God damn I love drama
lel, good job shwig.
Half the assets AND 190K in money? jesus chrsit how digusting
>implying I'm going to read that wall of text
>implying it was ever gonna come out
Patreon for a swf game?
That's what you fucking get when you mix porn and profit
>That's what you fucking get when you mix porn and profit
you mean like literally all porn ever
artist knows he's got a fucking great gig milking these idiots and the game was shit anyway so no one is going to give a fuck
>people paid hundreds of dollars for this
>for months
Didn't they get like $40k a month?
is it bad that i masturbated to its MHxFM porn?
>art director left to make a game very similar to it
Good. Now we'll have 2 popular furfag containment games.
what a FUCKING surprise
tl;dr artist legally stole the art and is holding them hostage, game is dead without them
HOLY FUCK that was worth the read, not a single pulled punch on calling out that shit sucker artist
>that last paragraph and sentence
>tl;dr artist legally stole the art and is holding them hostage, game is dead without them
Hahahaha what a bunch of retard, that's why you hire a lawyer to draft contract.
>implying either of them will ever come out.
And no one was surprised.
Now to find it.
This game was fucked from the start. Anyone that's ever dealt with him should know shwig is a howling manchild, I don't know what the creator was fucking smoking when he decided to give him effectively complete control over the project.
I read it in AM's voice.
>we will never hear Jake Kauffman's music now
With all that patreon money flowing, why not just hire a new artist?
Furries are so fucking stupid they could spin it into a sob story and double the patreon income.
Wow, what a jew.
And will still continue to pay for it. That's the best part. You can be the laziest, scummiest, most worthless fucker alive on Patreon and people will still give you thousands of dollars for you to do nothing.
i love kickstarter just for these kinds of shit.
what you get for paying monthly installments with your dick.
Was he even the guy who originally came up with Bro quest or was that someone else and he just stole it?
>literally giving someone half the rights to the game on the assumption you can just buy those rights from them when they leave
holy shit this is a special kind of retarded
>tumblr furry porn game falls apart
>meanwhile, Liru got her game after years of waiting
This guy's art was literally the only good thing about the game.
Why would trust someone without a soul?
damn what a fag
Thats schwig for you.
I think they were getting something insane like 28k a month
waifufags ruin everything
He has no reason not to sell them the assets though, he's withholding them out of pure spite.
>people paying THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS a month to be able to jack off
Holy fucking shit that is pathetic. What the hell is wrong with these people.
Just google porn for free you retarded manbabies.
Gotta wait for it to get "hacked"
He was working on the art for Broquest. Nothing he works on ever comes to fruition because he's such a douchebag.
Tbh he could have added that as a clause to the contract, but he's a retard.
Pretty much, that's way more than enough to live off of.
Why ruin that cash cow?
This is why you should NEVER give a porn artist money, and definitely NEVER give someone money for nothing.
People started donating more and more, with little to no changes.
not really, shit's hot
Did schwig do like the EXACT SAME THING with broquest
Porn isn't free to make, just to see.
they'd have to remake the whole game from scratch, because the artist owns all the art in the game
Always assume artists will be unreasonable and spiteful.
>implying broquest made money
Look at amateur porn you idiot. only cost you could say is the camera.
>trusting shitty people like schwig just for their art alone
It's like the guy never did any research on him before, it's very easy to see how much of a scumbag schwig is
More or less, yes. In his defense, nobody else was doing actual work needed to make an actual RPG out of it, it was mostly just him doing the art concepts.
Expect no, they aren't all Schwig.
And nothing of value was lost!
Not even sure. It was a mess of idea guys while only one guy tried to program everything.
Amateur porn can only go so far.
>Always assume everyone is out there to fuck your project over
Fixed that for you.
This all sounds like a very very very good way of getting out of making a game after "years of development" Whoever gave money to this was a total sap
Amateur porn is shit and the people in it are ugly.
Hell most chicks in actual pornos are ugly as fuck.
Good riddance.
Shame it had to go so horribly awry, but maybe the game he left to go work on will produce results.
>watching shitty vanilla stuff
>watching people fucking in front of a badly positioned camera
Whatever floats your tiny, tiny boat.
based shwig, donating to his patreon right now
Sure, that's also true, but even outside the contexts of doing a project always assume the worst of artists.
>giving someone this much power over your project and a literal out should the employee get salty/screwed over
Shoulda seen it coming, fucking retard
>furries in charge of having money
This is why you have contracts because people can and will eventually fuck you over or just learn to do everything yourself so you don't have to deal with other people. The game was never going to be done anyways so nothing of value was lost just like all the other western erotic games.
Holy fuck that read.
The fucking artist fucking over the entire studio for being fucking retarded with their contracts and money.
Good fucking shit. Based artist.
>when retards write contracts
Broquest was one arist , one programmer and ten idea guys
that shit was going to go down either way
Holy fuck this drama is incredible.
>Mfw reading through this shit
>I gave him an incredibly generous contract. In it, he was entitled to half the remaining revenue after all other business expenses (including labor, etc) had been paid
>I also allowed him to retain the rights to his artwork
Hopefully this teaches this fucking idiot a lesson about trusting people on the internet
Isn't the artist the guy who did Tower girls? Jesus what a faggot
Wait sub-tank still does art!?
Good. Was developing slower than a sloth taking a shit and all the girls looked like fugly. Never had any hope for it.
How long until the porn addicts and waifufags hang S-Purple? Some of these backers must've loved this game and characters and S took it all away from them.
All this drama over a shitty furry porn game.
Damn, what a time to be alive.
amateur porn is way better than professional porn
you dumb plebs have no idea what you're talking about
You're thinking of Nougats and no.
Nah the other patreon was already taken down.
Besides it sounds like schwig was the reason for the constant overhauls so chances are his will be even worse with no one to override him.
I love me some S-Purple but christ can somebody give me a tl;dr of this please
Not good. The furry artist will just do this shit again.
Both of them were greedy fucks. The manager should have hired whomever he needed to improve the project, but clearly he didn't.
I played the game and there isnt even that much work to redo, hardly any of the animations were in and they kinda sucked anyway. Only like 10 background images and no real music or sound effects.
The game itself had potential to be decent if they let you automate activities from the start.
It's always indies and furries who have the juiciest drama. And now combine the two.
It's going to be much harder for him to find work.
While he may have like 190K, he can't just sit on that forever.
That last part he wrote really made me sympathize with him. He was an idiot who made a stupid ass contract, but he probably truly wanted to get the game out to those who supported him.
Oh well.
He abandoned Broquest for this.
Of course he'd abandon this.
Now his scum is painted (moreso) over fucking everything.
But furfags and waifufags will STILL give him THOUSANDS just to occasionally post some "progress."
Here's a response to some of the excuses made to get out of working on a project
>I lost all my files to a virus or hard drive failure
1. Always backup your work, that's rule #1 when doing projects on your computer
>I can't make the deadline and will have to delay the product
2. Do not make promises you don't plan to keep then, I'm assuming most of you content creators who use this excuse tend to procrastinate often
>I no longer have time to work on the product
3. No such thing as running out of time to do anything unless you're dead or incarcerated, learn how to make time because you're never busy 24/7
>Schwig was always the asshole I knew he was
I used to kind of look up to the guy, but... damn.
Owner gave the artist a contract that allowed him to take the art he made with him should he choose to leave the project, as well as all of the money made from his art. Guys a dick, but the owner should have seen it coming a mile away.
This is why you hire lawyers to write your contracts, kids
Was he the broquest artist then?
If he's making his own game, I'm pretty sure the donators will follow.
The art was getting decent updates at one time, it just wasn't being implemented.
People who like to see other people bicker are one of the lowest forms of human beings.