Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

Not a boy


face is too wide and mouth is too big, makes her look like an ape

>wanting to play as a boy

seems a bit too yonDAYray for my tastes

Fuck off yandere dev

How do you think it's pronounced? Yon-dear?

Developed by a faggot.


Whats up with the shill posting? We have had 3 threads under 2 hours.
tell me or ill email you in your sleep

>has never spotted a doe in the distance

thought up by some weirdo

It's one of the better models out there on the Asset Store, but Unity-chan is free. This one not being free is a setback.

in alpha

Needs more memes to appeal to her underage fanbase

>not wanting to play as a trap that just wants senpai to notice him
what a fag

Lol if I knew YD was gonna post asking for dicksucks I wouldn't have posted about it, sorry folks

Have you heard a Japanese person?

it will never be finished



if statements

Yes, it's yan-deh-rey

and a jew

I'm not cleaning her soles with my tongue.

It's YAHN-de-REY, emphasis on the first and last syllable- I think user was poking fun at your emphasis

I am Japanese.

how so i start using weapons? i just downloaded this and i can't kill anyone even with a weapon equipped. playing with PS4 controller

>playing with a PS4 controller
