play for days.
I feel Kojima took all criticism about the first four games seriously and made V without all the things I liked about the game.
Still a 6/10 over all, act 1 was a 9/10 but the rest of the games were 10s.
Might be too late now but in the future, get some food that rots quickly, fish is the best for this it goes off very quickly.
Throw the rotting food around the boss area, when he is hungry he will pick it up and eat it.
It causes him to lose stamina instead of regaining it.
I ain't got no rotten food and no damn fish.
Then stop him from getting foods by shooting him.
Are you going for a tranq run?
It will be hard.
Some more info, the End can be held up if you manage to sneak up behind him. You can get his moss cameo.
If you have to hide until he loses you, then use your terminal goggles to find him.
The fury is immune to fire but you can use a knife on him which will cut holes in his suit and he will hurt himself.
Volgin hates a certain kind of mushroom, think they are glow caps?
Throwing them messes with him giving you an open shot.
Don't try and fight the boss with guns, fight her with CQC, you can reverse her moves which makes her a piece of piss rather then the complete cunt she is otherwise.
What a thrill...
>tfw all was wasted for MGSV and Pachinko.
He's too damn fast, I tell'ya.
And yeah, I'm trying not to kill anyone, but The Pain just blew up anyway.
Best memory:
I was really sick when I played Snake Eater, and I spent my sick days playing through the whole thing. Now whenever I have a cold it reminds of what a good time I had playing Snake Eater and it helps me get through it.
Worst memory:
The slow realisation that not only was MGSV not what I hoped it would be, it was worse than what I would have expected it to be if I kept my expectations realistic. It wouldn't have been so bad if there was a moment in the game that made me say "Okay, this is shit", but instead I got the slow and boring realisation that creeped in the more and more I played. I kept hoping it would do something amazing and suddenly become fantastic, but then it ended.
All of the Cobras blow up.
But not tranqing them does not let you gets their cameo and gun in the case of the end.
Best bet is to get some food and forward the clock, don't know if it would work on xbox but use to work on PS2.
If you forwarded the clock too much on PS2 before fighting the end he would die from old age, you would fight a team of snipers instead.
>Was five when completing MGS1 the first time
>Was actually ten years real time from when I played MGS1 and MGS4 and also ten years in game
>Seeing that survaillance camera fall
Damn son
Time to replay the series
I will concede that the story is one of the weakest, but I would say the themes are strong. Quiet was a badass character and Miller's fall from grace was really compelling, especially when you played PW where he was optimistic and happy-go-lucky. But when you were on the ground playing the game it was fantastic. Funning around with all the extra weapons and shit, rolling around with D-Dog in a jeep working over outposts just for the fun of it. Admittedly I did beat the game before Konami shitted the whole thing up with FOB bullshit, but even so.
This bit and the flashback before it were amazing. Such a nostalgia hit. Also that weird hack and slash action game that started up randomly in the MGS3 prison cell.
>Best Memory
The Supreme Joost Poster killing /mgg/
Call me when it's the 20th Anniversary for MGS1.
Literally no one cares about MG1 and MG2.
The first time I played Act 4 of MGS4 is definitely one of the best memories I have of the franchise.. How the fuck did Kojima do it? It was the perfect nostalgia trip.
Shame that Guy Savage never got turned into a full game and that the only way to play it is on the original PS2. I remember reading there was a similar game made by the same designer of the mini-game but I can't remember it for the life of me.