Post best girls from their respective games

Post best girls from their respective games.


You first.

Women are by nature never best, they are always second rate in everything.

That's not Alisa

I know I shouldn't take her because she has that awful friendly fire but I just can't help it.



But that's neither Alisa, Shio or Gina.


Alisa is a slut.

IIRC Shio doesn't have a gender.

Gina is clearly a dude on HRT.

Here let me just drop a bomb on you faggots.

I challenge you to find issues with this because I know you can't.

Yukiko's game is trash just like her hair

This is a list of worst girls if anything


Kat is good, but not quite the best Senran.


No,Hell no,FUCK NO
don't know her,HELL NO,SLUT


Obligatory Morrigan post.

Obligatory "I want to kiss/marry her".

I respect your choices user.


>persona 4 girl
>Being best anything
Although in terms of 4's girls she was probably the least shit.

I'll say it again: Love her design, hate her character. Although it's partly because she is designed to appeal to popular fetishes.


Fuuka is my number one!

I choose to throw my persona-related hat into the ring.



Oh it's aceman, is it that time again? I shall say it again, I pride myself on having the highest amount of quality mitsuru's.

I can respect that.

many thanks.


Name a better fighting game girl.
You can't

I already did.

this is wrong


Fight me

Shut up Boco.


Yes sir...

I am going to say Aigis.


Can anyone Dispute Amane being the best girl in Devil Survivor?

Always and forever

obligatory fuck off boco post

obligatory I hope you get hit by a bus

The issue is your shit taste.

very wrong


If she's so best, how come she died?

The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long.



Friendly fire doesn't matter when she always has giant heals available, unlike the other healing morons. Just don't stand in front of her.

I never thought I would see bubblegum in human form until I saw her

I sure as shit can't.




But if i don't stand in front of her she won't do that cute apology

Vert is shit

and an old hag


Man, how does it feel to have such shit taste?
Bacon is love


Lyn didn't really have any competition, though. So her perfection can't be called into question

Is it sad that the best girl in the game is your daughter?
God damnit, if she wasn't my daughter I would have married her on the spot

Hsein Ko

Your move.

Are you trying to make me fap?

I love Reisen!


Do not waifu evil people.


Granted not much competition but still. Shame she gets so little screentime compared to everyone else.

I have something wonderful.


Adding on to these.

I want to marry Raya-O!

I couldn't think of a good filename.



Sorry, that position has already been filled. But pre-7 slots are still open.


She really does look lovely, almost makes me reconsider my opinion on buying figurines!

Lute is best Sacred Stones girl.


>Her justification for wearing such a skimpy outfit is because she likes wearing it.

>Not Eirika
By extension, Ephraim. Ephraim is best girl

The one on the left.

Jill is the best Tellius girl. There is literally no competition.

See Jill is actually one of the less attractive Tellius girls. Not ugly but kinda plain by comparison.

Before I saw the figure early last year, I had a little less than zero interest in getting a figure. All it takes is one abnormally good figure of someone you truly love to change your mind. Despite the high quality, $250 is honestly too much for something like this unless you are one of two things:

1. A very serious figure collector who may or may not want to sell it at some point.
2. Someone who is truly in love with the character.


It's hard to pick just one from that game, but Daena is definitely a good choice. Gotta respect someone who doesn't put up with that fat rabbit prick.

Getting some golden sun up in this


Worst game I bought this decade

>Friendly fire the character

Try again.

Actually, nevermind game. Best girl in the series.

>lawfags being best anything

Best fates girl

She has like 3 lines in the whole story lmao
