>Objective: Game Title
Objective: Game Title
Other urls found in this thread:
>Objective: Survive
>Save the earth
>Objective: Escort _______
>objective: meet _____ at ______
>find Akmal
Halo Reach objectively had the best ending and campaign of the series and book autists will not change my mind
>main theme starts playing
>Objective: Find the Objective
>objective:no hints faggot
what game does this
>Objective: Find a reason to keep living
>Boss health: ????
>Objective: Complete this Captcha
>Objective: Fuck torahiko
>Updated my journal
>Fighting obvious boss you're supposed to lose to.
>Manage to win.
>Still lose in following cutscene.
Dead Space's final chapter is titled "Dead Space"
Really the only one I can come up with on the fly.
>Objective: Save her...
>Last Chapter: Game Title
>First letters of all chapters put together: the game plot twist
holtine mima
>posting that dead space shit in every thread
fuck you
That ending mission was top fucking tier. Set the endtone of the game perfectly
Yup. Reach was fucking amazing in the SP department.
fuck that mission i shot the valve once and spent an hour running around trying to figure out what the fuck to do until i realized i had to shoot it twice
after the first time its really simple though
>Health: ???
This is not Roger rabbit
>objective: survive
>survive for a long time
>objective switches
>new objective: die
>Final Boss: Game Title
Metroid Prime still gets me wet
Source me on that sweet buddyroid porn famal
It's got Nick right?
>*Credits Roll*
Wjats hre ma,e Sup Forums?
Uncharted 4's final level is "A Thief's End"
I knew they were going to do that, and I'm a retard.
>Objective: Kill
>Final Chapter: Game Title
>Subtitle of the game reveals the plot twist at a certain chapter
>Objective: ?
>Game's HUD disappears
>Objective: Save ____ or ____
Source: Me with help on lines, but the second one is all me
No Nick tho, he's kinda cute but I wish his face was just a little different - Usada #1 Stag Buster a cute too
Have some clean art, too. Dropbox links, so don't forget your dropbox.com
>fight obvious boss you're supposed to lose to
>bad ending
i want game name
Lufia II, first fight against Gades
Even if you win he just laughs and shitslaps your party
But you get the sweet, sweet Gades Blade for doing it
I can almost remember a game like that, it's on the tip of my tongue.
Regardless, it still feels good to get a different cut scene for that kind of stuff.
>Objective: Die
Objective: _ ____ __ ____ ____ ______
>mfw the title screen of both Bravely Default games changes halfway through to reveal something about the plot
>Objective: Undertale
>Objective: Half life
>Objective: Oblivion
I don't get it. :s
My nigga
>Objective: You know what to do.
>Objective: Survive