>Putting a silencer on the gun makes it do less damage
Putting a silencer on the gun makes it do less damage
Other urls found in this thread:
>Putting a silencer on the gun makes it quiet
It adds friction but also makes it more accurate since the barrel is longer
>the game uses "silencer", "clip", and "assault weapon" as terms
Well it doesn't claim to be a simulator does it?
>game has a FN FAL
>it's an assault rifle that has roughly the same stats and does the same amount of damage as an M16 or an M4
This. Silencers don't exist, they're supressors.
>What is balance?
>game calls the barrel shroud attachment "the shoulder thing that goes up"
>find shotgun
>shoot something that's farther than 5 feet away
>barely any damage
That face looks familiar. Who is that?
You have to use subsonic ammo as well to prevent the sonic boom. So it's reasonable to suggest that damage would go down
nostalgia critic if I were to guess
looks like the nostalgia critic.
Nostalgia Critic.
>game has an AK-47
>the bullets land where you're aiming
Fucking Bill Masterson, the military guy, in Killing Floor 2, a game that takes great pride in its attention to detail ESPECIALLY concerning its guns, dropped the ball when it came to "clip" and "magazine". ticked me right off
AK's are fine though. So long as you have them sighted in properly.
>gta 5, the mission where Franklin steals back the car from Michael
>Michael holds gun up to his head, says "That's a 9mm semi-automatic pushed up against your head."
>in game description for the gun says it's a .45
Christ, I was way off. I was going to guess Sam Hyde.
I think all the characters do. The Japanese guy says NEW CLIP IN when you reload a shotgun.
>shotguns deal no damage beyond a meter
>Game has a rifle shield
>Literally immune to headshots
I realize this is done for balance but it still triggers me like nothing else.
>Find shotgun
>Game lets me silence it
Okay even if I could silence a shotgun, why the hell would I even want to. Especially if it's vidya and a shotgun might as well be a melee weapon.
A slower bullet usually causes more damage to an unarmored target.
>Game allows to put silencer on shotgun
>Game has M16A1 in it
>fires three round burst like M16A2
Now that you mention it, from a distance
why do people watch this fucker again? He's cringeworthy as fuck and surrounds himself with literal autists with no skill or experience at what they do in order to make himself look more professional.
>silenced shotguns
aren't shotguns louder than a nuclear explosion when fired in a closed room?
>Shotguns are still the best weapon in the game because your character is a bullet sponge.
AK's are actually good rifles if you use good ammo and don't buy some shitty Chinese garbage.
sam looks natural as fuck with an assault weapon
dude redlettermedia lmao
That's kind of why silencing one is pointless in vidya, I need to be close range to use it, might as well let it be loud. If I wanted to be stealthy I would use a silenced rife.
Did he ever give his opinion on people using him for faux gunman?
>unscoped sniper rifle always hits right where you're aiming
>go into scope mode
>your character is suddenly unable to hold the fucking thing still
>suppressors on energy weapons have no downside
>shotguns do damage past pissing ramge
>correct clip vs. magazine terminology
>Suppressor reduces range
Cawadooty may not be the best but goddamn did they do good this year.
Well, technically if you put on a silencer it wouldn't change really, but a proper silenced weapon uses subsonic ammunition.
Well he has a war to settle, pic not really related.
wait I thought they were channelawesome, isn't redlettermedia the pizza roll guy?
Is this the face of autism?
>Ability or item from very beginning is used to defeat the final boss
It's moreso that in vidya if you want to use a shotgun you normally have to be in your enemies face for it to be useful anyway.
I fucking love that old guy. I'm gonna be so sad when he dies someday.
>my wife's boyfriend
jesus christ
>Game has energy weapons
>They have recoil
Not quite sure what the other guy is on about
>that whole explanation
kek holy shit
oh god scoped weapons are unusable in fallout 3/NV without 100 guns skill and it pisses me off so much
you're better off SImo Hayha'ng it and using a sighted weapon
>Payday 2
>silenced Loco 12G
>so quiet it can't be heard more than 5 feet away
>pushes bodies across a room
>short barrel for high conceal and high damage
It's almost as retarded as that manga screencap about automatics and firepower, but I'll be damned if it isn't somewhat fun.
>your shotguns are useless
>enemy shotguns regularly onehit the player
wakka my bruddah
For what purpose? Sneak up on someone and assassinate people with a fucking shotgun?
>My wife's child
What games actually have shotguns effective at decent ranges? Doom is an obvious one but I mean more recent games. I'm playing underhell and shotguns in that game make sense.
>raven shotgun (prepatch)
>can hit 3 concealment
this game is super fucked
>Suppressors are for assassinating people xdddd
No, mother fucker. They're silencers. The men who invented them called silencers. The ATF calls them silencers. Suppressor is a PC term use for libs
Shotguns are deadly from 30+ feet out depending on choke even with birdshot. Shotguns not being effective from a medium distance is a myth.
So its not so loud at the range
>stealing this site's cuck vernacular
sam, why?
Fucking this
But ya I dont really know why you'd want to, I think at that point you'd just be better off using a different gun.
Well in that game the shotgun has a range higher then "Why shouldn't I just use a melee attack"
it's so easy to trigger /k/, you guys are almost as easy as Sup Forums.
It's literally called a silencer though. That's the name they were originally patented with. "Suppressor" is false.
>The disease was humanity all along.
>game has a Garand
>it does less damage than a Springfield 1903 does
Except for the fact that they don't silence, and gun experts use the term supressors.
ya but in a video game you have to have balance. If you remember back to MW2 the 1887 was basically realistic in terms of damage:distance, but then everyone was running around with them because they were miles better than absolutely everything and it pretty much ruined the game until they patched it.
> You converted your bombchus to bottles
>subsonic ammo
>full-auto rifles shoot faster so each round is weaker than a handgun's round.
This right here gets me every time.
I know. Black Ops 3 gave shotguns a minimum damage per hit, with more pellets hit adding extra damage. It makes the shotguns infinitely more reliable.
>Game has a bunch of automatic weapons
>Ammo is so rare in the game that there is no reason to use them
>Even if you had enough ammo semi-auto's do more damage per shot
>managed to explain to rabi it was a hoax
somehow, I dont think he was refering to the gunman part
>LMGs recoil like you're firing cannonballs even if you're prone and using a bipod
Well because he WAS in a war, idiot.
ATF uses the term supressor on form1s.
This isn't real, right?
Didn't fucking matter what they do and don't accomplish. They are called silencers because they'd their name. Just like people don't call you by your name they call you a wrong faggot.
ammo's expensive bruh
Games, especially post-apocalyptic games, with ammo lying all over the place in every fucking box and barrel kind of pisses me off. That is not at all how it would go down and ammo would be such a hot commodity that it would probably end up being its own form of currency, if not the main form of currency
>suppressor is a pc term use for libs
you have no idea what pc or lib means, do you
>do techforcer build because want to make drilling not suck shit and wear maximum armor
>move so goddamn slow that bullets shred through all the armor
>can barely do any loud heists because of cop swarms negating my armor bonuses
>roll FugMind
>Rogue Deck, no armor
>dual Interceptors with crown muzzles
>literally untouchable because loldodge
>higher damage output than automatic shotguns
>backup Bronco is handcannon sniper rifle
>all the first aid kits I could want
I can't imagine why they would bother making all the armor pointless.
Okay but why the hell would you make automatic weapons useless in terms of damage per shot? I feel like a powerful weapon that eats up ammo would be a great reward for managing to save up that much ammo in the first place.
>That is not at all how it would go down and ammo would be such a hot commodity that it would probably end up being its own form of currency, if not the main form of currency
Play Metro, you'll love it.
>quality ammo is literally money
based Metro 2033 got this right
At least in Fallout New Vegas ammo being fucking everywhere is justified by there being an active munitions factory in the area
Yeah but automatic weapons were still pretty useless in New Vegas. They were pretty good in metro though.
ya, I agree completely
I loved metro, and ya if there's a lore reason for it, or large portions of the game take place on military compounds or something its a little more understandable
Don't, make damage per caliber instead of per gun. In Metro you can literally use a DShK modified to fire shotgun shells if you've got the ammo and it tears up everything in the room.
>Game has a Bullet drop mechanic
>Only works in sniper rifles
For a game that brags about being realistic, they sure fucked that up
>Revolver is more powerful than pistol in same caliber