Sibling deletes your save file

>sibling deletes your save file
>Parents: It's only a game user"

But it is.

>"But i invested a lot of my REAL FUCKING TIME!"

>You can just do it again!

>Wow user you get angry over a game?

>Not having 2 memory cards just in case one corrupts

My little brother once deleted my Banjo-Kazooie save that had 92 jiggies on it.

>Remember my parents telling me that as a kid after my brother wiped my super mario world save file
>My parents tell me how fucking mad they are that they can't catch pokemon on their smartphone
"It's only a game".
Dumb fucks, you don't even have to fight them in go. I'd love to watch them try to catch groudon.

I assume he only did it once because you promptly murdered him.

nah, real bullshit is:
>Family gets angry
>They rant, rave, scream, hit things (thankfully just things), all they want and the rest of the family tells them to let it all out
>You flip your shit and get told "calm down!", "You're acting immature!", etc. etc.

i want this life

>Brother deletes save
>Dad calls me a retard for not backing my shit up
>That's why he bought us like 4 memory cards to prevent that shit

>pokemon saphire
>little brother hijacks your kyogre while youre away

Arthur was in the right

>never had a sibling

I may not have a girlfriend or even a friend, but sucks to be you faggots.

I get to enjoy my video games.


so like what would be the equivalent to the parents?

>get tricked out of your money
>"relax, it's just money,parent"

A little shit nugget erase my Mario and Luigi IBS memory which I was having a tough time with Dark Bowser back then. I slapped him out of rage.

>parent gets laid off
>you can always get another one right?

DW would still get away with this remark

you' re not alone

>Get hit by a 9% in FE
>"It's just a game, user!"
>Mom getting mad at some shitty game on her phone
>"It's just a game, mom!"

why you haff to be mad, its only game