Oh goddamn it

Oh goddamn it

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like the beggars got their way again. I hope it flops.





>hoping a game flops just because it's not on his platform of choice

I bet you don't even own the game, you just don't want people to be able to buy it anywhere else, you're fucking cancer.

I do own the game. I bought both EDF 2 and 4.1 on launch because I'm an actual fan unlike bandwagoning mustards.

Guys chill out it's fake, we can still post our never ever faces and rub exclusives into the pcucks faces like always.

If so why did you start the thread with "goddamn it"




Reminder that there is an EDF game already on steam

Why do people pretend to like these shitty games?

Welp, rest in piss EDF, killed by PCucks

EDF in name only


It's still EDF





this makes me so happy to see this butthurt. thanks for another game! guess ps4 isn't that great huh?


Fucking pucks ruining another series........


Make sure to rev up your torrent poorfag

Thanks console bros.

I'll consider pirating it.

I already convinced two of my friends to buy it, it's not flopping anytime soon

>Welp, rest in piss EDF, killed by PCucks

Please, let's not act like there were threads for EDF in the first place. It happened once in a blue moon. I'd like EDF to get more attention.

Anytime there was an EDF thread lately it was full of nothing but PC port begging

Why can't you just be happy more people get to enjoy fun video games

>its fucking real

Because this is a place of bitterness

If you wanted to play it you'd already own the hardware it was on
Spending years shitting on the ps4 for "no games" and then celebrating when you get a ps4 game makes you the biggest hypocrites

I'm legit confused as to why this is a bad thing.

This is coming from someone who owns both a PS4 and a gaming computer.

>le buying console for 1(one) game meme

So that's another off from this list

Arslan: The Warriors of Legend
Bad Rats Show
Code of Princess
Criminal Girls
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Earth Defense Force 4.1
Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster
FlatOut 4: Total Insanity
Guilty Gear Xrd: Sign
Half-Life 3
Phantom Brave
Ray Gigant
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Stranger of Sword City
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3
XBlaze Code: Embyro

What's next?

>no true scotsman

>this console only has one game I want but i'm going to beg for every game on the console to get a pc port
FUck off hypocrite

I don't have the money to buy a ps4 for bloodborn and edf, not to mention most of my friends don't own a PS4 so i'd be alone.
school is expensive

I did not beg for shit, i never wanted this shit game but

Oh god they actually did it, like I joked about this ever happening, but with it actually coming about, I'm really scared.

We see what SANDLOT's coding is like on systems they actually HAVE EXPERIENCE on, what the fuck is this gonna be like on PC? Are our PCs gonna transmogrify into fucking high grade fragmentation explosives if we try booting up EDF?

How does this kill EDF? If anything it allows everyone to have more EDF if it generates revenue. Personally I've always wanted to play EDF but don't own a console.


This. I have very low expectations for how this port is gonna turn out.
But if it's good it'll be goooooooooood. EDF is the best, good thing more people will be able to play it.

Why is everybody so fucking asspained in this thread? I'm looking forward to playing EDF.

If you cared you'd already be playing it but you're just a begging secondary

Because the wrong kinds of people (ie PCucks) will be tainting the EDF fandom. PCucks are poison to a fanbase, see Dark Souls, MGS, and every other console exclusive that fell for the PC meme

They are cancer with a capital C, never let them near your games if you value quality discussion and players.

Games going to PC are a death sentence for the fanbase and threads.

I'm pretty happy, i've always loved silly japanese games
I just hope i can get my friends to play it with me
or for it to at least be a good port

How does this even make any sense? Are you seriously this delusional? More eyes on a game is always a good thing for a series.


Tell that to the Souls series.

Is this one of the better SDF games? Apparently the one PC already has was terrible.

No it isn't.
Letting the lowest common denominator on steam into a series is not a good thing.

Stop responding to it, it just wants to shitpost.

Insect Invasion was made by the dev who made MATT HAZARD, that should tell you all you need to know about how that one ended up like it did.

i wish it was for xbone so my brother and I could play it

I already played it on the PS3, back when it was called EDF 2025.

I know you're upset that you wasted your money on a glorified paperweight, but that doesn't mean you have to get so angry at those of us who actually had the good sense not to fall for the "8th generation of consoles" meme.

Oh yeah, PC was great for Souls, and not a scourge that was so bad it made PCMR elitist faggots into what they are today, a blight upon gaming.

Face the facts, PCucks are 120% a bad thing for any game that doesn't belong to them.

Enjoy your meme spouting fellow pc warriors there secondary

But what about this one user?

Games coming to PC allows me to play them. I don't buy consoles. How is this a bad thing for me?

Will do, enjoy all your top-quality exclusives, consolefriend!

Oh, wait...

Yes you are truly the enlightened one, wave your superiority over those ignorant peasants

I've seen a few videos of this game over the years

Would it be a good idea to start here? What would I be in for?

a very buggy game


Grinding for FPS.

>Would it be a good idea to start here?
You can start here, yes. Stay away from Insect Armageddon.

I don't have a lot of money for everyone system and game. What's your problem?



I cannot fucking wait to play it, can't wait to see to what extent it can be modded too.

Is there multiplayer?

>18 July, 2016
My body isn't ready

Have you tried not being poor or underage

There's already an EDF game on Steam, I don't get the hype.

Not either I'm an adult that has more worries than buying every video game system that drops.

>Is there multiplayer?
According to the steam page there should be.

They mention coop but not actual multiplayer like 32-64 players vs AI enemies, thats what I'm hoping for.

This is the newest one to date, and one of the "exclusives" PS4 had. Thus far, PS4 has lost:

>Neptunia VII

And a few others, all in the span of 30 days.

You've never played an EDF game, have you?

Do you have any idea how badly the game would chug with 64 air raiders?


EDF ! ! !

EDF ! ! !

>says a console user


You clearly have no argument.

Why are people getting excited about shitty niche games?

Because people on this website like niche games and niche games coming to other platforms means those big bad sonyggers are being put in their place

The same reason you'd get excited for it on PS4, except without having to buy a $350 device to play it.

By all means, the game's quality is up to you, but the fact remains is that PS4 has lost every goddamn exclusive in its library except for Uncharted and Bloodborne. The other games it touted as JP "exclusives" jumped ship to PC.

I mean I still have Project Diva Future Tone, Vanillaware games and Atelier on my PS4 that aren't on steam but whatever you say

Great, now we can never have good EDF threads again.
I hope you shitters enjoy the game I already beat ages ago.

I can't speak for Miku since I don't play the games enough, but both Vanillaware and Atelier are also on Vita, thus not a PS4 exclusive.

Ray Gigant or Memenal Girls probably

Yet both vita and ps4 have no games according to Sup Forums so make up your damn minds you hypocrites

>being this bitter
>its not even the first EDF to come out for PC

Are the mechs pilotable? Seeing them gave me flashbacks to this glorious gem.


It's the same developer.


100% exclusive games that are not on PC/PS4/(insert console name here)? Definitely. Both the PS4 and especially the Vita lack 100% exclusive games. PS4 is stuck with Bloodborne and Uncharted, and the Vita has only a very few niche games left (and no, shit like Persona 4 Golden and other "definitive" games do not count).

>Implying I'm one of the shitposters that engage in console wars like a fucking child
Idort bud. I'm happy more people get to experience EDF and I'll be glad to play it with better performance (provided its a good port, heres hoping)

Are the controls similar. For uh, scientific purposes?

Im gonna have so much fun with this game holy shit

So glad I put off buying Arma 3 Apex earlier, this came into my awareness just now.

More people getting to experience a game has never been a good thing


Bought it on PS4, will buy day 1 PC as well. EDF EDF EDF

Relax, guys, more people get to play a fun game. Nothing wrong with that.

Its never been a good thing for people who click on obvious shitpost threads on Sup Forums. You're part of the problem.

Too bad it's going to be filled by Russian cheaters instead of based Nips like most games on Steam.




I'm such an EDF sucker I imported both 2025 and 4.1 on the day of release.

For who exactly? Are you this scared of your niche game letting more people into your sekret club?
The only times I've seen a game's community suffer from coming to PC is here and thats because this place is a cesspit who will shitpost over anything, ESPECIALLY ports.

in b4 sonygger pulls out le "its gonna have 30 fps lock!!!"

cute as fuck
i hope the dlc is reasonably priced