How do you like your horror games v?

How do you like your horror games v?

First person?
Third Person?
Over the shoulder?

Asking cuz my dream would be to make one, wondering what y'alld prefer.

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Off yourself.

Any of those as long as it's good.
Though first person definitely adds more horror since its limited.

First person > third person > over the shoulder

3rd Person < 1st < OTS

I don't mind tank controls.

RTS horror game only

perspective does not matter
only gameplay and atmosphere matter

1st Person is the absolute worst. It just makes the game feel cheap and the only time it's ever worked okay was in the first 5 hours of Alien. Capcom should be on trial for what they've done to RE7.

i like my horror games at 30fps for immersion

Name a first person horror game that can compare to SH2/3, Siren and PZ. Hell even Dead Space.

You literally can't.


So fucking good

Fuck, you're right. But that was a one-off nearly a decade ago, well before this surge in popularity. We haven't gotten anything like it since.

I can only really think of games with a first person perspective where i've been kinda spooked(like Thief, F.E.A.R.), but not really dedicated horror games. They're always so gimmicky and shallow.

over the shoulder for action horror. 3rd person for the spooky camera angles.

3rd person. Camera angles can make or break the atmosphere.

Over the shoulder is third person though.

Fatal Frame 2 on Xbox

kys yourself


here you go op, i'll help ya out.

Having a first person mode in a game where you are constantly switching between perspectives is stupid.

This. The weird camera angles when entering the fucked up alleyway at the beginning of Silent Hill made that scene more scarier than it ever could've been in 1st person.

part of what makes condemned so good is how rare it is. a horror game that manages to be terrifying with good combat? i think i just saw a pig fly too.

True. But games like silent hill and resident evil are more 3rd person since they like to stick the camera in the corner of a room to give it a more dramatic look

And still no game like the RE4 hookman demo, which combined dynamic camera angles with over the shoulder.

Honestly it's not a big deal to me. All have their good and bad aspects.

First person mode can lead to a much more immersive experience and help the player feel like what's happening in the game is happening to them. On the other hand it's very hard to direct player viewing which means you could easily look an entirely different direction than the scare you set up. Also, jump scares feel a bit more cheap when it's right up in your face like that.

Third person has the benefit of the player seeing everything in their environment and seeing exactly what the character is going through, reacting to, or getting attacked by. In this way environmental atmosphere or scares work much better and a player can feel somewhat less in direct control which works well too. Problem is you have to then worry about the camera and lighting. Since players can't just look straight at something you have to work harder to form a proper environmental space.

Over the shoulder is great for certain gameplay types and being able to see the character's reactions much closer. This has worked fantastically in RE4 and DS2 where you can see your enemies up close and combat is smooth as hell. Problem then is making sure the enemies look good since you focus on them so closely and, again, making it where players focus on the right thing.

Generally I prefer over the shoulder if its Action Horror and third person if its Survival Horror. First person is great for making things feel more close and immersive, but then that can often times turn into moments where scares feel cheap or ineffective because you were looking at some wall textures when a scare happened.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is more comfy than horror.
Sure it has its moments, but calling it horror is retarded.
If you can classify S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as a horror game then you might as well treat Dark Souls 1 as one.

Any can be good as long as it's well executed. RE4 is my favorite game ever, but I've played a ton of boring 3rd person shooters too. I theorize that it's probably easier to handle a fps right.


Any perspective can work for a horror game, but that being said only first person is actually scary. The only people that will disagree with me are Silent Hill and Resident Evil fangays.

Do you only find found footage films scary as well?

Movies are not scary at all besides jump scares but do those really count?

Don't misinterpret me either, I still enjoy horror regardless.

1st person is spookiest
then over the shoulder
3rd person isn't at all

Imagine being this wrong.

>1st person
jump scares only
meme shooter

Just replayed RE5
That mine shaft was way scarier than I remember.

The only horror games I got into were Silent Hills. I like the third person 'semi-fixed' camera because, just like a director in a movie, it shows you what you need to see and hides what you mustn't.

In first and third person horror game, I tend to overlook most details of the world and it simply ends up being dull after a while.

>inb4 MUH IMMERSION >>>:(

Penumbra wasn't bad

Confirmed for complete mod player

alien isolation

Pay attention to your surroundings then.

>over the shoulder a separate category from 3rd person

My shaft is pretty scary too

Over the shoulder is third person.

Penumbra wasn't great either

For the first 5 hours or so. It's fucking great until you get the flamethrower. That game really overstayed its welcome.

resident evil and silent hill are aweful examples desu senpai.. theyre more like locked cameras
here's a real 3rd person camera

who cares what we want. what do YOU want?

otherwise might as well not make a game.

>Penumbra wasn't great either

Black Plague was one of the best horror games I've played. Too bad they dicked the dog with Requiem.

I still promote the idea that first person perspective is, obviously, as what the character sees; second person person perspective is a camera that attached to the player, but not seen through their eyes; and lastly third person perspective being a camera detached from the player completely.

is prenumbra worth it? I enjoyed the atmosphere and play style of amnesia, but hated the setting and it wasn't that scary.

>The game doesn't suck. You're just not playing it right.

Black Plague is a must play

Definitely worth it. Be sure to play Overture before Black Plague, though.

I actually skipped over the first one, Overture. Black Plague had a great atmosphere, a great supporting character, and I think it's scarier or atleast more tense than Amnesia. You can get the whole series for like 2 bucks on Steam when it's on sale.

whats the difference? I have money to blow so I could get both if I really should

how about storywise? tell me its better than
>you wake up in a dark room

Without screamers.

All three, randomly switching without you being able to control it.

An interesting idea but I think it depends a lot on the strengths of the developer.

First person obviously plays well on immersion but I feel like a lot of developers just use it as a cheap and easy way to drop jumpscares on the player.

I think third person gives more of an artistic feel. Like it worked really well in Silent Hill because it allows the player to see more of the world and specifically the way creatures and shit interact with the player.

OTS seems like the perfect perspective to show the little imperfections in a game and that really hurts immersion. Plus side is that like 3rd person it shows the way the world interacts with the player but it can be more visceral.

they all give a very different feel to the game but none of them are particularly bad.

Really though especially for horror games VR is going to drastically change the experience.

The entire Resident Evil series is shit because of the unplayable, clunky camera. Why people can't understand this is beyond me.

Black Plague is a direct sequel to Overture. You can skip it but I thought the slow buildup of Overture made Black Plague better.

Overture is also really short.

I thought it was really interesting, and there's dialogue as well

The camera is one of the things that made RE great. They allowed the use of pre-rendered backgrounds, which is essential to the atmosphere. Alone in the Dark did the same thing.

Easy, they aren't unplayable. You wanna see what happens when you have traditional analog inputs on fixed camera angles? Play a DMC game and see how camera shifts treat you.

I'd prefer if you didn't type like a retarded 10 year old




user, please. How old are you?

I like first person the most as it's throw you into the game. The only thing i hate from those kind of games is screamers since they just wreck your ears instead of spooking your shit