Is this the most emotional moment in gaming?

Is this the most emotional moment in gaming?

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I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but it genuinely is for me.

im not being sarcastic, and i challenge anyone to find a better moment


Yeah, but it wasn't THE most hard hitting moment for me.

for me it was this

It didn't even sell that well.
Plenty of people never played super metroid.

Kharak is being consumed by a firestorm. The Scaffold has been destroyed. All orbital facilities destroyed. Receiving no communications from anywhere in the system. Not even beacons.

jellyfish is helping yes

Lavitz was such a bro. RIP.

>The boss fight is literately a trip down memory lane

nah, its way too emotionally manipulative to be genuinely emotional. its basically THIS IS SAD, YOU'RE SAD NOW RIGHT, WOW HOW TRAGIC AND SAD, ARE YOU CRYING YET?!?!? WHAT IS SUBTLETY?!?!?

It's a cool ending, but it's not that cool.

I feel like that is the case for a lot of "emotional" scenarios. Something like "oh god, someone died, pls cry" and that is just an automatic cue for us to do so. Especially with things like death, it's such an easy emotional grab that to me, it comes off as cheap and lazy.

And this

Talking to people in Magicant in general

What's the top left corner?

Ni No Kuni's ending

LISA actually does this as well

Oh god the feels, why did you have to go there user.

>tumblrtale shit

fuck off

Mother 3 ending.

What's happening here?

A picture of the Trevor Family from Resident Evil

I have to say something for MGS4 moments. The whole thing was a big movie accumulating a bunch of nonsense contrivances only Kojima could be proud of, and it had a lot of crazy dragging ons explaining stuff that still may have ended up confusing to some. But a lot of the powerful moments came from realizing the history of the series itself. It really helps if you played through the previous titles to realize those moments, though.

The keyword is history. And what that talks about is getting acquainted with the development of things through time, possibly to the point of getting attached to something which inevitably faces some kind of loss or change, and those are easily some of the more grabbing moments in any form. However, the fault of these is that you often must be informed of prior knowledge going into it before it could effectively impact you.

Another kind of moment is the one that hits close to home, but these are very personal and not as easily perceivable to those who don't go through similar experiences, so it's harder to share these moments due to lack of insight. However, these may grab a person the hardest if he relates to it the most. Other people may say "So what? I don't get it."

Then we move to the category of "general" moments that everyone is just supposed to understand easily, like death, or someone breaks up with another person or gets his or her love rejected. Anyone can be hit by these and it doesn't necessarily have to be personal. But it's so simple that it may come off as cheesy or have relatively minimal impact especially with repetition, and that's what happens when feeding to a lower common denominator of people than especially hits-close-to-home type of moments. These are also so common that people often experience them enough that they become gradually used to it, especially if it's not so personal of a loss.

I see way too many cheesy death scenes in games that the impact is relatively lost on me.

Best girl is about to get no scoped and metroid babbi is big now so it saves his momfu

Please be a troll

>one of the greatest rpgs of all time
>comparing it to undertale

Underrated post, Underrated game

Its Earthbound you fucking retard

Samus is fighting the revived corpse of his father. An alien fly kills him before he can.

hahaha great post well baited my friend

>The first time I saw the subsequent cutscene, my brain stopped working because I thought the pink (from heat) fibres of his suit were his fucking exposed muscles.

looks like shit

theres a big robot and samus is kneeling

>no one posted this
for shame

If you played the game, yyou'd know the context behind this.

Noble Six deserved better.

No, because I never understood why did the metroid help Samus there.

It wasn't emotional, it was just random.

I can remember a more emotional moment even from this year, when we arrive at the final boss battle and find the Soul of Cinder sitting by the bonfire like we usually do.

Metroid saved her because it clung to Samus as if it was it's mother, after the events of Metroid II.

>Current Objective: Survive
That part made me feel things that no other games have


>Objective: Survive
What gaem?

For me literally this

>that cutscene right before
>that piano and 6's readiness to die

fucking amazing

the moment when for a moment you think that amaterasu is about to die at hands of Yami, but then you can hear al the prays of all the people you met amd Issun trying to desesperally aid you giving paints of you to the people.

I fuck I really cried a bit at taht moment.

Man I rarely get feels from video games anymore but that whole sequence just made me feel depressed as fuck.

I did NOT expect that shit from a Halo game. Was never a fan of it until I played that one.

This scene tore me apart when I was in 8th grade

Halo: Reach

7/10 b8

Ops, then I guess that's why I didn't understand, I never played Metroid II, my bad.

It's one of them at least. The fact that they hit the feels so hard in a game with 16 bit graphics and no diolouge is impressive.

>one of the greatest rpgs of all time
that's a stretch, and a big one at that. literally the writing is the only good thing about it, and it's above average at best, only being supported by the decent humour


Gaylo: Reacharound

That whole fucking game, man

It was really impressive at the time. Probably still is.


>objective: survive
>tfw halo made me feel more than games like journey (which was great, to be fair)

Final Fantasy VIII ending all day every day.

> that feeling of desperation and despair as you look scavange around for any weapons.
>you know it's all for naugh but do you best anyway

How is this an emotional moment? For me it's more badass, like when Ridley comes in Fusion to give you super powers

Carlos... ;_:

>Objective survive
>sword elite outta nowhere

Nobody posted RDR yet?

This. I never felt anything but hype.

This game went too far. I was crying bitch fucking tears. It was all perfectly built up to that one final moment. Every little thing.

Ten out of ten.

Clearly not.

I took as many to the grave as I could.

Disappointed Sup Forums
Not a single mention of Luna and pic related from VLR

Oh, well now that I think about it is kind of emotional. Like Samus has always been the Metroids' mom since the NES. and now here the baby comes to... sacrifice herself for her mama. If I was more into the story I would probably be affected more.


Killing gywn should be up there, that music.

Rest in Harpoons

What's better for a spartan than to go down fighting?

No, that would be the final boss fight where this plays.

>Uncle Hal, when is Snake coming back?

Maybe if you are on the autism spectrum.

>We shouldn't just pray for things we want. We should also consider how the gods must feel once and a while. After all, the best part about Ammy is her happy-go lucky attitude!

I almost ruined that scene because I climbed into the rafters of one of the buildings and hid there for about 3 hours before finally killing myself with a grenade.

Even if I'd seen the same shit in Crisis Core it was still pretty good since the execution was a lot better. Made up for the rest of the game being pretty shit.


It still hurts.

killing sniper wolf


god can't you people have fun anymore? everything has to be about autism and shit. feeling is fine, emotions are fine. If you want to be a robot the go work in a factory

These moments are cool, built up, exciting, emotional, and fun.

How much fun do you actually get from shitposting all the time. I'm just so tired of coming into a fun and engaging thread just to have some boring repetitive sperg say, hey guys I know you're having a good time but fuclk you. no one very asked for your opinion I hate you

It was, during the last SGDQ.

no this is

Her sobbing got me to tear up.

Also pic related.


This is probably the most underrated emotional moment in gaming for me.

>Spent a huge amount of time talking to the characters in Diablo 1.

>Learn of Wirts puppy crush on Gillian

>Get Diablo 2, learn of what happened to Tristram.

>Return to the town, find Wirst mutiliated body and Gillians skeletal remains.

>All the characters I got to know and talked to were fucking dead, Griswald was a zombie mini-boss.

this entire moment fucked me up as a kid.

Before Broken Steel, at the ending I always played Dad's farewell tape right before the game forced me to commit sudoku.

I've never played it. What makes it emotional?

>Effectively an interactive cutscene at best

Sir Onion was the only NPC I cared for along with the Fire Keeper.

This is mine. Seeing Layton cry is like seeing someone you respect or your dad cry.

Brothers: A tale of two sons

>Carlos' death

You literally interact with him for all of five minutes total and in those five minutes he never establishes himself as a character of worth. He dies far too early in the Brotherhood storyline for you to care or even remember his name by the end.

His death scene just didn't work at all.