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>you will never be as autist as this guy.

I swear it sounds like it's looping the same YEAH over and over but the video doesn't match up

SUM 41

Did he get that ponyta with 0.5 A presses?

The worst part of it all is how relatable it is to be a shit kid with shit taste in music.



>caring about shinies when they always have shit ivs and natures and no HAs

>he's never caught a shiny before

i got a shiny grimer, psyduck, and i think a spinda

they had shit stats so i boxed em and never used them

You wouldn't understand the value of shinies, they're too Kafkaesque.

That's why you breed shinies silly

>every comment on that Sum 41 video is now related to the Ponyta video


he didn't think to weaken it at all? or use jigglypuff to put it to sleep? What an idiot

It sounds like his whole family is into it.

>tfw when I still listen to the album Chuck

Why did he use multiple quick balls? Why didn't he have a breloom to put anything to sleep?

Does this guy even know how to play pokemon?

kek what a sperg

>People still Pokemon

I can hear another voice from a speaker. Did he really call someone to tell them about this?

[muffled music]
[muffled music]
[muffled music]
[muffled music]

He had like 20 turns and Jigglypuff was an equal level so why not weakan it with attacks first at least

Does anyone have that video where the guy kills a shiny, starts crying, and then his mom comes in to comfort him?

Someone post the giratina one

>Excuse me; I just had dinner.

>I practiced so long for this
>I'm gonna use Bide
I got you.

I'm glad it ended this way

Why the fuck would he go for a second Bide after it uses Shadow Force? How retarded can one man be?

Jesus christ these "shiny hunters" are autistic enough to reset for a shiny for 30 days but dont even know how to catch pokemon

>I was just listening to my favorite band, Sum 41, No Reason, Live in Ontario 2005.

Why the fuck didn't he just use the masterball

>had a master ball
>doesn't use it

>I found the shiny and I killed it
Is his mom Fuuka

>you've never even see a shiny to know the pain of failing to capture one.

>your first and only shiny happened while you had an encounter code turned on
I'll never know what it truly was.

>resetting for months just for one shiny
Use gameshark if you're this desperate, saves you the trouble.

That's the one I was thinking about.

It's like seeing Sup Forums interact with his mother.

What the fuck does he even know how to play Pokemon?
Literally the only smart thing he did was use the quick ball, after that it's like I was watching someone that literally never played before.

If only
My mom left when I was 5

Is he handsome?
I think he looks like the handsome sort of guy, but I'm not a girl or gay so I never really know what is handsome or not.

I used to think this and then I realized shinies have been in the games for a long time and I likely had just caught one, but it was a new pokemon (for that gen) and didn't notice.

I have gotten the pokevirus on a lot of pokemon I catch though, and I guess the stat boost based on spreading that is better for gameplay anyway.

user, you don't need to be gay to tell one another guy is handsome or attractive.

Maybe you're just autistic. Maybe I'm juts gay.

this guy is so SHIET and he deserved what came to him

His mom sounds cute.

Shut up Kevin.

he looks like a fucking hipster nu-male, maybe if he got more muscle instead of being a malnourished lean stick with a cuckbeard he'd be handsome

>That gasp



The general rule is pretty much "pretty/handsome = pleasant to the eye"

He kinda has that sorta nerdy nu-male look that Sup Forums tells me isn't attractive. But he looks clean cut and hygienic I guess.

Oh okay

This was taken by me maybe 3 years ago. It stayed for 4 safari balls and then fled. I feel lucky just have seen it in the first place. I haven't left the safari zone since, shiny hunting on an off. I also lost a Rhyhorn because i picked up my sp to get a closer look, and when i put it back down the game crashed lol. Post more shinies.

>the mainline games will die
>there's a possibility that the infinitely better spin offs could be produced more
This is the only BUT HEY that I could agree with


>find a shiny swinub
>accidentally one-shot it

Yeah see.
He's pretty symmetrical, no blemishes, clean looking. Only real problem is lacking muscle, but it's not like every guy categorized as handsome is a muscle machine.

>playing pokemon silver on my gameboy
>have no idea what a shiny pokemon but encounter a shiny psyduck
>run over to my mom toshow it to her because im excited as shit
>she accidently hits gameboy hard enough that the system powers off before i could catch it

>he got grounded for 49 days

what the fuck, did his parents ground him for not catching the pokemon or am I missing something?

I really wanna fugg his mom. I bet she's cute in bed too.

>find shiny yanma in platinum safari zone
>it flees after the first ball

>First legitimate shiny in all the thousands of hours of gameplay was a Geodude in X in a horde battle.
>Every single one beside him had Sturdy
>Finally end up whittling it down to just him
>On the turn I would be able to throw any Pokeball he Self Destructed.
I managed to get a shiny female Houndour randomly hours later though so I guess it makes up for it.

I didnt breed my shiny gyrados back then at pokemon gold. Did I miss out?

>in the safari zone

>I've been practicing this for a long time
>Gonna use Bide

kek'd audibly

>never knew about shiny
>encountered a shiny sandshrew
>thought it was a glitch and got scared
>shut off my sp

this is why I don't go to the safari zone

>tfw caught a shiny spinda in pokemon emerald just recently

aint even gonna use that fucker but he's so cool

ffuuuuu shiny Sandslash is one of the coolest looking ones imo

Hasn't been explicitly true since gold/silver

Breed them faggot. I got a genetically perfect shiny mega Charizard X thanks to how much gen 6 dumbed down breeding.

>tfw caught my first shiny in a safari zone

Funny thing is that Platinum would regenerate the exact same shiny giratina after he beat the elite four once.

Assuming it's Platinum.

>tfw bred a fair number of comp shinies and even soft reset for a legendary one
>tfw now stepping back and looking at how pathetic my life really is
I want to feel happy about my autism but I can't

Why do people care about shinies
It's just a different colour you autists

>Playing Pokemon Gold for the first time
>defeat Elite Four so decide to catch every regular Pokemon in Johto before heading to Kanto
>go to Ilex Forest
>headbutt trees and go through grass like crazy
>then finally
>Golden Metapod
>after long period finally catch it on my last ball
>cherish the moment and blessed feeling it brought
>just then class asshole goes up to me takes gameboy and turns it off
>he then laughs a cruel laugh unlike any I ever heard as my shiny metapod was destroyed before my eyes
>my first shiny who I would love so dear

>15 years later find out on Kike Zuckerberg's Fagbook that he's playing Pokemon Go and cherishing every moment like the filthy trend-loving normalfag he is
I will not rest until I have my fucking revenge.

And yeah it was platinum.

A Pokefag's mind is an enigma.

Into the filter pile you go.

From Platinum onwards, beating the Elite Four causes all KO'd stationary legendaries to respawn with the exact same IVs and personality data (and thus, Shinyness) as when you KO'd them.

Make a living dex so you can get a shiny charm.

>tried to chain a blue ponyta in diamond
>couldn't even ever get over 15

>OMG Drifblin
whoooo gives a shiiiiiit?

Anyone else here never encounter a shiny?
I mean, I've played every generation and I even do a good amount of grinding in each on top of somewhat trying to complete the pokedex, on top of a normal playthrough of the game, but I've never once encountered a shiny.

>inb4 the shiny gyarados

>Encounter shiny smeargle
>Switch to my false swiper
>Realize I fucked up and am now on a countdown

Their rareness makes them look cool. Shiny Charizard is awesome because it's uncommon.

he says in the description he got too frustrated and turned it off before remembering that

For me and my friend, it was something to do when we had nothing else to do, and then because you've spent so much time sitting in the same spot hunting for one, it becomes a big thing when you actually see one.
It's like anything you put time and effort into, when it pays off, excitement ensues. Some of the sperg lords on Youtube just take it to the next level though.
If you've ever hunted for a rare mount or transmog in WoW, it's pretty much the same thing.

Nobody ever counts Big Red.

Sometimes I like them better.

Got a shiny furfrou thanks to masuda
Saw a shiny Entei in my first playthrough of Gold. Never knew what it was and restarted it at some point. Later realized I was an idiot.

Why do you have people you don't talk to or even like on Kikebook? I nuked my old account that had every person I had any form of interaction with and replaced it with one with only 20 people and I'm much happier with it.

I got a shiny Magikarp on an imported Heartgold while surfing around in the Lake of Rage.

Shit was extremely frustrating.

I really wanted one of these as a kid.

>tfw caught a shiny spinda
>LITERALLY the most unique shiny in the world

get jelly

Shiny Weedle back in Silver's Illix Forest before I knew what it meant. Only other shiny was a Linoone in AS when I randomly decided to travel instead of just flying to my destination.