What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
It was never supposed to exist.
Play mm zx
Your welcome
This is the only megaman game I've played along with Megaman Legends. I enjoyed both of them, but I don't care for the series.
>enjoyed X6
Please go play X1.
Convoluted stages that tried really hard to be difficult, and turned out to be just a mess of tedious shit. Bosses were uninteresting. Wasn't supposed to exist, etc. X1-4 is all you need.
Music is great though.
nothing, it's good unlike X5.
Capcom forcing the developers to rush this game onto the market without even letting their devs fix the mostly shitty level design. Seriously, if it wasn't for some of Zero's abilities and his Z-Saber, as well as a few equipment pieces, this game would be fucking unbearable to play in my opinion. But what do you think, buddy?
level design
it's short release after x5
horrible bosses
please take your pick
>blaze heatnix
>10 minutes
fucking kill me
You won´t even notice the time passing, the video is legit good. It is his most famous video because it represents, along with the other videos and shield sheldon stage, what went wrong with mmx6, even tough the game has it´s saving points.
no but the fact that its a 10 minute speed run kind of partly shows what people hate about it
fuck blaze heatnix
>highest quality artwork of the ps series
>best music of the entire MM series
>challenging level designs
Oh but you died to "spikes" cause you sucked ass, alright, I guess the game sucks then.
It's supposed to be really fucking easy and provides no challenge like MMX on the snes, gotcha.
I hate the Nightmare system and everything it stands for.
What the shit was with X5/6 having weird ass mechanics that no-one can properly explain to this very day?
Are you sure you werent a kid when you were playing it?
Yeah , i mean, the level is bad, not arguing about it, but the point i am trying to make is that , even if the gameplay is boring 90% of the level, the comentary is good enough(in my opinion) to keep the video tolerable enough to watch it until the end.
It's only occurred to me now, but as a minimalist run, he shouldn't be grabbing the nightmare orbs.
not really
it was a badly designed game
its not even about the difficulty for most people the nightmare system and most levels were just not fun
not to mention the bosses were horrible
there is no way you can defend High max and gate
The orbs just opened the skill slots, right. He kinda needed to open two of them to get past gate lab 1 and it does not do much more.
>Made in less than a year
>Localized translation is pretty bad
>Level designs that range from stupid to tedious
>Pic related
>Enemies respawn a few seconds after being killed
>Nightmare Souls system needed to be grinded way past a practical amount in order to max out and get the full benefits
>Nightmare enemies with extremely annoying attacks
>X is retarded at using a saber
>Pic related
>X in general is just bad compared to Zero unless you get all the armors
>X is so bad that the game is literally impossible to finish without finding missable upgrades
>Pic related
>Many stage sections which only comprise of the game throwing a fuckload of obstacles at you at once and seeing what happens, notably Scaravich stage
>Fighting Mijinion is a confusing pain in the ass
>Fighting Nightmare Mother is an unfun pain in the ass
>Fighting Gate is an unfun pain in the ass
>Pic related
>Many stages consist of a single gimmick the entire time, which stops being fun long before the level ends
>"I hid myself away while I repaired myself"
>Pic related
X6 didn't do EVERYTHING wrong but I don't really like it.
The nightmare orbs don't do anything besides give you more skill slots, right? As long as he's not using skills (outside of the necessary ones as X) then I don't think it would make a difference if he grabbed them or not.
The nightmare souls open up skill slots via increasing your rank, yeah. It may not ultimately "mean" anything, but neither would taking damage and getting the health items.
It also let you skip ahead to the first gate level if you got enough of them and opened up a cutscene with Alia
as a Kid I didnt think about game design or any of that. I wondered about fun, and I dunno. but I had fun with X6, despite finding it really hard.
The cool music helps.
heatnix's stage blew, but the music got you pumped.
And Gate was cool too.
>tfw browsing early 00's internet on Windows XP looking for X vs Zero and Gate Midi files
fairly certain most people felt that way
the problem is a lot of people didnt find it fun
you cant deny the game has a lot of problems that can turn people off to it
well yeah but I wasnt bothered by it as a kid, and so Im not really bothered by it now either, despite having a better understanding of its problems
It was fun to grind in the central museum stage though, and it might be my bad taste but it has my favourite stage theme
It should have ended at X5. X5 was supposed to be the end of the X series with Zero dying at the end.
It was also a rushed cash grab they didn't even take the time to re-record the boss dialogue in english for one example of how lazy it was.
i think most people agree the museum is top tier song
And there was some real rng stuff there too
>It was also a rushed cash grab they didn't even take the time to re-record the boss dialogue in english for one example of how lazy it was.
There's some about the fact of how X6 was pretty much an Jap VA only game that interests me.
We even got the Jap OP we almost NEVER get a Jap OP in MM games.
X5 existing.
X5 was a terrible way to end the series though. the only reason they wrapped it up was because Inafune wanted to set up the Zero series. It had no reason to be the last one.
The series is called "MEGA MAN X", not "ZERO X" and X was very much alive after X5.
theres also the fact that there is absolutely nothing to indicate why Sigma shouldnt be able to come back. The idea was he spread himself too thin, but I don't think that was ever properly explained. Then X6 just sort of assumes Sigma was "dead for real" before Gate revives him, for some reason.
there is absolutely NO closure to X4's Wily subplot for Zero. Sure, he comes to terms with his existence, and the reason for his creation, but the "old man" who was acting as Sigma's partner was seemingly still at large. And considering the game made it obvious it was somehow Wily, why should anyone assume that Wily would allow Zero to stay dead, when he already revived him in X2? Not to mention he would still try and kill X as his mortal enemy.
X6 offers FAR better closure than X5 did, and that's why it exists. Not just because capcom, but because the X5 team felt they could still do more. Which is why X6 is a direct sequel to X5, much like X2 is to X1. Zero goes into hibernation to remove his virus, There's a confrontation with the Wily avatar, Wily moves on after seeing that Zero was able to beat Gate, who's battle form utilized the culmination of research he did on Zero's DNA, essentially surpassing himself, and you have the sort of beginnings of the Dark Elf, when Alia and Douglas decide they want to create an antivirus or some shit.
it's X7 and X8 that arguably don't belong. Though, at least ZXA touched upon X8/CM's copy chip thing
I disagree
X5 was a fine ending
X6 added way more questions to the story and the game itself was worse
that being said
if they didnt put it out in like 6 months and actually worked the story and game it would have been a great ending
>X5 was a fine ending
what exactly makes it a fine ending? It offers no closure and doesnt properly explain WHY it's the end, other than "Zero dies lol" which is a terrible reason, since he's died once before already.
You didn't spend enough time ON THE WIRE