Oh shit mosaic thread, you guys know the rules

Oh shit mosaic thread, you guys know the rules.

older mosaics here: vidya-mosaic.booru.org/

please don't let this one die

Does anyone have the Superstar saga one?


claiming A1


holy shit replies, thanks
well fuck, I'll contribute to that one as well I guess.



ima post mine even if the thread doesnt pick up op, if u wanna post tomorrow morning.

Claiming D1


thanks, I'm working tomorrow so it'll probably be in the evening


It's a start

Its shit



D1 done

It's great


>page 8

fuck that, bumping

Come on you nig nogs, do something for once in your life even if it's a shitty MSpaint tile it's still a contribution

bump, this is turning out decent with only 3 tiles



Don't let this die you faggots, I'll do another tile if I have to

i might make a tile just because the tile's size is so big and i love mosaics


i quit




i'll take 2e

If this dies then I'll start it up tomorrow evening if another mosaic isn't up, 7pm EST

>castlevania mosaic getting more responses

I'll claim B1.

Give me a few minutes.


I made 2 tiles for that so it could end sooner


2b claiman


noice, debating whether I should reject A2 since it's kinda shit


fug forgot pic

Bump to beat castlevainia

here ya go bb


I'll take C1

cool, also A2 is partially rejected, if no one can make a better one then it's going in

Ill redo a2

C1 done


>Nobody has noticed yet

I'll do C2

thanks famillio

fug forgot file again

Here you go!

Here's D3
First mosaic post, hope it's okay

you're the best
good I guess, better than memes everywhere

Screw it, claim E1.


user this is a mosaic thread why did you put in so much effort.
It's nice though.

here ya go famalamadingdong

I'll take C3

I doubt you expected anything different.

Here is C2

better, thanks user
funnily enough I was working on a SMT Lucifer's Call mosaic since I found a high res version of the french cover, MS Paint it or 'stylize' it and I'll accept it

Fixed version

That does make it fit better with C1, I approve

I will do b3

Moderately fixed E1.


i will do d2 i guess

wish me luck


>Sonic the Hedgehog: Mayo World

4 left boyz


Better than this years _E3_

2 left, I really want to see how this turns out

Not the person who claimed that spot but I wanted to make this anyways.

2 more, I hope those Anons aren't dead. Feel free to make quality tiles if you're still up and think those Anons are gone

and forgot image again

If anyone wants to finish go a head, unless you're all asleep

I feel like E2 guy bailed for sure, he claimed it hours ago

^This guy right here.

I'll be happy to take E2 if user doesn't deliver.

for sure, can't wait to see what you'll make

You wanna crop that?

Re-do E1 or too late to do it?


last time it was perfect, off by 2 pixels

I'll do d2 unless the other guy comes back

Jesus fucking christ 4 times and you can't get it right.

I this doesn't finish soon-ish I'm heading off to bed and I'll make this thread in the evening since it's 3am.

Oh. Looks like the other user beat me to it. Oh well. Still fun to do.

almost done with d2

Gonna bump for more time.

I love it, 1 more to go! Should E1 be re-done or are we done with this mosaic?

I made a shitty d2

Damn I'm tired

use the dante one, I had a chuckle

all up to you man, you got this. We believe in you!