Make more games with delicious brown girls.
Make more games with delicious brown girls
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I'll think about it.
Also blonde girls.
And green ones too.
A Kat is fine too.
I ant to see Shantae poop
dat ass doe
Monkae is for _______
I want to see Shantae get raped, beaten, and just plain tortured to the point that she becomes a submissive mindbroken slave who lives for cock.
u wot
Your my kind of user, Seconding this.
>Attracted to mudslimes
>inb4 not mudslime
Fareeha is isl*mic name from quran
Nice race mixing promoting thread you got there shlomo
>Sup Forums
It's not race mixing if we're all brown m88.
Go away nigger/sandnigger
As soon as she starts protesting for shariah and wearing a headscarf then I'll worry about it.
I've got two friends who are second generation egyptian immigrants (parents immigrated), both of which are dogma-hating atheists. "brown = mudslime" means nothing. Pharah is best girl.
What ever keeps your boat floating Ahmed
I am tired of this taqqiya
>Some of the most beautiful women in the world are tied up with violent pre-enlightenment anti-western religious ideology
And the men decide to fuck goats. What a bunch of fucking retards.
Also ever seen lebanese or turks ?
They are muslims but rarely wear hijab
it is called taqqiya dumbfuck
Last time I had them over for breakfast we all shared bacon and pork sausage. This was a few weeks ago so I think that was during the muslim fasting bullshit.
Not all brown people are worthless. Islam is barbaric dogmatic nonsense and needs to be eradicated. Brown people are not.
>rich and creamy nips
yes, I too grow tired of taquitos
Sure thing ahmed
Your taqqiya is not working with me
Do white males have anything better to do than argue on an anime image board that the existence of non white women is a Jewish plot to destroy the white race? Man, your lives must be difficult...
how do I know that YOU'RE not really a muslim trying to reverse psychology the fragile people of this board?
I really hope the middle east becomes westernized in our lifetime.
Just think of all the qts who would be gloriously uncovered.
You're absolutely right. That's why Shantae has other girls do the lewd stuff for her.
theyve never had sex
>tries to redpill this board on mudshits
>calls me a mudslime
Simply I do not follow a pedo warlord
And do not worship a satanic moon god
Now how do I know that you are not a mudslime or Jew and you promote race mixing with shitskins ?
As a white male who puts his dick into real life brown girls, they do not speak for me.
T. Shlomo/Achmed
>>tries to redpill
Post discarded
If you're a Christian, you probably shouldn't be on Sup Forums. It's not good for your moral health.
Samefagging trying to make us think that mixing with brown people is O.k.
Nice try shlomo
lol /r9k/ is here
Go away Ahmed and Shlomo.
that sounds like taqqiya nonsense to me.
leave this board, mohammad. you are not wanted.
>tfw Hijab/Niqab fetish
I'm strangely conflicted
>Come to a thread about cute brown girls
>Racemixing mudslimes
>All brown people are muslims
>Unironically giving a shit about racemixing
I would racemix the shit out of a girl like Shantae. All kinds of genetic material if you know what I mean
turkey was a start.
from what i've heard, the hijab used to be illegal to wear while in public office or in public school.
don't know if this is true, but erodan or whatever the presidnent's name is, supposedly sent his daughter to the US just so she could wear a hijab while attending school
we're all mad here, user
Sometimes I wonder what this game would have to me if it came out about 18 years ago. Back when all it took was a little cleavage on a vidya girl to be all I ever thought about for weeks.
You got banned from Sup Forums, didn't you? Not even our resident Sup Forumslocks wanted your inbred ass.
holy shit mods actually doing something
so when does 1/2 genie hero come out?
If white girls are the best, then why are the most beautiful girls in the world, anime girls, based off of non white girls?
Oh fuck off, now you're just out right demanding it.
Japs are usually pretty ugly, tbqh senpai
right looks like this guy
I haven't seen that one before.
but make them completely covered and have them Flat ass, and flat chested with a rare disease that gives them a gut so men have no way of being attracted to them.
Im planning on it when i finally decide to start making games with my shitty degree
Though im not rushing it
I want to wait until i get used to making games before i start my personal dream gaming
Im planning a brown Latino or Cuban muscle girl as a half main character
You lost me at >cock
>not posting ram
but then they'd be irish women
>Spics are brown
>Travis went for Silvia in the end when Shinobu was basically throwing herself at him.
I'll always be mad.
it made everyone mad, user
You're not alone
>mfw Henry chose not to stay with the coma loli
White and Arab women are made for the mighty big black cocks
You mad just because we blacks got bigger dick?
Perfect reactiom gif because of HOW BIG IS THE BBC
>inadvertently censored AND made vidya related
Never patch this bug.
Update when?
No. They should be a rare treat.
I can't help but wonder if when games feature busty scantily-clad women like this if they just do it because it sells better. I think the same way about Skullgirls.
I honestly have no desire to play these games, but Shantae's one of the hottest characters out there
Why play Shittae, when you can play a game with better gameplay and waifus?
Not even for a little molesting? In clothes?
How do you pronounce her name?
I played Pirate's Curse the other day.
It was pretty fun.
its a genuinely good game though
>I think the same way about Skullgirls.
Funny you should say that, Skullgirls sold me on the not scantily-clad girl, it was just kind of neat waifu fightan until I saw Peacock
And no, it wasn't loli appeal either, she just genuinely struck me as a fantastic design and devoid of sexual appeal
Well I did get to fapping to her porn eventually, but I still can't see her in-game appearance as a sexual being
>why are professional japanese cosplayer more attractive than amateur western cosplayer
jeez, i don't know user
Why don't you fuck off. If you detest Shantae then why do you constantly come back to bitch?
>I'm not home so I can't post delicious Elma
Have you guys considered masturbating to Shantae?
They are really good games, and platformers no less, a dying genre, and filled with cute grills of all types. Good shit my friend, good shit indeed.
That's the basic functioning of Sup Forums in its entirety, you know.
And Sup Forums. And /o/. And Sup Forums. And...
Her VA is a sweetheart too
>wanted to dress her up as a slut
>don't feel like getting the items needed for the clothing
>Her pants have a vag pocket for easy access
double is my favourite and she isnt scantily clad either, The more sexual ones dont interest me.
do you actually find this image erotic?
we can't see shantae's shoulders and her head looks to be pretty flat on the bed so her neck must be at like a 90 degree angle
this is snuff