You ARE working on your video game, right?
You ARE working on your video game, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nope, and never will
Yeah, working on some music for it tonight. Here's a WIP:
I have the creative ideas but can't code for shit
Pre nice
Why not?
Not bad. I like. What will this be used for?
Learn to code then.
No you don't.
If you did you'd have bothered to learn something to try and make at least a rudimentary demo of your game concept.
Coding is the only fun video game for me these days
Busy shitposting on Sup Forums
I'm making some models for a horror game in progress tell me what you guys think
a little grey
3/3 unless you guys want more ;)
Yea no textures yet in progress tho
Does any one have any sites for art where I can get character and general art style ideas
Music will be used for pic related.
I'm sorry.
Working on the second playable ship and some fancy menus.
I want to play around with an engine just making something basic where you go around and summon things. Not going to make a game though.
What's a good engine to use?
that looks nice, what engine are you using?
Unreal is my engine, you could do that fairly easily via blueprints
Use the content examples and free stuff to get some models, mats and effects
Not gonna be a stroll to get it all fancy like though, never is when you're starting out
looks cool, but your pixels are different sizes all over the place
>thinking about monster girl breeder
>remember breeding season exists
today was a good day
Game Maker Studio.
That's the magic of placeholder sprites.
Use the content examples and free stuff to get quick assets for playing around