Tales Of Games

I've played Zestiria, Vesperia, Abyss, Graces, Xillia, Symphonia and Hearts R.

How are the other games? I know a bunch aren't translated, but I don't know much about emulation or patching. Are they worth the effort of tracking down?

That's pretty much every one worth playing

I really liked Abyss

Everyone always says Vesperia is the best and they are made by the same team, but thy feel so different. I just started Vesperia im only about 20 hours in and its still hard adjusting


they are old, dated, obsolete

i never played them

Tell me how I can play them and I will user.

What do you mean "how"?

Get a PSX rom of Phantasia and a translation, there's a couple of patches online.

For Destiny just download it and play it on emulator.

Either SNES or PS1 for Phantasia.
PS1 for Destiny, or the superior PS2 remake if you can read moon.

Okay. I'll do it.

Not him but for Phantasia go for PS1 with translation patch. Or wait for the current PSP translation to finish. Whatever you do just avoid the GBA version

Don't bother with Destiny until the PS2 translation gets finished which has been ongoing for several years with barely any progress

Also, check out Eternia. Any version is fine

You mean no one ever mentions Narikiri Dungeon or Tales of Fandom

I think you played all the ones worth playing. Did you also play Xillia 2? That's the last one worth playing if you haven't yet.

How is Zesteria? I want a good/decent JRPG until DQ11 is released or if Koei release Heroes 2

It worth $15?

Is Fairy Fencer F an acceptable sustitute for Tales? I kinda didn't like Zestiria.

It has an awful camera that freaks out if you back into a corner, but apart from that it's alright. A lot of the anger towards the game came from them ditching the waifu in the advertising in favour of a female Raiden.

I think Berseria will be a lot better because they'll be using all the tech knowledge they learned from Zesty.

Eternia PSP was a lot of fun.

Its a 6/10 RPG, about the same as I would give Eternal Sonata. Enjoyable, has some good points (music, graphics, localization), but falls flat in too many places (Camera, story, characters) to call it great.

Berseria looks way to edgy even for a Tales game.

What the fuck even is this game?

There are literally zero tutorials about anything. I unlocked an Eres essence in battle and have no fucking clue what that means

It'll be fine. MC will brood about killing people then they'll go to an inn and have a conversation about food where it turns out she loves strawberry crepes and chocolate pudding. Then they'll make jokes about her boobs.

Playing ps3 ToV Right now, makes me sad how this didnt get to the us, i just dont understand why, would of been easy money for bandai

Fairy Fencer is absolutely nothing like Tales

Scamco vehemently denies it but everyone and their grandma knows that MS bought exclusivity in the west.

I know, and I will love it, but all the "dark" aesthetic of Velvet is kinda turning me off but yeah, I will get it.

I got it because I saw a couple of minutes of a gameplay video... did I fuck up?

I dunno, I like how she's cool and sexy like Milla.

Only this time I'll get to enjoy her without the weird dub lisp.

Thats so bullshit if it is that way, i guess that the only option at that point would be re-released the game for xbox but i dont think that would of been a good idea, makes me mad man

user it's a reskinned Neptunia game.

Though weirdly the next Neptunia game is actually going to be a Fantasy action-RPG set in an MMO, so it may actually end up playing like Tales....?

If Eres essence is what I think it is, you need x amount of them to unlock a spell on your caster characters. Look at Raynard's artes list and see if he has anything greyed out that needs x eggbear essence or whatever
Playing Rebirth right now, if you have a kindle or something like that there is an exhaustive translation guide that works pretty well. I've found similar for Destiny Director's cut as well.

What are the best Tales Of games?

Symphonia 2 and Zestiria

Ooh... I'll keep being a cutie angel in Symphonia then.

During that early period MS was trying super hard to break into Japan by buying exclusivity for the games they could. It obviously didnt work out and now no one is foolish enough to actually agree to permanent exclusivity with them anymore. Thats why everything is timed.

please don't joke around like that

So level with me- what the fuck happened during the development of Graces? It's like the first third of the game is really interesting and suspenseful then it turns into you running around the map while Lambda just summons random monsters in setpieces until you stumble on a space-shuttle and go to the other planet, find a new character who seems like she might join your party but then just turns evil and dies randomly, then you go back to chasing lambda again and beat him.

It's like the game just gives up on itself and any plot threads it may have presented go nowhere.

The after story in the PS3 version didn't add much of anything either, just a bunch of shipper-bait.

Hideo Baba lit the script on fire because he is a goblin who didn't like that his favorite VA had a reduced role, so Daisuke Kiga had to write the game on the drive to the recording studio

Tales of vesperia on the xbox didnt do bad but i guess its the only game on the xbox for japs that was worth

After I finish DQ8 I'm going to play Tales game next, should I play Abyss or Vesperia? Which one and why?

Abyss because it's older, then Vesperia.

Fucking Baba, he ruins everything.

More like Hideous Baby

>Vert finally getting a game.

She still need imoutos though.

Abyss and Xillia 2

Is it weird to like the SNES port of Tales of Phantasia over the PS1 port? For some reason I like the way artes worked there than the newer version. Plus the soundtrack sounded better.

I am playing a game with less content though...

I've only played Zestiria, but where does the game's name even come from? I don't think the word "Zestiria" is even uttered by anyone.

Alot of the games have nonsense names that dont really mean anything

Symphonia is one which is funny cause Abyss is the game that has all the musical imagery and shit.

Vesperia justifies its name in universe when the cast mentions there is a star called Vesperia and they name their guild after it.

Tales of the Abyss is mostly referring to the Qliphoth which was basically a giant ocean of poison underneath the crust of the planet. There was also a bonus dungeon literally called "The Abyss"

Who knows what the fuck a Xillia is

Phantasia/Symphonia are actual words, but every other -ia title is just slapping together shit that sounds cool
According to Baba, Xillia is derived from Zillion, the number of choices one makes in their life, and I think Zestiria is derived from the zest of life /passion.

Vesperia and Abyss.
I also like Xillia 1 and 2 and Hearts R, Symphonia is great in my head but I'm afraid I won't like it if I play it again for some reason.