Game sequel is a totally different genre

>game sequel is a totally different genre
What game, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Zelda II?

>true sequel is in a completely different format

OP you fucked up

Brace for spinoffs

Also Red Faction Series jumps all over with genres: first person, third person open world, third person action

Jak X
Sonic Adventure
Super Mario 64
Jojo Eyes of Heaven
Mega Man Legends
Metal Gear Rising

Gof of wlast of us


its sequels are just a bunch of fighting game tournament streams

Star Fox Adventures

Got me good

Dinasty Warriors.
First one was a fighting game


Mass Effect

Doom (2016)
Aesthetically, it's doom.
Gameplay wise, no
Sound/Music direction wise, no

Are you literally retarded? Nu-Doom is still an fps regardless of how bad you think it is.

oh, lord. i'm the composer for nudoom. i'm so sorry my music wasn't completely MIDI, although it was the same fucking dumb industrial/metal/ambient-electronica shit as the original doom you insufferable piece of shit.

I think OP means initial sequel, not experimentstion with an existing franchise.


nudoom is dubstep
doom 1 is metal

Fallout's had a few. Or do non-numbered sequels not count?

Postal 2.

Resident Evil.

Not true sequels, but the Endless series

First game is a 4x space game

Second game is a Civilization game.

Third game is a real time with pause roguelite/dungeon crawler

It's djent, which is a subgenre of metal. Dubstep is a completely unrelated genre of music that sounds nothing like it.

Star Control II
Better than cocaine.


how can one post be so wrong

Castlevania Dracula X

Paper Mario

I heard this too, gonna wait until bargain bin before getting it. Didn't like ost. But not like I can't play my own tunes

phantasy star online ep.3

I was so fucking confused when I bought that shit as a little kid

Mario Bros 2?

youre a talentless piece of shit. never make 'music' ever again

Way to ruin the game dude

Danganronpa 3.
It's not even a game.

fable 3,

For a game consisting of five titles, the 2nd entry was the last full blooded JRPG.

>fallout 4
>dragon age 2

>game sequel is a book
>you need to read it before next sequel arrive in game format
>they named it 'game 2'

The difference in tone and style between ME1 and ME2 is ridiculous. I wish they'd kept the pulpy space opera feel.

This turd

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

wat gaem

lara croft and the guardian of light

It still hurts

Dino Crisis

You shut your fucking mouth

The Genesis sound chip is more "dubstep" than nu:Doom. Get the fuck out with your shitty words.

sorry misquote

Resident Evil 4


Parasite Eve

It still hurts

Best answer and there still hasn't been another Zelda like it. Link is pretty much a wizard or spellblade/warlock or some shit in this game.

Don't listen to the shitters

I liked it

Every fucking game

Look if you wanna have nostalgia goggles, go ahead. But I just recently played through and did not like it at all, it had extremely bad design choices and not very good gameplay. Jak 3 was way better though I'll admit, even if the story was garbage.

Yeah, all 3 games have been different genres

it's more like a franchise than a series

I guess maybe the Oddworld games?

Parasite Eve


Barkley 2. If it ever comes out.

Does Darkness count? One and Two have drastically different artstyles so much so that they don't even feel the same

Guilty Gear.

>No Banjo

Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts

It's cuz no one wants to remember

I've heard that the first one isn't a fighter but what exactly is it?

I'm sorry.

I still don't understand this. Jak 3 is by far the worst of the trilogy. Why is Jak 2 hated more on Sup Forums?

Source on Op?

Liberation Maiden's going from shooter to VN, I think.

Calling it now: An Ultimate Animator being in the mix leaves things wide open for a CUZ IT'S AN ANIME gotcha.

I played the first one with my friend and had a blast. Is the newest one any good at all?

Final Fantasy 11
Pac Man 2

That game was suprisingly good

It strays from the original immensely. It's a GTA-clone, and the level design is bland and it focuses more on combat instead of platforming.

Jak and Daxter was a gem made by Jason Rubin before he left Naughty Dog

no, books come before game

Witcher 2

stop shitposting gordon

>[Post a Reply]
source nigga???

Sly Cooper
First one was a linear mission-based platformer.
Second and third were open-world stealth games with platforming sections.

C'mon. Like Mick Gordon would waste his time shit posting on Sup Forums

Don't even bother. 12 enemy limit and button prompt kills every 4 steps. The game is absolute fucking trash.

Gorky 17

Yea, 1->2 was suddenly an action game. But I liked it desu senpai. I need to try 3 just to try it. How does that one play?

Toejam & Earl went from a bizarre, abstract, top-down collectathon to a much more traditional sidescroller, and then later to whatever the fuck the 3D one was.

BFG Division feels like a horde of techno demons are knocking down my fortified door.

fucking argentinians.

Front Mission: Gun Hazard

Parasite Eve
tfw no Parasite Eve 3

>He doesn't know about it


Halo 4
The genre from Halo 3 to Halo 4 changed from great FPS to dogshit


3? Am I missing something? Dig, Heist and what?

It has a sequel?

endless space and legend are the same genre thouhg.

Sonic, Spyro, Crash and Banjo.

Fallout 3


though i haven't played endless space because sub-par, i imagined it would be much different to legend.
you also can't discount endless dungeon, which is maybe as far from the originals as you can get without making them a walking sim

I wish we could get a true Red Faction 2. Connected level first person shooter with mining physics.

I think he doesn't want to. Would you blame him?

Has anyone mentioned Far Cry yet? The first one got some pseudo sequels but Far Cry 2 was a complete overhaul.

Personally I think 2 is the best in the series though.