This is how Saints Row 3 should have gone down

This is how Saints Row 3 should have gone down.
>The Saints find out that Dex is in Steelport
>They track him to a nightclub. The Boss storms the place buns blazing with Johnny, Pierce and Shaundi
>They corner Dex, but Loren shows up with Kiki and Viola and reveals that the club is owned by the Morningstar, putting the Saints on the Syndicate's shitlist
>Dex escapes as the Saints fight the Morningstar, Johnny is "killed" offscreen (actually just injured and taken captive for information on the Saints)
>Dex is in the wind, the Saints are forced to fight the Syndicate
>As in the actual game STAG is formed and deployed to Steelport
>Dex leverages his knowledge of the Saints to get hired as a consultant for STAG. Throughout the story he gradually manipulates his way up to running the whole thing, gaining power while the Syndicate keeps the Saints busy
>During the Morningstar missions the Boss finds out that Johnny is alive and goes to rescue him, but STAG raids the place at the same time and gets to him first
>Once the Morningstar, Deckers and Luchadores are all destroyed, Dex uses STAG to attack the Saints full-force
>Final mission is an assault on STAG HQ, final boss is Dex piloting an experimental STAG mech

Other urls found in this thread:

>Has Dex as main antagonist.
>Pits Saints against the Syndicate in a believable way.
>Johnny's "death is explained later on and NOT ONE GAME AND SOME DLC LATER.
I likes it OP.

saints row thread?

Saints row thread

im playing SR1 right now and the final copperton truckyard hijacking side mission is a fucking pain in the ass.

im trying to max out the respect metre right away, so i've only control the row and nothing else.

i've tried chasing the cunt with a voxel, but i get blown up
i've tried full on T-bone-ing him when he comes in to view with a semi, but the rollerz gun me down quickly.

also, chinatown hitman is a pain in the ass.

>johnny getting injured/kidnapped again.
i dig it

>dex as the main antagonist
i double dig it

what's the best order to kill the gangs in SR1 and 2?

I like it but you're beating a dead horse, OP.

Thanks for the fanfic

are these saints row threads going to be a daily thing now?

Why is SR2 so perfect

because it had some impressive attention to detail, layered clothing, fun soundtrack, great story arcs, dead aisha, and it picks up where SR1 leaves off.

>>During the Morningstar missions the Boss finds out that Johnny is alive and goes to rescue him, but STAG raids the place at the same time and gets to him first
>>Once the Morningstar, Deckers and Luchadores are all destroyed, Dex uses STAG to attack the Saints full-force
>>Final mission is an assault on STAG HQ, final boss is Dex piloting an experimental STAG mech
I'd say make the end choice something between going after Dex or saving Johnny, since that would've been a much more difficult choice for most players than "Go after some guy you've known for a third of the story, or save the girls"

Okay, but the boss already killed Dex in saints row 2

no he didnt
that was Julius

Dex got away at the end of the corporate warfare DLC

>choice between saving Johnny or killing Dex
shit, that would actually make me consider letting the big baddie go free.

i let Shaundi, Viola and Burt Reynolds die every time

Been playing Gat Out of Hell(its free for PS+ users this month). Trying to 100% it and already at 90% completion. Getting those clusters are a pain.

is it worth playing through at all?

Yes. Not the best SR but still pretty decent. Main story is very short so you might want to do all the side stuff first.

Yeah, they could even spin it into SR4 by saying Dex is going to the president to get the national army's assistance, framing johnny for setting off a bomb that blows up half of steelport, so if you go after Johnny you have kenzie help you disarm the bomb & save johnny, where afterwords you vow to follow Dex to DC, or go kill dex and the bomb turns half the city into rubble.

Which coincidentally would make the map more varied and interesting, one problem I felt was a huge downside from SR2 to SR3.

does the lack of radio detract?

They needed a hero and you let them down.

its a fun co-op game

Not really no, but you do hear classic tunes as you are going through the city.

the Daedelus was more interesting to see than Red Facti-, i mean, gangsters in space

also Shaundi was already dead to me the moment the game started

>he plays SR for the story

>he doesnt


Dialog in the VK route indicates that the Carnales are still alive at that point. In the Rollerz route Donnie gets the Saints name wrong, which doesn't make sense if they own half the city. So Rollerz, VK, Carnales for 1.

Yellow, blue, red.


Red green yellow.

At this point I'm so fucking over Saint's Rows awful plot that I hope they make the "remake Earth and retcon the entire series" ending canon.

Start over. Maybe with an actual main character this time, not just a mute protagonist they gradually regret over the games.

Yeah, I meant blue yellow red fhair r sr1.

Story wise those make the most sense.

just play Kanye West's "Power" on loop and pretend you are playing Saints Row 3

Plus it makes sense in terms of power. The Carnales were in Stilwater first, then the VKs formed to fight them, the Rollerz got a foothold in the fighting. So the Carnales are the tough, old money gang, VKs are new money, and Rollerz are upstarts.

>This is how Saints Row 3 should have gone down.
Don't kill off a villain you hyped up so much in the first fucking hour and replace him with a shitty luchadore. That's it.

It's no longer silent, you get tunes just walking around.

A good decision desu fampai, that "completely silent when not driving" shit was old back in fucking GTA: Vice City.

Yeah it was pretty interesting.

Saints row used it, and Forza or someone used that song too.

There was no sense of progression. I just had everything instantly in sr3 and that really turned me off.

>Maybe with an actual main character this time, not just a mute protagonist
Fuck. That. The Boss being able to be customable too look like anything its an amazing addition, hardly any game allows the customization like SR did.
Also, what the fuck you mean by mute? You got about 7 choice of voices, motherfucker.

I really? I found going around, buying up the city in SR3 to get fucking everything to be the most fun part of the game.

I just wish that no reload/infinite ammo weren't options and that you could carry healing items into battle, SR2 style.

It let them throw so much more shit at you, fucking healing regen.

I did like that SR2 was where the first one left off.
>Main character(you do create at the start) fights some Saints menbers, Julius steps in and respects the MC and makes him join the gang
>At the end, Julius and Dex betrays the MC and blows up the boat he was on

>5 years later
>MC wakes up in a hospital in the prison and escapes
>Gets the Saints formed again
>Like the first, the MC takes over all rival gangs
>ULTOR(ULTOR was also in the Red Faction series as well) shows up
>MC kills Vogel, and Julius, while Dex gets away

Then things got weird.
>Saints gets popular and they have a massive marketing with merchandise and such
>Johnny dies in the beginning(never explains how he came back in IV)
>Saints end up in Steelport
>2 endings where one was they were shooting a film while the other they defeat STAG

>MC is now the President of the US
>Aliens capture them(WTF)
>Have to escape a simulation
>Earth blows up
>The Saints stops the aliens
>2 endings where one was the story was actually narrated by a person while the other where the Saints continues to take over planets

>Get Out of Hell
>Johnny has to save the MC
>Helps Vogel
>Defeats Satan and saves the MC
>One of the endings he gets God to recreate Earth(game has 5 endings and this ending is the official one since it leads up to the upcoming Agents of Mayhem game)

Storywise I dunno what the hell happened with the story since 3?

Did you not play SR1? The Boss only speaks four times in the entire game.

Have you heard the theory that 2 onwards is a coma dream, and the reason for the mounting weirdness is that the Boss is getting closer to dying and his mental state is decaying?

Did you only play SR1? All the other games he had a more expanded dialog with all the voices.

>chinatown hitman is a pain in the ass.
The Hitman missions aren't that bad, there's only like 4 or 5 targets you can't reliably get to spawn.

>"That they gradually regret over the games".

And the lead character being customization doesn't mean you can't have a set character. I'm talking personality, history, name, goals, not looks.

They actually did explain it. Zinyak captured Gat and made him relive Aishas death.

The first game your character has 4 lines.

Hope you don't mind hepatitis

I got run over by a fucking truck

Quit lying bitch, those were last season

Can we hurry this the fuck up, I want to go to freckle bitches.

Funny, but is pretty big contrast from 2.

Their upcoming Agents of Mayhem game supposedly takes place after the GooH ending that retcons the universe. Basically looks like it took the super powers of SR4 and ran with it without having to be weighed down by the actual Saints anymore.

>game has 5 endings and this ending is the official one since it leads up to the upcoming Agents of Mayhem game
Well then it don't matter what the hell happens, since the entire series is retconned.

Gat is now a police officer with Kinzie and Matt and the rest of the crew is unaccounted for.

Hopefully Shaundi stays unaccounted for.

>Poisons a guy with nuclear waste for insulting him with a bad deal
>Tricks the same guy into crushing his girlfriend with a truck
>Cripples a guy with pyrotechnics, ending his career
>Buries a guy alive as he begs for mercy
>Twists a katana around inside a guy's torso just to make him scream
>Shoots a terrified man out of a skyscraper window

I miss SR2 Boss. He did NOT fuck around

>it took the super powers of SR4
Hopefully it improved the animations. One of the things that made Gat Out of Hell more fun to play than 4 is that you didn't look like a fucking dofus gliding through the air.

Yes I know. But as I said, all the other games expanded it's dialog with all the voices in a smart way.

>mfw the Boss gives Matt all the rights to the Nyteblayde franchise

GooH's flying was one of the most natural feeling flight controls I've experienced in a game for a long while. Usually ended up with most of the clusters before I even did anything whenever I replay it due to how I liked the flying so much.

Almost forgot about that. Forgot they captured Gat's corpse and revived him somehow. Still IV really made the series rub the wrong way.

>Forgot they captured Gat's corpse and revived him somehow
They didn't revive him, he never died. The gunshots that cut him off on the intercom didn't even hit him. Zinyak teleported right into the plane and grabbed him.

No, Zinyak teleported into the plane and just took him. The reason being that Gat is the only person who can stop him.

>Forgot they captured Gat's corpse and revived him somehow.
You see it, man, Gat gets throatgrabbed by Zinyak and transportalated, still alive.

Man SR3/4 delved into Gearbox levels of bad writing.

Gat never died. They retconned it that he knocked Frenchie out, then Zinyak showed up and captured him immediately afterward. Loren lied that they killed Johnny and the Saints never recovered his body so it was a closed casket funeral.

Zombie Gat was a non-canon bonus character at the end of SR3.

In Volition's defense, it wasn't intended to go that way. The explanation in IV was unplanned. It was initially planned that he was going to be captured and rescued later, but for some reason or another THQ nixed that idea and he was officially dead, hence why you get Zombie Gat at the end of the game. It wasn't until Deep Silver bought them that Volition was free to retcon him back to life.

which saints grill would you fuck?

They were dropping hints in the Genki Bowl DLC that he was still alive as well.

Beats all those pkmn go threads.

Kinzie or Viola

They didn't know what made SR2 so good. It was this strange world the Boss lived in, the strange over the top nature of things were kept grounded, but there were still there. The boss was a psychopath and his actions were almost cartoon like, but it didn't feel like a cartoon because They treat it serious.

SR3 just tosses out the grounded aspect and rubs the absuritity in your face. Like "lol the mayor is Burt Reynolds", lol luchadors and cyber rollerskaters.

>you'll never play the true SR3 before executive meddling turned it into the patchwork mess it ended up being.

Is PC SR2 also dead? No way to p2p?

I still had fun.

It bothered me really, the gameplay itself was an improvement, but the city and story was absolute garbage compared to SR2.

Sad thing is that evidently early versions of SR4 were going to change Steelport more than it ended up being, but the final version has the city being virtually identical aside from a few buildings being removed/changed.

I would love to replay a redone version of SR2 with SR3/4 controls (no super powers though unless it's something like an end-game bonus).

I actually really like SR2s gameplay

>I would love to replay a redone version of SR2 with SR3/4 controls (no super powers though unless it's something like an end-game bonus).
Just make it into a "Saints Flow" consumable, that gives you a minute of super powers, like it was in SR3. Or turn it into an activity like Blazing or insurance fraud.

Super Powers are game breaking and blows most of the fun. I'm replaying SR4 with the "No Super Movement" cheat and the game feels much more challenging and fun. The fights are way tougher and for once I fell like I have to call the homies for certain battles rather than leaving them untouched. Super Speed and Jump allowed for easy kills and getaways.
And I can actually get to use the whole library of vehicles the game has to offer

>SR4 has a lot of unique vehicles and vehicle customization options compared to 3
>no reason to ever use any of them because super powers make them all obsolete

I'd be fucking mad if I was the guy who worked on that part of the game

Weird thing is that there are quite a few vehicles you can't even acquire or even get into in the normal game but can be unlocked with cheats. Almost all the vehicles from SR3 are in 4, and you see most of them during the game such as the STAG vehicles, but the game won't let you get into them or anything during the missions they are spawned.

Me too, I felt it was such a waste of potential and driving around with vehicles is fun, specially the X-2 Phantom I found at the beginning of the game.

What was this guy again?
Your number one ____?


Didn't you drive 1950s cars in SRIV since the simulated Steelport is supposed to based in the 1950s?


That's just for one tiny side-mission and prologue bit. Gat Out of Hell had larger differences from base Steelport than SRIV did.

No, that's just part of the tutorial and a side quest later in the game.

and there's a secret rare car that has an absurdly low spawn chance that ONLY appears in that one side quest, and if you miss it you can't get it again

What car? Feed me please.

Can't you store the car in the garage though?

Yeah, but you can't save it to the garage if you never see it, and the only time it ever appears is in that side mission.

>sainst thread still up
i love you folks

>page 10

get up

I'm afraid it's gonna die soon. I wonder how the other players Bosses look like.

The thing that sucked everything out for me was how over the top 3 was.

The first two were silly GTA but were grave and serious when it needed to be. The one cutscene in 2 at the funeral destroys any storytelling in 3.

Also, the gangs didn't have the same spirit than the ones in the original. With the other gangs, they had a theme and you can see that theme with them. 3's gangs? The same gang only with different colours and clothing.

Online PC SR2 still a thing?

Not the best angle but it's the only screeshot I have now.

gameranger it

gamespy kill



where'd you get those pants?
i sound like a white bitch

Here's my boss from SR2.

>wanted to get the SR during the Summer Sale
>kept fucking around
>didn't get them in the end

There's no way to make SR2 boss as cute and buxomy as in SR3, r-right...?

>it's another Sr2 is the only game that matters thread

no not really.

everytime i make a female boss, they look like the fat mexican bitch who fucks a one leged man in Orange is the new Black. (aka, typical fat mexican with ass)

>have a signed copy of GooH from Volition's developers

Helps to be a county away from their offices.