What games did you play today?

What games did you play today?

I just arrived to hell. Things are getting fierce.

Persona 4 Golden
Age of Mythology

7th Dragon lll Code: VFD
It's pretty good.

WoW for 35 seconds until I realized I didnt want to play WoW


Tex Murphy Tesla Effect, Wolfenstein The New Order, and Galak-Z

chiaki a CUTE

Runescape, cutting wood all fucking day. Damn I need a job.

I actually finished Blood and Wine today.

Guitar Hero 3 plus, was fun

God Eater R
Monster Hunter Generations

i just love hunting games

Be a lumberjack.
Ask other lumberjacks how many years of experience they have and sell your logs at the market.
Don't forget to report lumberjacks disguised as cyborgs to the police.


Mostly Pokemon Go since I've made quite a few new friends trying to find the same Pokemon. It was also fun trying to defend my gyms from the other teams.

I also played a bit of uniel since my friend got it on pc

EO:Untold on classic, just playing something till I get

shit posting on Sup Forums

A RPGmaker porn game.

Kill yourself.

The Witcher 3: HoS
Zero Time Dilemma

Gat out of Hell.
A little of the new stunt tracks in GTAV.

Today was a pretty normie day now that I think about it.

GG Revelator


Street Fighter 3: Second Impact

It's pretty fun but controls noticeably worse than 3rd Strike. The music is without a doubt the best the series ever got and the stages are beautiful.

Wanted to play some cRPGs (probably Daggerfall) but since since I'm never home I'm just playing some SMTIV.

Tell me more about this game.

I'm replaying Ace Combat Zero because I love Ace Combat too damn much

Mad that I'm having "Fun"?

999, fucking boring as shit having to replay for true ending. I still want to get all the endings and do all the puzzles but fuck I'm bored of skipping. Is VLR as bad about it?

RO2, taking a day break from Dota 2, big tilts baby. RO2 is fun as hell, the servers where everyone is an aggressive retard and it turns into a huge meatgrinder is the best shit.

I love and hate that game


Replica is a puzzle game by a South Korean developer that puts you in the shoes of a prisoner being coerced to break into a phone and find evidence of terrorism. Throughout the entire game, the thinly veiled nefarious government is telling you to misinterpret the teenager's rebellious actions as being dissident and plotting in nature.

I need you all to understand that throughout the entire game it's stated, over and over, that this kid's need for secrecy and privacy is completely reasonable. In several of the endings, it even states that continually breaking into phones doesn't reduce counts of terrorism and crime.

And then, in one of the final, hidden endings that requires beating the game four times to get, you find out that the kid is actually a terrorist, was plotting all this time (complete with a big red button on his phone that states INITIATE TERROR ATTACK) that all his secrecy and privacy was him hiding his plotting and dissident actions.

It still attempts to portray him in a sympathetic and victimized light. South Koreans are obviously fucking idiots. Get waterboarded, punk.

Just Okami.
Got it emulated and it looks glorious.

Now if only I could defeat that damn Blockhead Grande for that bead.

Played some Dragon's Dogma for a bit. Wish I played for longer because the game is finally clicking with me but I had to do normie shit instead.

Project Diva: Future Tone
Street Fighter V

I'm terrible at all of them.

You can play your shit game, i was making a good suggestion for you

It's a dungeon crawler made by Imageepoch (They made stuff like Stella Glow and Luminous Arc), you get up to 8 classes, you can customize your party members, you kill dragons to upgrade your base, you can date your party (and have gay or hetero sex with them).
It's pretty fun.

overwatch with my boyfriend for like 8 hours. we didnt do too well but hes always fun to play with.

You a faggot or something?

How can you unironically play RO2?



Good for you faggot, have a nice night

If the helmet didn't look retarded I'd prefer this actually.

tf2, gonna play some more until i have to leave the house

Dragon Quest 8, recently realized my new CPU can handle better emulation. Is this game supposed to be so grindy at the start? Or am I just too obsessed with wanting to be able to kill things in 1 hit

goto bed already, you've been up all night

No, VLR gives you a flowchart so you can just go to the relevant scene for the different routes.

I agree. MOOM is still the best for me.

beat mario bros on the snes all stars cart earlier, should i play lost levels or smb 2 next?

TF2 comp matchmaking - gotta get rank 18 boys

I accidentally opened civ v

Enhanced death machine right there. Look at that wide as fuck stance with two monsters in hand and that small helmet to minimize getting hit.


Let's say medium level of grinding. To progress faster you need to abuse the alchemy system.

takes too long to find a match if you're lucky and their server aren't down.
4 comp matches so far, 1 had a guy who was afk, 1 had a fucker that left. the casual matches i've played has been better though.

but i just drank another cup of tea :(

tfw same cheaters 2 times in a row
god fucking dammit, lv 1 forever

so what did you play as and what loadout?

In the beggining, yeah. It gets better, don't worry.

Play Lost Levels, then 2 for a relax sesion.



Beware of the missable ones user.

are you 6 man queuing?
i main scout - stock always for scatter and pistol and basher/sword for melee

I've been playing uncharted 2 most of the day. Trying to beat them all on crushing.

>tfw you come home to play vidya and there's a blackout

>are you 6 man queuing?
if you mean that i have a team, ofcourse not, nobody wants to play tf2 anymore.

Getting all the others fine enough, but Grande is such a pain. Wouldn't be if you didn't have to hit the weakspots in the order they appear.

And I have to say, it feels so different than when I first played this at release. Being older and playing it again I'm realizing a lot of the shit I missed back then, especially things like Rao's corpse being in the hidden tunnel. I don't remember that at all.

Played some FFV. Not far into it but I like it so far.

chiaki is cute!

why you semd angry face and suggest i kill myself

the tf2 comp scene is still very much alive if not small - you can always visit teamfortress dot tv if you want to get into it more...


I expect this feeling, for I played 2 times but the last one was 6 or 7 years ago.
Will do it this year, for sure.

Just remember, Tama the pyrotechnician's theme is best theme

Because being a poor slav with a rifle and a handful of grenades is absurdly fun with either a very good TL and SL or very dogshit TL and SL, you either get a genuine slavic tactical meatgrinder or a genuine slavic retarded meatgrinder. It's too fun. You're trying to tell me taht proning out behind the burnt husk of a train on Pavlov's House as some random vodka gremlin, just peepin fascists as they run by isn't the best shit ever. Especially when the tank rolls up behind you and removes you from the earth. You just hate fun nigga.


i don't. i just want to play like i used to play dota, whenever i feel like playing a game, i'll play and do my best.
only problem with dota is that they change shit all the time and there's a ramp up period of getting used to all the changes, a few games just to get the hang of it again.
tf2 doesn't seem like it'll be majorly impacted by any such changes anytime soon.
doesn't matter gonna play some community server and chill for a while.

feels like i'm the only one playing old games too, everybody is off to the next big thing.

shop the original head back and make it a banner

RO2 is good, despite the shitty devs

Looks like he has a pussy for a helmet.

But I can't play online because they fucking region locked the lobbies AGAIN

Only played pokemon go today

Dayz and Va-11 Hall-A

God eater resurrection.
Played a mission then turned it off to watch d. Grey-man

>Va-11 Hall-A
For some reason I can't get myself to play it. I like the concept, been around on the threads constantly, did a little bit of the prologue even. But I can't make myself play the actual game without a drink, then when I do get a drink I want to do something else.

WoW, and Dark Souls

It's mostly just comfy. It was raining and storming tonight in my area so I got a blanket and a beer and enjoyed myself. It's the first single player game in a while I've actually enjoyed.

Just a bit further into my NG+ of SMTIV. Figure I'll try and get Neutral or Law ending, as I've gotten Nihil and Chaos endings, before Apocalypse gets released.

Leave Neutral for last, that's usually the only "good" ending in SMT games.

They did that for pc? PS3 never had that issue

grim dawn havent been this exited about a game for a long time.

Fuck you, I'm enjoying it so much
Yes, I've played the others

Project Diva Future Tone

I hope this gets an arcade style controller soon, I keep fucking up double/triple notes. I don't want to resort to getting an F controller and using an adapter

Yeah mate, same.
Just wait till the end.
That's when you gonna curse Kojima to death.


grinded some in FF4
bought FF13 but havent gotten in the mood to play it
same with subnautica

I ain't mad at you Boss but it has some problems, otherwise solid 8/10 imo.

No Sniper Wolf and BB training ever...

Glorious Red Dead Redemption the way it was meant to be played. Framerates weren't that bad on the 360 compared to the PS3, but it feels much better on the One now obviously.

It's not even that really, it's the fact that EVERYTHING referred to in Mgs1 and what not isn't playable like this user stated. Hell they don't even hide the twist that well when the dna test is brought up. If you played past games you work it out in your head pretty fast. Game is still good, too bad for cut content but otherwise a fun game.

Umbrella Corps.

Looks kinda fun. Aside from zooming to first person for firing, fuck that shit.

Think it'll be alive for much longer?
