Pokemon Go

Anyone here suffers from depression, loneliness, having anxiety and fears whenever he gets out of his house? I can't believe this, but I'm getting better the moment I downloaded Pokemon Go and started going outside. First day I was walking inside my house, second day I was walking outside of my house but not too far, now I'm walking a long distance and I've met people who play this game. We talked and exchanged numbers. Now we plan for walks together and stop at restaurants to enjoy and meal.

Thanks Nintendo.


>"At first I was a loser without friends, but thanks to the internet and a certain piece of media, I've learned how to interact with people and somehow managed to make friends!"

Pokemon Go confirmed to be the new MLP

Having depression and not being interested in anything. Anxiety makes me feel comfortable between 4 walls. I'm getting better and not ashamed to say that Pokemon Go was the reason.

Nice subtle depression hugbox thread

I live on a semi secluded block in Queens NY, it's just mostly foot traffic of people going and coming from work. I was doing some backyard work and came to the front of the house at 9pm or so. Let me tell you, there were kids around 16 to 18yrs old across the street in the park, on all 4 corners in the middle of the street and weirdos driving slowly staring into their phones up the block, panicked thinking there must be a dead body laid out somewhere and everyone is keeping quiet and huddling in groups messaging people. It's getting all these people out and about, not holed up playing video games at home.



I just install the game and start to walking outside my house after 5 years...

10 minutes after I was beaten and robbed, now I don't plan go outside my house never again.

Thanks Nintendo

Happy for you, bro.

Keep doing what you're doing.

I think most of us around 20 years of age grew up with pokemon as a type of adventure we as kids were expected to have, and sort of shamed ourselves for it (because its not fucking real life but kids cant tell the difference).

Now, we are being vindicated.

Hit the nail on the head. Even if the pokemon are fake the adventures are real.

I started chatting with this chick I saw who was also playing Pokemon Go and I gave her some friendly advice and later I found out she wrote an article online calling me a rapist creep. I'm never going outside again.

you would have no reason whatsoever to have data on your phone if you never left the house
you can't fool me, troll-kun

Link it


Fuck off GamerGate

I got the game but too scared to go out and play it. Why am I such a pussy

Some of us are meant to be alone.


My hands were literally shaking when I was about to open the front door.

I know you're full of shit because people with anxiety can't just have a casual conversation with a stranger without dropping their spaghetti. Exactly why I'm not play this. Fuck off.

>not sure if poe's law because i knowingly share Sup Forums with some of these autistic, broken messes

>walk around at 3 A.M. really stressed about university
>stand outside the country club near me because I was trying to catch a pidgey
>car pulls up with its brights on, think "oh shit, must be the cops" and didn't have my wallet
>black guy starts asking me question
>speg out and have trouble processing what hes saying
>think he's asking me for direcrions to a party or something
>apologise and tell him I have no idea what hes talking about
>snap out of it and finally realise he's talking about pokemon go
>was asking me if I was looking for a few nearby scyther
>he points me in the direction of it, tells me to join his facebook group for our county, tells me to have a good night and drives off

Very surreal experience. He was nice though

>I think most of us around 20 years of age
I was trying to be as explicit as possible, but I remember most of you guys skipped reading comprehension

I've struggled with depression for years and got stuck into my comfy rut of vidya and netflix.

I've walked 5 miles on average per day since last Thursday, had tons of fun, and met a lot of new people.


I hate that shit, it happens to me too. I am so comfortable at times but as soon as someone approaches me out of nowhere, I start going into automated autism mode. I do the weirdest hand gestures and stutter and the whole shebang.

The sanctuary fortress mentality is the fucking worst. Its how I coped with my bipolar. I never left my apartment except (sometimes) for university and filled my bathroom with full garbage bags and ordered food every single day.

Fucking rock bottom of my life. Went like almost 2 weeks without bathing

Yeah I felt bad because I didnt want him to think I was being racist or anything or that I was freaked out/scared and was gonna call the cops on him

I have that problem with women. I don't even know if it's okay to make eye contact with them

Maybe you'll run into the friendly poke-negro again

There are different level of anxiety you fucking sperg. I can talk to people, but I'm nervous before I actually start doing it.

This is fucking pathetic

>self diagnosed tumblr retard

I wasted 30,000 USD on a psychology degree but I did walk away with some valuable information. You have literally no idea what you're talking about, anxiety disorders encompass a wide range of disorders with varying degrees of severity in terms of symptoms.

Armchair scumfuck physician wannabe

>tfw want to try it but don't have a phone

there's no way I'm buying a phone and a plan just for this, since I would probably get bored of it within a few weeks.

>This is fucking pathetic

Hey man, if you're in rut, you gotta start somewhere to pull yourself out.

>not having a phone

Uh... why?

underage pls go

Just get a monthly plan and some shit phone.

You can get a weak smart phone for cheap, its not like you're actually playing any real games anyways.

>tfw city is full of pidgeys

Say mad butthurt faggit

I never talk to anyone and if anyone wants to talk to me it's their problem, not mine.

You're beyond retarded.

I see why your money is considered wasted.

I am the same way.
I know some people from high school that I occasionally play Steam games with.
One of them literally never leaves his house.
The group got him to leave and go out and play GO with them.

If that hermit can do it, so can I and so can you.

no you can't

I always knew this game would make agoraphobics more interested in getting out, but then again any "mental illness" is a state of mind and sign of weakness anyways but good on you OP for getting over it.

Honestly I thought the whole thing with "getting outside makes you feel better" was a dumb meme like just bee urself, but after having a reason to go outside and walk around I actually feel much better at the end of the day. I'm sleeping a lot better and not as irritable. It's not even about the game anymore, but I might not have found out without it.

I graduated in May and my job doesn't start until September (actually a doctor, and it takes that long for the license paperwork to go through in the state I'm moving to). I've been sitting around all day because I have no money to spend until the job starts. Pokemon Go finally gave me something to do that doesn't require money. I'll probably get bored of it eventually, but if it can entertain me for a couple weeks, it's done its job.

>when no one is playing in 6 months and you have to kill yourself

Go to a park. Its easier than walking about randomly and other people playing will frequent it also so you won't look out of place.

But, the games so popular right now no one looks very out of place wandering around asking about pokemon

Just remember there are people who have been murdered, assaulted, been hit by cars, found dead bodies, and found they had been cheated on while playing pokemon go.

Remember those are also the risks of living

>being paralyzed by the future

because I'm not some fucking normie?
I'm 25

Half of those are news articles that are false trying to get more clicks


All the risks of living outside, in the wild, in the tall grass where cars, niggers, and pokemon exist.

Medfag here where'd you do your residency at?

I'm sure another little distraction will come around by then.

This fuck you, OP.

I do wonder how long until the hype train is derailed on this game.
So many businesses and bars/restaurants are hosting meetups and gatherings for GO in hopes of attracting business, and AFAIK it's working rather well.
But how well will it work in about 6 months to a year? Will it be as insanely popular then as it is now?

Should've went to the app store and search for free apps.

Its true though? Anxiety related disorders are an umbrella that are as varied as Obessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) to Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). It's literally in the DSM dude

Contrary to your wikipedia inspired preteen sensibilities you do not know more than me. A quick google search will set you straight. Now youre just being argumentative because youre upset I made fun of you and your pride wont let you walk away without the last word :(

lmao says the one projecting his own experiences with anxiety onto literally everyone else with it

Dentist, no residency

Can't I just play this in my house? I don't want to go outside, I live in an 16 floor apartment building in Brooklyn, have access to the roof, fire escapes, stairwell and a whole laundry room and basement that is just full of junk. Can I just play this indoors in my apartment building and maybe knock on a few peoples doors to let me in, I'm friendly with a few people in the building and they sometimes do grocery shopping for me when I'm too scared to go outside. I haven't left my house since july 5th, I ventured outside my apartment door to do some laundry and visit friends in the building a few times though.

Everything must come to an end someday user. There are institutions people died believing would last thousands of more years, possibly forever even, only to crumble in the span of a single generation.

Unless you are an investor or own a business in serious need of customers just go with the flow.

Agoraphobia generally stems from a traumatic event
What happened to you?

this is the oddest thing

its a game that nerds and social people can both enjoy

I saw a hot girl at starbucks playing it, literally everyone is messing with the game.

plus you get free exercise by playing, why not?

Keep pushing yourself, user.. I suffer from the same. Depression, loneliness, general anxiety.. and I always push myself past it.. I force myself to do things. It gets better.

If you always stay in your comfort zone, you'll never accomplish anything. Face your fears.

I still haven't been able to bring myself to do this. So far the only time I can catch pokemon is when I take my puppy for a walk but half the time the servers aren't letting me log in. Not to mention the pupper isn't leash trained quite yet so I end up wrangling her more than walking with her.



I saw an elderly black lady running around the hospital today playing the game in our garden. I also saw my old high school football coach's jock son, who lives down the road from me, playing it.

Literally everyone's doing it

Well, you know how some people have these grey streaks of hair from traumatic experiences grow in afterwards? I have 3 of them. It's weird, you sort of block these things out. I'm hoping pokemon go could help me venture outside more often, but want to break myself in to the idea of playing around the lobby and laundry room and stairwell. Wondering if this is possible.

>4 days ago
>go out playing Go
>try to walk a mile
>can't breathe, face is bright red, having a panic attack
>someone else playing the game asks if i'm ok
>y-yeah haha
>call my dad to come pick me up
>'well i think you did great! you haven't been out in a few months, don't be so hard on yourself! maybe i'll go with you next time!'
>cry in bedroom, haven't gone out since

Moving up and down doesn't matter, you have to move horizontally or it won't pick up any movement.

>having a phone is being a "normie"

Thats actually an urban legend. I used to think it was true but I read somewhere that it had been thoroughly debunked. As far as I know, there is no scientific evidence that stress affects melanin in hair like Ash from Evil Dead. In fact, shocks of white hair are a recessive gene expression so unrelated entirely to stress

Keep getting mad over nothing, spergo.

>Took my dogs on a walk earlier when playing pokemon go
>Didn't find anything too good
>When I get home notice there's a bulbasaur nearby
>Decide to go out again alone looking for it
>Can't fucking find it anywhere, eventually the app crashes and the pokemon near me are now gone
Just how fucking far is this "nearby" radius? I walked all around my goddamn nearborhood and it never went down from 3 foot prints, no matter which direction I went in


i feel like the future will be better

Fuck. Thought this was flavor of the month enough to ignore but guess it's sticking around long enough I gotta give it a shot now.

Blogpost incoming;
I'm actually super into meditating and plan on using Pokego to deepen my practice. Some of you anxious fuckers should really consider giving Meditation a go (heh) because it's quite good for that. If you're out there instead of constantly living in your head and sperging out all the time come back down and feel your body. FEEL your body. The wind on your skin, the air in through your nostrils, your feet on the ground. Try to find something to appreciate. A pretty tree, The sky. I feel like a lot of anxiety is cause you're trying to be somewhere else rather than appreciating the moment. So if you can center in and try to be in the here and now rather than... anywhere else you might enjoy life a little more. No time like the present right?

Having a smart phone means having close to 99% of human knowledge at your fingertips. Are you sure you're not the normie?

Didn't know this was a cringe thread.

its a really fun excuse to go out

also you can meet people which is cool

It's too fucking hot outside, screw that.

And enjoy having your phone being completely owned by Pokemon Go's LOLEVERYTHING access. On top of your phone tracking you everywhere you go by default.

Fuck's sake, gaming is in a sad state.

Heh, I know right? Guess I'll fuck off back to /x/ where I belong

Fuck off weeaboo. Let me guess: You also think Japan is an admirable country because you think it has a "culture that built on honour"? Do you practice kendo? Do you own katanas hung up on the wall you got from a pawn shop?

fuck off you negative summershit

I feel like if nintendo's smart they'll just periodically add pokemon from each region so people will keep coming back to it.

holy fuck you think this behaviour is actually acceptable on Sup Forums

>negative summershit

What will summerfags come up with next?

I have nothing to hide. I'm Hobbseian by nature so I applaud the dissolving of privacy for citizens. I laughed fucking heartily about that retarded fuck getting caught cheating through pokemon go. Serves him right

>tfw kissless virgin
>tfw walked around town with a qt grill from my faction
Thanks, nintendo.

>japan invented meditation
off yourself retard
besides that, where did he mention japan AT ALL?

Anything after gen 1 is garbage though.

r8 lads


>anything after gen 1 is garbage
Do you mean the games are garbage or the pokemon? Either way you're wrong

I don't get the picture