1 year in development

>1 year in development
>reused/updated the assets from the previous game
>was meant to be an expansion pack to OoT
>turned out as the most original entry in the universe of the franchise, and possibly one of the most unique games in Nintendo history

How did they achieve this?

By not having Ganondorf as the villain and not having the Master Sword or tests of courage as quest macguffins.

Original/better ideas and products can be made when limiting yourself. Look at a generic painting, and then look at some art with limits (like using charcoal only). I usually call out the charcoal piece as being better because of what they do with it.

Majoras Mask is severely overrated by the few that praise it on Sup Forums. I've said it 6 years ago on here and I'll say it now, it's a basic entry into depression and doesn't deserve the cult status it has accumulated here.

>How did they achieve this?
good dev team at their peak talent

One game you go on adventure that's not in Hyrule and chase after the Master Sword and Zelda.
Literally in a brand new world, plenty of quests, actual stories about NPCs, and the dark story of everyone about to die.
Everyone against MM goes 4 dungeons.
Quantity > Quality
I never cared about Zelda because dungeons.
I always loved Zelda for the adventure, and in MM you meet people and witness their lives, feel for certain things happening, and have a chance to rewrite what happens to them.
It will always be my favorite Zelda to this day.

I liked this game because unlike OoT you can do a lot on the overworld.

I love the theme of this game
I love OoT
I love how the villain of the game looks
The majora's mask is awesome
I love the music

but i have never played it, should i emulate it? I was gonna get it for n64 but that shit was too expensive

No you should kill yourself actually.

Fucking normies trying to jump on train that has been dead years ago.

There was even a fucking remaster and yet you didn't play it?

You do not belong here.

Yet you show your face.

You do not play the game and you say you like the game. Yet you never played the game.

Yet you continue to act like it's a masterpiece. But you didn't even give a care in the world to ever game it a second of gameplay.

You dare to ever try this game when you had 16 years to play it.

Never show your face around here again.

Trying to play a game after all these years.

I'll never get your kind.

Based Koizumi should have taken the series instead of Fagnuma.

do it faggot

So why did OoT/MM Link turn into a skelly in TP?

What did he do to deserve that fate?

Because he's a bitch nigga who left his post for some dank fairy pussy

He didn't that's fag fiction.

Besides the tree, gorons, and some fish, he didn't do shit.
>save ganon
No one knew who he was.
Zelda didn't even know who Link was and Link ran away to find Navi.
The only other one who stuck by his side.

I'm surprised they haven't made a rehash sequel to Majora's Mask on handheld yet.

It would be so easy for them to shit out a dumbed-down "spiritual successor" or whatever.

Games with tight devolpment times can go one of two ways:

- They become shit due to not have time to polish them
- They are amazing due to the devs having to do their best work to get it out on time and needing to be creative.

Majora's Mask and Halo 2 (which had 5 and a half years of it's dev time thrown out the window and cut out and the whole game was built from scratch in 9 months) are stellar examples of the latter.

I'd say the N64 and 3ds versions are on par. The pros/cons the 3ds version has cancel each other out to make it just as good but not better or worse then the original, i'd say.

the tl;dr is

Better graphics and preformance
better gyorg fight
Doesn't make you rewatch the bussiness scrub cutscene
Gyro controls

Bombers notebook and save system (and closing the lid) are a less obtsuse, but can feel hand holdey/alleviates some of the stress the game has a tiny bit, respectively
Twinmold fight is arguably better or worse

Odowlol and goht fight are a bit worse
Ice arrows can't be used anywhere
Zora swimming is less fun
Great bay is less creepy

Oh my god shut the fuck up you piece of shit.

>(which had 5 and a half years of it's dev time thrown out the window
*2 and a half years, typo

What are you gonna do about it, fag?

I think a bet or a challenge was involved in it.

I swear I read it somewhere. That Shiggy told the director that he wouldn't be able to make a good Ocarina of Time 2 in less than a year or something.

I don't think a MM2 would ever happen because the (easy to bypass) timer OPPRESSES the players.

It got shat on back then because of it, and nowadays the reaction would multiply tenfold.

revisited recently using a ps3 controller to emulate a n64 controller. worked like a charm.

Game's didn't have that long of development cycles when compared today.

Fuck, Megaman's and Sonics were made by teams of 12-15 people in a year

>implying macguffins are bad in videogames


I thought it was because when Link goes back in time in OoT, no one knew that he saved the world. because of this, he felt bad that no one gave him praise as the hero title he deserved but never received. That's why link sees him in TP, to teach him his ways and hope that his offspring will become heroes. Am I right here?

>the most original entry
That's not Link's Awakening.
Majora's Mask looks like a Love-de-lic game.

The sad irony is the timer is genuinely a brilliant way to tie the game together as a work of art. It should be praised to hell and back today but it wouldn't because it's actually hard and not super obvious like shitty Dear Esther prose.


Anyone that says it's metaphorically about grief or depression is a faggot, it's a great game without trying to create reasons.

No, it's just because he's a boy who got lost in the forest

>Engine the staff knows how to work with
>able to make new, higher detail content because the other half the content is ripped from the previous game
>the only stuff you have to program is additional stuff to the engine, allowing for enough time to fuck around and make four unique playable characters (and shit, why not bring back the animations from older link and make a fifth)
It's honestly a misstep to NOT make a same engine sequel, but the stigma of releasing too frequently and the focus on graphical improvement between iterations keeps this from happening.

I'm still surprised how much retards shit on it because they have to actually plan ahead


>there are people browsing RIGHT NOW that don't know how to speed/slow time

>It's honestly a misstep to NOT make a same engine sequel, but the stigma of releasing too frequently and the focus on graphical improvement between iterations keeps this from happening.
This, it's pure efficiency. What would be really great, from a development side of things, is to plan two games at once - develop all the assets for the first game and finish it, then release a full fledged followup with the same assets in addition to new/altered ones. Same engine and graphics, it simplifies the process so much and if the first game isn't a massively graphical intensive game in the first place it is nothing but beneficial. Maybe focus it on a unique artstyle, allowing for the assets to not matter so much from one to the other. And hell you could spend as much time as possible making extra actual content, better or more complex environments and stories, better writing, really make the second one something special in addition to straight up improving issues from the first one or bringing in elements that had to be cut.

Development-wise it's efficient as hell but sadly a lot of casuals expect huge gains in graphics game to game when it's not always feasible or worth the time and effort. Development cycles are nightmares and we've hit a graphical plateau anyway, plus indies with lower priority on graphics are super popular at the moment.

the amount of shitposting the recent Tales games get shows how non-receptive people are of these sequels, but they are always mechanically better. Xillia 2 is a straight improvement of X1's combat, and the new assets are cool as shit, but everyone whines about walking through the same fields again as if you can't fast travel 80% of the time. The same thing is happening with Berseria, which looks like a straight improvement of everything that was in Zestiria, but immediately got panned because people recognized the rocks and grass models.

People whinge about asset recycling but i don't understand that mind set, as long as its not pokemon yellow tier it works very well.

Aunouma Challenged Miyamoto

Miyamoto was being a smart ass and told him to make a game in a year

He fucking did it the madman

Ergo, Aunouma became in charge since then

Breath of the wild is clearly going to be Aunouma's best game since Majora's Mask

Even I must admit that the 3DS version spoiled me.

Back when I played it on the N64, I had neatly planned schedules for pretty much everything. If I didn't spend all my time exploring new places, I always had a schedule to mess around with potential new events and possible NPCs to interact with; and if I had something to do by let's say 3 PM, I always knew how to pass the time in a fruitful way.

But after playing the 3DS version I just skipped straight into that hour, did whatever I had to do, and then played the song of time.

>Peak Talent

Someone didn't see Zelda BOTW.

Wish the mainline games would do this, it's unfortunate that all of the new settings and characters are relegated to handhold consoles while the console games keep spinning the same yarn.

I think pandering to the fan desire of wanting origin stories for everything absolutely kills creativity dead.

>What would be really great, from a development side of things, is to plan two games at once
I don't think you know just how much planning one game takes. nice trips tho

I'll reserve my judgement for the full thing. Could very well deliver a new golden age of zelda games, could be ok. we'll see.

Well, what happened with Majora's Mask was kind of like what happened with Capcom and Resident Evil 4, where a game was stuck in development hell for so long that it spun off other games because they were putting resources in so many different directions.

I meant more plan for two games to be released featuring many overlapping assets. Most devs don't plan on never doing another game, and most of them have certain teams working on multiple projects (often writers once they finish their duties and content is locked down leaving QA). Obviously it would be hard to fully design two games at once, but if the dev decides to release two full games in a shorter period of time, then everyone can plan around that and capitalize on the quick turnaround over assets and content.

Breaking formula and taking chances really, combined with really, really, really fucking good art direction. It pretty much built on OoT's excellent base and took it in this artistically fascinating and novel direction.

I maintain that Majora's Mask itself is the best designed piece of artwork in a video game.

Wish they could've done the whole game in this style.

>I maintain that Majora's Mask itself is the best designed piece of artwork in a video game.
It's certainly up there in my opinion but I'd have a hard time saying it's the best designed. Other top contenders, in my opinion, are

>Silent Hill 2/3
>Hotline Miami
>Dark Souls 1/Bloodborne

I know there'll be a lot of shitposting about some of those but I think games like DaS, BB, and Hotline Miami really make an excellent use of mechanical excellence in conjunction with level design and storytelling that is fairly unique to vidya. They're not timeless masterpieces to be remembered 500 years from now or anything, I don't think, but I do think they're fantastic examples of what makes vidya itself a unique medium for expression.

We will never get a new 3ds Zelda game using the 3ds Ocarina and Majora assets

That would be pretty cool.

No no no I mean like the Majora's Mask itself best designed art asset from a game, the mask model in game and its artwork in general.

I mean it's just fucking perfect wtf. The colours, the fading on the spikes to different bone looking hues, the eyes, the shape, etc. I would really like to see masks in general in BOTW they're all really good and I liked them, maybe in a more OoT capacity.

However I hold the Colossi from SotC on the same tier.

Sadly we do. And it's called Hyrule Warriors Legends.

Oh. I'm a fucking retard.

You still had the option of using the scare crow in the N64, but admittedly it affects the game a whole bunch that you can skip ahead as much as you want.

I'd say the 3DS version makes it easier for repeated playthroughs, while N64 is a good first experience.

Besides the story that you love so fucking much, it's pretty obvious that it's a horrendously half-assed game.

MM is as good as it is BECAUSE they reused all those things. They were able to focus entirely on making the story and plot for the game and setting up awesome set pieces.

The artwork of Majora's Mask is simply amazing. Even when it came to redo the drawings of already existing characters.

Majora's Mask and Deku Link's official artwork are images that are ingrained in my skull thanks to all the times that I saw them in magazines, fanart and websites. Well, that and that I was a poorfag who couldn't play the game until I bought it on the Wii's virtual console.

When Link finds the Master Sword in Breath of the Wild, I want it to just immediately fall apart.

That would really cement their goal of "breaking away from Zelda conventions".

I love everything about the game, not just the story.

Are the Oracle games the last Zelda games to take place somewhere that isn't Hyrule or a re-branded Hyrule?

Doesn't Triforce Heroes take place somewhere else entirely? Not much of a setting granted, but it's not Hyrule.

>iterally adds two of the most fun mchanics ever in the series with Zora swimming and Goron rolling
>on top of Ocarina's already stellar 3D gameplay

Paper cut between each of your fingers then stick them in the toilet to become infected and amputated so you can't ever type such stupid shit again.

Twilight Princess got it wrong by making everything gritty. Majora's Mask's Art Style is fucking neon and black, and yet it still gives off a much more serious vibe than the sketchy style of Twilight Princess. A dark atmosphere doesn't mean literally dark, it means having a context that kinda spooks you, and Majora's Mask manages to do that while being very colorful. Fuck the 3DS Version for removing the Rainbow Stairs.

I think the DS games take place somewhere else, but I'm not 100% sure because I never bothered to play those.

It's Hytopia, I think.

PH takes place just in the ocean around islands.
ST is in a new land they branded as Hyrule.