It...It will go down anytime now guys I swear

>It...It will go down anytime now guys I swear

>Not even released in Japan yet
>The smartphone capital of the world


Isn't that China?
Because the game will NEVER EVER go to China

What did he mean by this?

The game is terrible though, and no one I've spoken to has any intention of paying for microtransactions. Once people lose interest and this thing makes close to no money it will go down.

>yfw now Nintendo will be even further ridiculed and chastised for not going full mobile

This is literally the best outcome I could have hoped for with GO. If Nintendo doesn't focus on mobile, shareholders and banks will rip them a new one. If they do, long time fans and people who actually like video games will.

Finger on the trigger, holding the gun against their own temple.

Japanese are pissed as fuck about it and hate mailing Niantic and TPC and Nintendo about it; it's pretty funny

They threaten to renounce Pokemon games if it doesn't come ASAP and curse them out for catering to the USA first. It's a lot of comments ranging from hysterical to pathetic

The Japanese rep said for them to be patient and the comments were along the lines of

>so tomorrow?
>ok, I will wait for you guys tonight
>Why aren't we the target audience? Stupid American developers

Ah, yes. This bubble shall never pop. Thank you for opening my eyes, op.

It'll go down once normies find out it's actually boring and forget this fad. Screenshot this, PLEASE. ;_;

HEH, dumbass nintendrones.
It only means Nintendo realised gameplay meant nothing as long as you cater to the normies.
If anything, this is the death of nintendo as we knew it.
A brand new money come first Nintendo is on the way, and there's no stopping it.

>Smartphone capitol of the world
All the major cellphone developers and applications developers in the world are Korean or American.
What the fuck are you smoking?

>nintendrones are fucked no matter what happens

Entitled racists japs

The game is shit anyways

Ahahah that fucking mad

Now they know how we feel

I would be pretty fucking salty if I was japanese regardless of the quality of the game.

>Post yfw when not Japanese

>the stock will soar even higher after NX's reveal

I wish I bought Nintendo stock during its low period.

you still can
its only gonna go up

This sounds too good

>and this thing makes close to no money

It's already the most profitable app ever made.

>Implying people are not going to question Nintendo for making a new console

>ignorant nigger doesnt understand economics starts screenshotting stock tickers
thats really fucking cute
i bet you sit on Sup Forums all day shitposting like a retarded shitter too, and have been doing it for years, and like the cancer you are, you honestly believe a jump in stock price is suddenly going to make nintendo not the steaming pile of turd company it already is

Mobile games are fads.

Next month it will be forgotten.