Anyone else think that the music during the demo at the Xbox conference was fantastic?

Anyone else think that the music during the demo at the Xbox conference was fantastic?

One of the biggest reasons I'm excited for the game. Very few Final Fantasy titles have bad music.

For reference:

Other urls found in this thread:
twitch fact Ben himself said/

Hope this game bombs.

I am getting a PS4 this weekend. Can i still play that FF15 demo?

The one in the video? That's an e3 exclusive, but you can get the platinum demo now from the psn site.

>why doesn't he throw the stuff in the car

No. The demo you can play is really shit, duscae is gone forever.

Could be aiming to lose a few pounds. Problem with that is he's as thin as a twig.

That boxart is based on a clip where they were walking and Ignis just pulled up next to them

Iris a cute!

the gameplay looks like shit though

Any reason why you think that?

Because it looks like shit.


Get gud

>Anyone else think that the music during the demo at the Xbox conference was fantastic?

Yes, you are. Never mind that the game looks like shit, even the devs themselves didn't know how to play the game or at the very least show of its features.

Did you just say Gladio is twig? Wat?

Why are you shitposting? The music is god tier and Matt just played like shit on stage, everyone who played it themselves on the showfloor said it was good.

And there's also the shitty framerate and QTE to win. But yeah at least it has good music.

Seems I've made a mistake.

I played it on the showfloor and it was shit.

this game is shit

XV kun get the fuck out

>Matt just played like shit on stage

Tabata says otherwise at 4:08

Nigger who the fuck is that.

>everyone who played it themselves on the showfloor said it was good.
Except that group of four e-celebs who all agreed the game was garbage? The video had tons of likes.

>he doesn't know

come back at 8-9am EST tomorrow for when the fun starts

Which one? Link me please.

Jesus. I'm not that guy, man. Last time I made a thread about this game was when it was called 13 versus. I just want a fun game for waiting so long.

What do you mean by dropping by early in the morning? Does this fag make daily threads?

Why on earth would you want that?
What kind of faggot hopes for MORE bad games?

>people consider this good gameplay

uhh is it 2003? Kung fu chaos had better fighting mechanics than this

He appears in every FF thread to whiteknight XV while shitting on everything else.

That case I'll be keeping an eye out for a real treat. Thanks, user.

Except the franerate was 30fps according to digital foundry. And you can turn off those prompts, not to mention the E3 Titan fight was stated to only be 30% of the actual fight.

No you didn't.

He was sarcatic, Matt even just said himself on the SE official blogsite that he played like shit, which Tabata even made fun of him for during E3 when he said during the ATR that Matt would rather easy mode.

Except how that is only Daminani an FF13 drone spouting shit which is already against everything people who've actually played it said.

Square-Enix is a shitty company. I hope this game bombs so they can finally split up.

>No you didn't.
Yes I did. It was shit.

Getting desperate huh?

>Does this fag make daily threads?

and hes super autistic and really fun to bully


heres the last one

he basically samefags like crazy and then accuses everyone else of samefagging

its a good way to start the day

>N-no you didn't.
>H-he was sarcatic

look everyone it's the nigger

No you didn't.

Either a DQ kiddie mad that DQ isn't as popular as FF in the west or a nostalgiafag nintenyearold.

>hes here

I could recognize that autism from a mile away

hello XV kun, i see the part time job you mentioned was a lie

twitch dot tv/easyallies/v/72504026

They got to play the first two chapters and they all agreed the game was shit they're hoping turns out to not be shit but they know it will be shit.

The former, actually. DQ has no bad games.

Oh look it's Pes again spouting nigger memes even though that was already debunked in the last thread.

That image is full of shit and was made by shitposters to try and deflect their shitposting.

Youtube link
starts at 2:12:10

This is both sad and hilarious. How ling has he been keeping this up for?

How was it a lie? I told you I'm on holidays right now, and I don't have work until Friday.

Oh look it's an autistic nigger in damage control, detailing threads again.


who do you think you're fooling?

4 years. Make sure you read for a good laugh. Check out his encyclopedia dramatica page too.

several weeks

possibly over a month, actually if you search the achieves theres nearly identical shit from him all the way back to April for the webms

He got banned from FFXV's official forums, neogaf, and gamefaqs for being a sperglord.

>several weeks

that doesn't look good.

several weeks that hes been starting a thread at 8am-9am specifically without fail

should have been more specific, my fault

Aren't nigger hands pink on the underside? That looks about right.

>possibly over a month
He's been doing this for years.


So this asshat has derailed nearly four years worth of FFXV threads? Unbelievable.

trust me, wake up for the one at 8-9am

its /comfy/

and XV kun, i know you're still lurking; you better show up. My mornings will turn to shit without you

Why do people keep linking that when it was stated by themselves that they didn't know how to play?

Jeff from Giant Bomb said the game was good from what he played at the behind closed doors thing. So did people at IGN, Venturebeat, Destructoid and Arstechnica all saying positive things.

In fact Ben himself said he had a good time with what he played but there were some issues, the three he mentioned were the framerape/crashing, which is because it was a PC dev build. The second was the desert wasteland area being "empty", despite it being a desert wasteland area so that was the point. The 3rd was the newspaper scene which he said himself he didn't get the context for and that was because they didn't see the opening cutscneses or play chapter 0, and because he didn't know the context it's why he didn't know that it was supposed to feel sudden because that's how it is happening to Noctis.

Also Ben on the most recent Frametrap said he went back and played Platinum demo after getting the Shield this time and that it completely changes combat for the better.

Look at this samefagging and backpedalling, it's sad.

Why are you trying to link to that when I'm not 1truth and already proved I wasn't?

And now you are samefagging again, just fucking pathetic. fact Ben himself said/

Nice copypasta nigger but it isn't and never will be true.

Of course it's fantastic.

the same accusations day in and day out

I love it

Keep it up you absolute madman

>Hope this game bombs.
It won't, get ready for 10-20 threads on release day.

How does it make it any less true you lying faggot? I posted this back then because it was a fact and I posted it again here because it is still a fact.

Go and watch the fucking recent Frametrap, Ben says himself the combat changes for the better once you get the shield and it turned him around on it.

ArsTechnicha, IGN, Destructoid and Venturebeat all gave positive impressions from their playthrough too.

Yeah because phoneposting/inspect element doesn't exist.

It's not a fact, none of what you say happens in the video.

>t-the shills like it!!!
Real people don't.

Don't be so angry XV-kUN~
yOu'RE A mEmE NoW

>tfw I've got FFXV pre-ordered (UCE, even) and am fairly excited for it
>actively avoiding XV threads because I can't stand XV-kun's autism
Please just fucking leave you asshole

There is nothing in the market on the caliber of this game.

Prove me wrong haters.

>Yeah because phoneposting/inspect element doesn't exist.

>literally the exact thing he always says

i swear to god i think you're a bot sometimes

i cant

Holy fucking shit you are such a desperate lying fuck.

>Real people don't.
And yet Ben in the most recent frametrap on EZA said himself that he turned around on the combat once he got the shield and learned how to play. Fuck here is the same people from that video you loved to post earlier saying it will be great.


You're right

theres no other game that can compete with how terrible this is after 10 years of production

Maybe because that is what you are doing every fucking time. It's irony or something since you come off as a bot more so than anyone else.

Same exact reaction images and shitpost bait images every XV thread with the same antiXV agenda.


Duke Nukem Forever

>he has all these links saved and ready to go


It's going to be 3 more stupid months of shitposting and misinformation campaigns before we have a verdict on how bad or good the game is.

I just hope they past by soon.

you got me there

but this is a very close second, basically Gook Nukem Forever

This is an ebin meme.

>w-we paid these shills to promote our game...! Trust us.

That video was made after they got paid. What they said was literally scripted you fucking faggot.

FFXVs cast is worse than FFXIIIs prove me wrong

Those are all links from E3 impressions, how is it bad that I had those links in my browser history yet you can fucking post both the Twitch and Youtube video for EZA from E3? Even though in the recent EZA livestream the same people who were down on it are all positive about it now.

FFXV doesn't have Vanille which by default makes it better.

>he's actually defending his pathetic "final faggotry shill.txt" file

holy shit niggers

>t-they are paid those don't count!? s-see eza said they didn't like it or something!?



Not only did EZA only say that they were worried based on the old dev build they played, they also said they enjoyed what they played and all the stuff they showed at E3 later on like the wait mode stuff was also improved too, and on the most recent EZA livestream Ben himself says he's turned around on the combat and likes it now that he learned about Shield.


>I had those links in my browser history
There's no way you just slapped all of those links from your fucking browser history of over a month ago, in only three minutes.

It is actually already superior in every aspect, even their battle animations have more character than the entire FF13 cast.

>browser history

Nigger you posted that shit in 2 minutes from the original comment, you sure as shit had a notepad with that crap on it

I've seen you post it about 20 times before

I don't mind you being a turbo autist, but i can't stand liars

Oh so you got completely called out for the lying cunt you are and have no argument to fall back on, so just spout shill memes now.

>search for previous thread where those were posted
>find them
>post links here

Wow so hard.


Tell me more shill drama, retard. I really like seeing you grasp at straws.

The game is pure trash.

>>Nigger you posted that shit in 2 minutes from the original comment, you sure as shit had a notepad with that crap on it

>search old thread on Sup Forums where those were in from my browser history
>find them
>paste them here

Why are you samefagging so hard bro?

>I've seen you post it about 20 times before
And yet you are still in denial about them. Even more in denial about the recent Frametrap EZA video where Ben is saying it's good now that he learned how to play it

What fucking straws?




>search the archive
>find the thread
>get to the post with links
>copy paste into your new post
>continue to type the new post
>in two minutes

>he's STILL defending his pathetic "final faggotry shill.txt" file

get a fucking life you loser


>coldsteel the hedgeheg simulator

Why are you so angry?