ITT: Games you used to be good, but not anymore

Pic related is one example for me, I used to complete many levels when it was released (PS2 version), but now I started replaying, I'm stuck on the level where a giant snowball chases you

Didn't play this for a couple years, started playing again recently to see if there's still anyone online. Could barely get into diamond and I couldn't do the wingsuit abuse at all anymore

Enjoy the lava levels.
That world and the frozen river can go suck it.

I was fucking great at dmc. Don't know what happened. Also button mashing, but I know why I can't do that as well anymore.

That got me thinking, you guys who are in your mid 20s or older, do you feel like your reflexes have gotten noticeably poorer to the extent that it affects your ability to play? I'm just kinda waiting for my body to start degrading at this point

>lava levels
>not the ghost island

I'll take those over Magma Opus's hole-riddled rolling track and the Clyde fight any day.

I used to be mlg pro at Tricky, SSX3, and On Tour back in the mid 00s, but trying to play them recently you'd think I was retarded.

Man I fucking loved that game.
>fought the first boss over and over
>somehow got stuck under the tree in the town level

Grind some lives on Blade Mountain.
Also, play PC/GCN version, PS2 is harder because bugs (specially on ice river run)

>Magma Opus
I give you the level is really hard, but somehow I got it 100%, while I don't have any of the snow, water and ghost island levels at 100%

i remember getting stuck on some volcano level where you had to jump from one really small spike to the next. could never make this one jump and i rage quit hard.

came back literally like five years later and picked up exactly where i left off. got past the shit, finished the rest of the game.

fuck that game.

There are some games I got mega fucking bored of, but I discovered after 11 years I can get unbored of them, and thereby have to git gud at them once more. Like Mario World.

>PS2 is harder because bugs
What bugs exactly?


Delete this.

Remembering this game reminds me how much current gen gaming literally has no good platforming games at the moment.

Is the sequel worth getting?

Ice River Run is a good example
The ice parts makes pac-man do a slip animation every time he lands on it, and makes it frustrastingly hard.
GCN and PC version only makes Pac do the animation one time, so he can jump and try not to fall to his freezing death.
There's also more camera issues and clipping problems on PS2 version

Which version of the game is best?

Now I've got the village theme in my head again.

Huh. I just realized that I've never even touched 1 or 3, and I've played the fuck out of 2.


World 3?
Is a mix bag, the ambience is great, the voice acting can be fun and the power ups are neat.
Downside is that the game is extremely easy, forced fights against enemies are annoying, generic music (you go from the god tier ost of world 2 to generic ps2 orchestra music)
If you really like Pac-Man, go for it, if you want a good 3d platformer, go for 1 or 2, hell, even the Ghostly Adventures games are pretty fun

1 is very different and 3 is more or less the same as 2

this thread reminded me this exists

I almost never hear shit about the third game. I barely even know how the gameplay is.

The Pacster has some very underrated gems

Is it any good? I saw it at a secondhand store recently.

>no speedruns or TAS showing crazy rope shenanigans
>it's literally Umihara Kawase meets Pac-Man


That game was like a worse Mario Party

Thanks. I have xbox, gcn and ps2. Is 3 on gamecube as well?

I found my old OG XBox in storage the other day.
All of my games were gone, I couldn't remember if I'd sold them or what, I was young and stupid.
But I plugged it in and opened the disc tray, and lo and behold, guess what game was inside?
Pac-Man World 2.
It's actually pretty challenging if you try to 100% it

World 4 when?

Yes, its also on psp and ds

Cool. I'm guessing gamecube would be best again?


This game was great, so many fun level gimmicks

I see you're talking about Pacman games over there.

got you covered

How is it compared to the first?

How are these games?

Is a slight improvement over 1.
And the games are fun if you are hungry for 3D platformers. Don't expect high difficult tho.
The ghost chomp mechanics are cool if you're into scoring points